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Example sentences for "grounded"

Lexicographically close words:
groue; groues; ground; groundcar; grounde; grounder; grounding; groundless; groundlessness; groundlings
  1. And although we are grounded for keeps, if we are not above the surface of the Earth right now I don't know anything about altitudes.

  2. On September 18 the vessel glided gently and cautiously between huge blocks of grounded ice like castle walls and towers of glass.

  3. Some stranded on shallows in the middle of the river, others grounded at projections of the bank, and other rubbish was piled up against them till the whole mass broke away and danced down the river towards the sea.

  4. Here the men had to be careful, for at any moment the boats might capsize against a grounded tree trunk.

  5. A prejudice or prepossession is grounded often on feeling, fancy, associations, etc.

  6. A presumption (literally, a taking beforehand) is a partial decision formed in advance of argument or evidence, usually grounded on some general principle, and always held subject to revision upon fuller information.

  7. And if whatever is assented to at first hearing and understanding the terms must pass for an innate principle, every well-grounded observation, drawn from particulars into a general rule, must be innate.

  8. No great while after Mrs. Lobeck had acquired this more perfect knowledge of the theory of Divine truth, and became rooted and grounded in its belief, she was received, with her husband, into fellowship with the church.

  9. To some, who are rooted and grounded in the faith, this question may present no difficulty; but to me it is one of great importance and of painful perplexity.

  10. The mixing of the wine with water was held to be essential, and was grounded upon John xix.

  11. We mean the part played by the patron, which was so deeply grounded in the social life of classical antiquity.

  12. His theory of morals, with its legalistic tendency and its righteousness of works, was grounded not in Judaism but in Stoicism.

  13. Upon one meeting and a short conversation, with subsequent remarks from Edgar Abbott, Rolfe had grounded a very favourable opinion of Mrs Langland.

  14. Better grounded for such studies than Harvey Rolfe, he pursued them with a steadier devotion and with all the advantages of domestic peace.

  15. Wherefore he grounded his loue vpon none other foundation and intent, but to loue her with all his power so perfectlye as was possible, which in the ende came vnto her knowledge.

  16. Laelius and Fulvius added, that Scipio had grounded his hopes of effecting a peace on Hannibal and Mago not being recalled from Italy.

  17. For a quarter of an hour the canoes plied fruitlessly about, then found the dead men gently grounded in an eddy.

  18. Further, a few hundred thousand tons of ice had grounded upon the spit and upreared a glittering ridge.

  19. A few more strokes and it grounded at the foot of the bank.

  20. I should indeed find room to despond, if my spirits were not supported by the resources which I derive from my litterary character, and by the well grounded hopes which I build on the assistance of a tried and powerful friend.

  21. But if the evidence, as grounded on the coat, was slight against Emilius, how could it prevail at all against his client?

  22. Marriage, therefore, was not grounded upon sentiment, but upon necessity and duty.

  23. They will be grounded upon the forms of marriage and of the family which produced them, the existence of these forms being assumed.

  24. Finding a small island on which the coating was thin, they grounded the Callisto, and stepped out for the first time in several days.

  25. In every one of us there is a contemptible individuality, grounded in what is ephemeral and capriciously personal.

  26. Martin Luther by name, have taken it upon me to prove for further instruction each and every article in a well-grounded work.

  27. Evidently it is our duty to endeavour to understand and explain this account, however grounded our suspicions may be.

  28. Upon this supposed early defection of Lord George to the Hanoverian party, Murray grounded his accusations.

  29. For some time entreaties from Lord George to his brother, that he would send men to replace those who were killed at Falkirk of the Atholl men, were met by excuses too well grounded in reason.

  30. This step was shortly followed by an intimacy which, probably in the commencement, was grounded upon mutual good-will.

  31. They grounded their assertion of right to the usage of time immemorial; and to their having had it during the two previous battles.

  32. The conductor should be carried to all high points of the building it is to protect and should be well insulated from the latter and grounded in deep wet earth, independent of gas or water pipes.

  33. In passing through floors (or walls) the wires often come in contact with concealed pipes or other grounded material, hence the only way they can be properly protected is by making the bushing continuous.

  34. Where sections of metal conduit are installed without being fastened to the metal structure of buildings or grounded metal piping, they must be bonded together and joined to a permanent and efficient ground connection.

  35. At length the boat grounded on the hard bed of the channel, and Brother Petrox called to Revyngton to jump out.

  36. Half-an-hour's steady pulling and the skiff grounded on the sandy shore.

  37. Thought" is to eliminate mere coincidence, and to assert grounded coherence.

  38. The coincidence which precedes a valid or grounded coherence (the conjunction which as coexistence of objects and sequence of acts is perfectly adequate) never is, as antecedent, the coincidence which is set over against coherence.

  39. Are things, then, apprehended as objective in virtue of the agent's attitude toward them, or is the agent's attitude in a typical case grounded upon an antecedent determination of the objectivity of the things in question?

  40. Your uncle Antony, in particular, speaks rough and vile things, grounded upon the morals of his brother Orson.

  41. Between the ninth and the concluding stanza, two or three are omitted, as grounded on subjects which have lost their interest--and for better reasons.

  42. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "grounded" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.