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Example sentences for "footpath"

Lexicographically close words:
footmark; footmarks; footmen; footpad; footpads; footpaths; footplate; footprint; footprints; foots
  1. There on the banks you will find the footpath of the many who have passed that way.

  2. It was only I saw you coming by the road this morning and this footpath doesn't lead to Lonesome Ford.

  3. When I uttered his name he sprung off the footpath to avoid my touch, and jumped into a passing hansom, as if to get out of the very air I was breathing; he looked almost ill when he saw me.

  4. Being unwilling to use her roughly, he is about to put his hand into his pocket to purchase freedom, when a sudden drunken sortie from the house in question hurls them both off the footpath and effects his purpose.

  5. Luceval shook his head gloomily, as Valentine, with a gesture of encouragement, started down a narrow footpath that led straight to the garden gate of the villa.

  6. While he was thus awaiting the arrival of the marquis, a carriage that had left the chateau about three o'clock in the afternoon paused at the intersection of the footpath not far from the so-called Grand Sire's Rock.

  7. The sun was shining gloriously, so Karen and the old lady went along the footpath through the corn, where it was rather dusty.

  8. But when she came to the place where the footpath led across the moor, she found small pools of water, and a great deal of mud, so she threw the loaf into the mud, and trod upon it, that she might pass without wetting her feet.

  9. A footpath which led across the fields passed close by the old tree.

  10. The two other girls held their candles so that the footpath showed distinctly, as they walked beside the Captain.

  11. In the first lap of the exploration nothing unusual occurred as the footpath ran over smooth stone and sand, while the vaulted ceiling and sidewalls were far enough away to make the cave seem really larger than it was.

  12. I heard of a surly nobleman near London who took it into his head to close a footpath that passed through his estate near his house, and open another a little farther off.

  13. The memory of man ran not to the time when there was not a footpath there, and every pedestrian should have the right of way there still.

  14. By the footpath across the fields it was something less than four, and Colwyn, walking briskly, reached the rise above the marshes in a little less than an hour.

  15. Formerly the high massive wall enclosing the mill-grounds had cast its shade so far that the footpath beneath it was almost always damp and had long been avoided.

  16. The doctor's house was now reached by a stone bridge, crossing the river near the factory, and a pretty footpath along the opposite shore.

  17. The footpath was well marked, and had been well trodden in the old days by thirsty miners.

  18. The footpath wound a little here and there, but could nevertheless be seen along its whole length nearly to Dorfli; no one, however, was visible upon it at this moment.

  19. Not being familiar with the footpath which I was tracing, I fairly lost my way, and had some severe pulls, through mosses and ravines of no ordinary depth and extent.

  20. I was saying that the footpath was seldom used.

  21. In old times the footpath was seldom used, except by the Leather Hermit.

  22. Then, missing the footpath in the dark, he struck out across a sodden meadow in quest of the road.

  23. He had left the road, and taken heedlessly to the footpath that struck across the waste of indifferent pasture interspersed with clumps of gorse.

  24. If we prefer the walk we can take a footpath by the bridge or the Bell Tower, and follow the winding stream to this point.

  25. From this point, after crossing the railway, a farm road will take us to the end of the village; or we may take the footpath through the arch beneath the line that we passed a few hundred yards further down.

  26. When we had said good-by and were turning the horses away, there suddenly appeared in a footpath that led down from one of the green hills the young grandchild, just coming home from school.

  27. I should like to follow the old footpath still farther.

  28. He was in the Happy Heart when I was going by, and he sang Jog on, jog on the footpath way.

  29. Neighbor boys made a slide, a quilt tied to two strong saplings, and carried their little friend some ten miles over a rough mountain footpath to the nearest wagon road.

  30. But when Tillie Bocock did catch sight of her, Pol turned off from the footpath and hurried away.

  31. If you have the time and inclination to follow the footpath on around toward a cliff to the right you may come upon old Jorde Foley sitting near on a log as if keeping watch over the place.

  32. At the corner of Merrion Row a horse was lying on the footpath surrounded by blood.

  33. Just then a man stepped on the footpath and walked directly to the barricade.

  34. I used to enjoy walking with my friends up and down the broad footpath of the drive leading to the real palace, which had been laid especially for Napoleon in the fatal year 1813, when he had fixed his headquarters there.

  35. She was to go by way of Weimar, while I took the footpath from Magdala.

  36. The shop keepers in the middle of the footpath were looking about them anxiously; the window-shutters were fastened; and when he reached the Rue Soufflot, he perceived a large assemblage around the Pantheon.

  37. But he caught a glimpse of Pellerin's profile on the footpath outside; the painter gave a quick tap at the window-pane, and he had scarcely sat down when Regimbart asked him why they no longer saw him at the office of L'Art Industriel.

  38. Then, he recalled to mind one winter twilight when on the same footpath Madame Arnoux walked thus by his side, and he became so much absorbed in this recollection that he no longer saw Rosanette, and did not bestow a thought upon her.

  39. From time to time, the tramp of boots on the footpath outside reached his ears--it was he!

  40. Pauline Johnson The Gipsy Trail Rudyard Kipling Wanderlust Gerald Gould The Footpath Way Katherine Tynan A Maine Trail Gertrude Huntington McGiffert Afoot Charles G.

  41. As they start into the next field, they are aware of two figures walking down the footpath in the middle of it, and recognize Holmes and Diggs taking a constitutional.

  42. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "footpath" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.