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Example sentences for "guttered"

Lexicographically close words:
gutta; guttae; gutted; gutter; gutteral; guttering; gutters; gutting; guttural; gutturals
  1. The Board of Trade vibrated with the vast trepidation of the Pit, that for two hours had spun and sucked, and guttered and disgorged just overhead.

  2. The candlesticks trembled askew in their hands; the wax guttered down, and the taller of the two girls, with an uncovered long neck, gazed at me out of big sleepy eyes in a sort of dumb wonder.

  3. The melancholy of early morning in a banquet-room had settled down, and all the candles guttered in the draught of doors.

  4. The candles of coarse mould, stuck in a rude sconce upon the wall above the mantelshelf, guttered to their end, set aslant by wafts of errant wind that came in through the half-open door and crevices of the window.

  5. Candles flickered and flared, guttered out, were renewed.

  6. Even as he that had been named Michael Lanyard was a lost light, a tiny flame that guttered toward its swift extinction.

  7. Thus fanned, the weak flame of his life wasted quickly and guttered out.

  8. The candle in the lantern guttered and went out.

  9. At last the candle guttered and went out, but they played on by the moonlight.

  10. The great procession swept forward; black brothers of Misericordia, shrouded and awful, bore the bed or stalked before it with torches that guttered and flared sootily in the dancing light of day.

  11. A candle guttered on a little table in the corner, and the Crucified showed white upon the black cross above.

  12. The lead guttered the side of the building within an inch of the target.

  13. Ruth Pemberton made no reply: her fascinated eyes saw where a trickle of blood guttered the cheek of Mr. Masterson.

  14. Many of the candles had guttered to the socket and gone out; only two or three, burning ghostly before the tall mirrors, remained to cast a light through the darkened room.

  15. The soil was removed, and there lay the rasped and guttered track which the ancient glacier had made as it moved along upon its slow and tedious journey.

  16. Our course led up some terrific steeps, densely wooded with larches and cedars, and traversed by paths which the rains had guttered and which were obstructed by loose stones.

  17. He was still there, fully dressed, when the candle guttered in the candlestick, throwing up spasmodic gleams of light before dying into the dark.

  18. The man was mere carrion, and John Gore sprang up the stairs, finding the lantern still burning, though the grease from the candle had guttered through upon the stones.

  19. The candle in the lantern guttered about midnight, and John Gore was left in the dark to listen to Mr. Pepys’s snoring and the heavy breathing of the tired horses.

  20. And so the candle guttered down one side till but little tallow was left above the pin; for though the flame grew pale and paler to the view in the growing morning light, yet it burnt freely all the time.

  21. But do what I would the wind came gusting round the corner, blowing the flame to one side, and making the candle gutter as another candle guttered on that black day at the Why Not?

  22. He has a yellow look in the spectral darkness of a candle that has guttered down until the whole length of its wick (still burning) has doubled over and left a tower of winding-sheet above it.

  23. The lamps guttered and flared against their tin reflectors, reeking with an oily stench in the stagnation of the unaltered air.

  24. He looked at his father and his mother, withered to sereness by their unrelenting battle with a life that had all been frostbite until even their power of resentment for its injustice had guttered out and dried into a dull acceptance.

  25. Nothing could have been more striking than the change from her look of guttered expectancy to a sort of hard dismay.

  26. She went up with her head whirling, a dry sensation in her throat, a guttered frightened feeling in her breast.

  27. The matches would roll over it, and one would lodge in the guttered top.

  28. The house would be pulled up and then pushed down; always a match would be in the guttered end of the piece in the chimney.

  29. The house would rise high enough so that the top of the guttered piece would be at the bottom of the slanting sides.

  30. He plunged in just as Ralph shot the limousine over the guttered brink of the road and down upon the sands.

  31. At the head of them Alan Macdonald rode, beside an old man whose neck was guttered like a wasted candle and his branching great mustache gray as the dust on his bony shoulders.

  32. Tom Lassiter's guttered neck was agitated; the muscles of his bony jaw knotted as he clamped his teeth and looked straight along the road ahead of him.

  33. The candles had guttered and gone down, but she didn't feel it possible to move out of her lethargy.

  34. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "guttered" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.