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Example sentences for "foul play"

  • Depend upon it, Peter, there's foul play intended, that is, if foul play is rendered necessary.

  • There are various traces of foul play in regard of this conspirator in particular, which serve to shake our confidence as to the treatment of all.

  • Various suspicious reports started a belief that he had been the victim of foul play.

  • On digging below, the corpse of the missing woman, bearing marks of foul play, was discovered.

  • If the people are wanted in any large numbers, such as for the identification of bodies found, and if foul play is suspected, it is the police who beat the drum and call them in.

  • I say that Cosmo Mornington did not die, as you think, of a carelessly administered injection, but that he died, as he feared he would, by foul play.

  • It is not at such moments," the Prefect emphasized, "that a man fits up clockwork and lays traps, especially when those traps cannot take effect unless he dies by foul play.

  • Ralph's choice was considered too wonderful for words, and more than one girl felt that the thing had been managed by foul play.

  • Now, there is not the slightest doubt in the minds of us five girls that there is foul play in this matter: yes, Jane, foul play.

  • And then, I had no suspicions until the idea cropped up that Mr Hubert had met wi' foul play.

  • In a word, you suspected that there had been foul play, and that your master was at the bottom of it?

  • Cato answered, that he lost the praetorship the first time, not by the voice of the people, but by the violence and corrupt dealing of his adversaries; whereas in the election of consuls, there had been no foul play.

  • They took the bier upon their shoulders, and stood over it, while it was placed on the pile, and really seemed to have fair grounds for their suspicion of foul play.

  • That hour I renewed my search with increased vigour and a keen desire to revenge the death of Sybil, which I felt convinced had been brought about by foul play.

  • Both the Countess and yourself have perfect liberty to form your own conclusions, and they would be amusing were it not for the gravity of the question involved, namely, whether or not Gilbert Sternroyd has met with foul play.

  • I could not rid myself of the conviction that my well-beloved had been the victim of foul play.

  • As the cheerless morning wore on, I sat after breakfast gloomily smoking, trying to verify my first impression that Sybil had been the victim of foul play in the hope of dispelling it.

  • I recalled now the peculiar look on his face which I had interpreted as indicating that he thought Murtha had been the victim of foul play.

  • Helen McIntyre, during their interview, had not responded to his appeal for her confidence, nor vouchsafed any reason for her belief that Jimmie Turnbull had been the victim of foul play.

  • She knew of the ill-feeling between the men and suspected foul play on Rochester's part.

  • Do you mean that Jimmie's death was not the result of a dangerous heart disease, but of foul play?

  • Yes, foul play, committed by somebody who possesses expert toxicological knowledge.

  • I know that there is no suspicion that death was due to foul play, Graham," I said.

  • Therefore there was no doubt that death had resulted from foul play.

  • My duty, I felt, was to leave no stone unturned until I had discovered whether Gabrielle Engledue had died from natural causes, or as a result of foul play.

  • The world believed his death to be due to natural causes, in view of the failure of Professors Dale and Boyd, the Home Office analysts, to find a trace of poison or of foul play.

  • Yet there was no evidence whatever either of poison or of foul play.

  • To the outside world there was no suspicion whatever of foul play.

  • You agree with me, then, that poor Harry was the victim of foul play?

  • These still insisted upon their theory of foul play.

  • Since that time no trace of him has been found, and it is believed that he was made the victim of foul play, and that he is murdered.

  • Even the closest friends of the missing man, earnest as they apparently were in the declaration of their belief that he had been the victim of foul play, still hoped against hope that their fears would not be realized.

  • Since the man still wore his goggles, and there was no sign of a struggle, Baines argued, and reasonably, I think, that death was not the result of foul play.

  • I came to the conclusion that there had been foul play, that the broken machines were a blind, and that the men had been brought to the places where they were found after they were dead.

  • At the inquest the doctor distinctly said that there were no marks on the body to suggest he had been the victim of foul play.

  • There is no doubt that he was drowned, and there is not the slightest indication that he was the victim of foul play before he was in the water.

  • If you have suspicion of foul play we should surely know if there is any wound, or any injury to account for death.

  • There was no mark of violence--nothing to show that mademoiselle had been the victim of foul play?

  • But in our own interests we must send for a medical man, and if it is found to be actually a case of foul play, for the police.

  • Do you think Yolande has been the victim of foul play?

  • An autopsy resulted in a certain suspicion of foul play.

  • The attitude of his gaolers changed towards him as he was suspected of foul play and he was secretly apprised that he would probably be carried further out of the world and removed to Brest.

  • Unfortunately for Latude the innocuous nature of the powder was disbelieved, and the mere possibility of foul play sufficed to raise suspicion.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "foul play" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    certain branches; distinct species; foreign trade; foul ball; foul play; foul weather; free institutions; giving spirit; gradually increasing; great square; immense extent; land called; our hearts; single instant; stand forth; stated before; that instant; tiny woman; towards morning; turned about; with other; witness whereof; word only; younger days