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Example sentences for "herbage"

Lexicographically close words:
heralds; herausgegeben; herb; herba; herbaceous; herbal; herbalist; herbalists; herbals; herbarium
  1. A quick, sharp whistle surprises you from the herbage near by, and a striped chickaree skips across the leaves and dives into his burrow at the foot of an old stump not far away.

  2. It is whispered in the fragrant breath of flowers, and of the aromatic herbage you crush beneath your feet.

  3. It is resorted to by the dwellers of the neighbouring district, who come to water their flocks, and feed them on the herbage that springs round the margin.

  4. We must make these weary stages on account of the scarcity of water and herbage for the camels.

  5. There is not much herbage about where we are, so we are obliged to send away the camels some distance to feed.

  6. The sand between Shaty and El-Wady, piled in masses, or heaps, extending in undulating plains, and occasionally opening in small valleys with herbage and trees.

  7. The valley of Tabea is a pleasant place, having herbage for the camels in abundance, as is the case wherever the ethel-tree is found.

  8. He did leave Janet as if bound for Tajetterat; but it was for the purpose of giving his camels a feeding of herbage in that direction.

  9. We started late, and made only a short day; but herbage for the camels is only found hereabouts.

  10. We rose early on the 27th, and starting at half-past six, continued moving until noon, when we encamped in a valley a little before the water of Akourou, where there is herbage for the camels in a hollow amidst rocky sandstone hills.

  11. There was no herbage for camels to-night, but we had brought a little hasheesh with us.

  12. This is a sandy valley, with herbage for the camels; the water, not very good, is a few feet from the surface, and issues from some rocks.

  13. No herbage for camels is found in these parts, and we had been compelled to carry some with us from Wady Haghaneen, and to wake up with dates, of which the camels ate voraciously as a treat.

  14. One of these, called Anan Haghaneen, led us into the pleasant and picturesque wady of Mana Samatanee, where only in this part of the route can be found herbage for camels.

  15. This is also a species of plateau, but consists of sand-hills, sandstone rocks, and shallow valleys filled with herbage and shrubs.

  16. No herbage was found to-day, except a few scanty bits here and there.

  17. In the Southwest it roamed over much of both the Upper and Lower Sonoran Life Zones, wherever suitable grass and herbage could be found.

  18. On this relatively flat land, every home site was equally advantageous and the grass and herbage all ideally suited to the prairie dog's use.

  19. After cutting down as much herbage as it can handle at one time, it gathers the mass into an unwieldy bundle and carries it by mouth to one of the sites it has selected as a curing place.

  20. In addition, they ate low herbage and nibbled leaves, buds, and fruits from shrubs that grew along the watercourses.

  21. It is like finding the tender flowers and fresh herbage of the valley growing among the rocks and cinders of the volcano.

  22. Their bivouacs, their groups on guard, their indolent noon-tide repose on the mountain brow, their rude repast on the herbage among rocks and trees, every thing presented a study for a painter.

  23. He struggled with it for a time, but the warmth and sultriness of mid-day made it irresistible, and he at length stretched himself upon the herbage and fell asleep.

  24. The natural herbage in Glen Tilt was known as the most succulent in Perth; the deer forest of Ben Alder was the best natural meadow of Badenoch; the forest of Black Mount was the best pasturage in Scotland for black-woolled sheep.

  25. The succession of those Alpine plants, which are common to the Cheviot Hills, when they are put under sheep, being also the natural herbage of the mountains of Sutherland, renders them still more suitable to this mode of occupation.

  26. For prolonged entertainment, no picture can be compared with the wealth of interest which may be found in the herbage of the poorest field, or blossoms of the narrowest copse.

  27. But the leaves of the herbage at our feet take all kinds of strange shapes, as if to invite us to examine them.

  28. The wet herbage disagreed with my baggage animals.

  29. The sudden change of food from dry grass to the young herbage which had appeared after a few showers, brought on inflammation of the bowels, which carried them off in a few hours.

  30. They are always fat, I believe, with some delicate Herbage that grows on the Hills; for we find all Creatures that graze much fatter and better Meat on the Hills, than those in the Valleys: I mean towards and near the Sea.

  31. The late-risen moon discovered the little mounds of hay thick around him, the aroma of the curing herbage was blowing to him an invitation to stop and sleep.

  32. Only a few days together the camp remained in one place, no longer than it took the sheep to crop the herbage within easy reach.

  33. It is found near hedges and thickets, from the fruits and herbage of which it obtains its food.

  34. The one that is carelessly nibbling the herbage on the very edge of perdition!

  35. He takes me into an apparent wilderness, but I find rich herbage on the unpromising plain.

  36. Not a dead leaf, every tuft of herbage in its right place.

  37. The startled sheep left a darker track of dew-despoiled herbage behind their flying footsteps.

  38. Amid the tangled herbage of the forecourt, a spot overgrown with mallow and bramble shoots, there was standing a cart which, lacking wheels, had its axle-points dark with mildew.

  39. Then she tears herself away, glances around the courtyard, and darts to a corner where, under a fence, a clump of herbage is sprouting.

  40. Presently, from a corner of the yard that lay screened behind some rank, pale, withered, trampled herbage a door screeched.

  41. It wanted a few minutes of sunset as the travellers landed, and the parting rays of the great luminary of our system were glancing through the various glades of the openings, imparting a mellow softness to the herbage and flowers.

  42. But, perfected in judgment, we return in a great measure to our early feelings, and thank Raffaelle for the shells upon his sacred beach, and for the delicate stamens of the herbage beside his inspired St. Catherine.

  43. Again they descended into the cool bottoms where the sun had not yet penetrated, and where a bite of chill air still lingered in the shadows, while the dew lay thick on the coarse herbage and slaked the surface of the sand.

  44. Driver's maps of 1787, according to which the Forest boundaries had for a length of time been regarded as practically settled, comprising the soil, timber, and herbage actually belonging to the Crown.

  45. The eggs from which they are produced, are deposited in the sands or dust; where they lie until rain falls, and causes the herbage to spring up.

  46. A sense of fear kept all together, and as there was no herbage upon any side to tempt them to stray, they moved regularly on.

  47. Their breath scorched the herbage before them.

  48. Evidently she neither knew nor cared so much as a wisp of hay about Cadmus, and was only thinking how to get her living along the wayside, where the herbage was green and fresh.

  49. And these disdaining the herds grazed still on the rich herbage in the pastures, and they were exceeding high of heart.

  50. Nic had never before realised how difficult it was to proceed over wet herbage after the fashion of a caterpillar.

  51. The warm southerly wind was perfumed with the scent of budding and flowering herbage and the balmy, resinous odors of spruce and balsam.

  52. These tropical countries have lots of color in them--the flowers are gaudy and the palms and herbage are very green, but look how coarse they are.

  53. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "herbage" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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