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Example sentences for "hayfield"

Lexicographically close words:
hay; haya; hayan; haycock; haycocks; hayfields; hayfork; haying; hayloft; haymaker
  1. I'd take and shew you in myself only I'm wanted down to th' hayfield now.

  2. I'm off to play in the hayfield along of Robin, then.

  3. In the stable and out in the hayfield he was ever on his back, though Jamie was never the lad to cross him or to begin an argument.

  4. One night the harvest moon was riding her glorious way across the heavens, and the little village of Hayfield lay steeped in silver light.

  5. That the fairies really had haunted Hayfield and its surrounding woods, nobody in the village doubted.

  6. Then, too, Simon was the best man in the village to coax stories from, especially the old-time gossip about the little folk in green, for whom in former days Hayfield had been famous.

  7. So far as I have heard, that is the last visit Hayfield has had from the little men in green.

  8. VII The next evening it was, after the first day in the hayfield and while Mr. Peverell in the big barn was sharpening the knives of the mowing machine, that Mary set herself to the task of telling his wife why she wanted to come to the farm.

  9. The coming of Lucy into that hayfield only the summer before was proof that it was true.

  10. Then it led by the hayfield wall, on the right a tangle of wild roses and other wallside flowers and weeds, on the left the neat rows of my vegetables, with the peas already brushed.

  11. In the long light of afternoon, Stella loved to go along the path by the hayfield wall and then turn in amid the corn, losing sight at once of all the universe and wandering in a new world of rustling leaves.

  12. Finally we skirted the tamarack swamp, took the path up through the fringe of pines at the southern end of the field crops, and let it come back to the house beside the hayfield wall.

  13. She resolved to sleep in a hayfield which took her fancy just outside the town, and she only went into Oakley for the purpose of buying some bread and milk.

  14. Again the chill fingers seemed to seize my hand, and I was guided by the way I had come to the edge of the wood, and crossing the hayfield still slumbering in the starlight, I crept back to the inn and went to bed.

  15. Then, presently, we came to the edge of the grove, and I saw a hayfield lying in the blaze of day, and two horses basking lazily with switching tails in the shafts of a laden hay-waggon.

  16. It's so nice of him to remember that they always mowed the hayfield last for his mother's sake, and so nice of him to think of Queen Anne's lace all these years!

  17. Beulah itself, as well as all the surrounding country, had looked upon the golden hayfield paper and scorned it as ugly and countrified; never suspecting that, in its day, it had been made in France and cost a dollar and a half a roll.

  18. The medical man was right, and Tommy announced that a labourer had fallen suddenly sick in the hayfield and appeared about to perish.

  19. Theer was yan at Hayfield Fair, an the fellys they nearly smashed t' booth down, cos they said it wor a cheat.

  20. Then it stretches suddenly before you, a level plain of springing grass, a single rich hayfield in June, as perhaps John looked out over it on the day he sealed the Charter.

  21. He liked his plan so well that he could hardly wait to try it; and he went back to the hayfield almost at a run, whereas he usually sauntered along so slowly that his father often had to speak to him somewhat sharply.

  22. Should you ever visit Hayfield Centre, I shall be glad to receive a call from you.

  23. Did you say you were from Hayfield Centre?

  24. He observed with pleasure and relief that the man who had questioned his identity with any of the ministers of Hayfield Centre was no longer in the store.

  25. To-morrow, I will come with witnesses whose testimony will outweigh that of this gentleman, who I suspect never was in Hayfield Centre in his life.

  26. I am afraid," continued Mr. Montgomery, "I must wait and send you the money in a letter from Hayfield Centre.

  27. Imagine what our friends in Hayfield Centre would think of such a charge!

  28. I have a sister living in Hayfield Centre, and frequently visit the place myself, and so of course know something of it.

  29. Parson Barnes, of Hayfield Centre," said the youth, confidently.

  30. Mr. Barnes and his wife, of Hayfield Centre; entered the elegant store, and ten minutes later Paul Hoffman entered also, and took his station at the counters wholly unconscious of the near proximity of the man who had so artfully swindled him.

  31. Not know Mr. Barnes, the minister of Hayfield Centre?

  32. Mr. Barnes, of Hayfield Centre, I won't mind paying you five dollars for your trouble.

  33. The practise of pairing men and women in the hayfield gets the work done.

  34. Take it along in the hayfield a hot summer day.

  35. So, early next morning his goody took a scythe on her shoulders, and went out into the hayfield with the mowers, and began to mow; but the man was to mind the house and do the work at home.

  36. It was evening when the rich brother got the mill home, and next morning he told his wife to go out into the hayfield and toss hay while the mowers cut the grass, and he would stay at home and get the dinner ready.

  37. A man clad in white flannels, and wandering slowly about, would have found that hayfield cool enough and pleasant, I have no doubt.

  38. Now I go about with my scythe in my hand, and hunt for clumps of grass tall enough to cut, for the hayfield is shorn close and tolerably smooth, and the grass lies in the sun and gives off all manner of sweet odors.

  39. The mowing of that hayfield with that new scythe was simply a joy--a delight.

  40. When I tried it the other afternoon, just before dinner, I found myself laughing, and I should have gone at the hayfield then if Eve had not stopped me.

  41. I should have ploughed up that hayfield and put it into potatoes if I could have found anybody to do the ploughing.

  42. Besides, if it is cut in June it is out of the way, and I can use my hayfield for a ball-field if I am so minded.

  43. And that has its difficulties too, that I do it in secret, for if I practised in the house it was not secret, nor was it secret in my garden or in the hayfield or on my bluff.

  44. Half stunned, he fell into the deep rut of an old road crossing the hayfield at right angles to his course.

  45. He was dissatisfied with it, but could think of no way to state it better; so to turn the subject to something foreign to the hated topic, he remarked on a hayfield they were passing.

  46. As to the immorality, undoubtedly a great deal of what is coarse and rude does pass upon the hayfield, but the hayfield does not originate it; if the same men and women met elsewhere, the same jokes would be uttered and conduct indulged in.

  47. It is not that the hayfield itself originates this coarseness but this is almost the only time of the year when the labouring classes work together in large numbers.

  48. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "hayfield" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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    clearing; field; paddy; patch; plat; plot; tract