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Example sentences for "hoecake"

Lexicographically close words:
hocussed; hodden; hodie; hods; hoe; hoechsten; hoed; hoeing; hoen; hoes
  1. Oh, dey would mix up a batter just like dey was gwine make a hoecake en wrap it all up in oak leaves or a piece of dis here heavy brown paper en lay it in de hot ashes.

  2. Your ma, she ain' never left nothin but corn hoecake in your pan since you been born en you know dat, too.

  3. Jes ster (stir) up uh nice hoecake en wrap it up in oak leaves wha' right sorta wet.

  4. Yes, mam, de spider got three legs dat it sets on en de griddle, dat what I makes dese little thin kind of hoecake on.

  5. Den yuh rake uh heap uv ash togedder en lay yuh hoecake on dat en kiver it up wid some more ash.

  6. Oh, we had big chunk of lightwood en cook meat en hoecake en collards right dere in de woods.

  7. Yes'um, de dampness out de hoecake would keep de wrappin wet en when it would get done, de paper would peel right off it.

  8. I tell all my chillun I rather stay here under my own roof cause when I takes a notion, I can go in en bake me a little hoecake en draw me a pot of coffee en set down to eat it in satisfaction.

  9. Was thankful for a cornbread hoecake baked in de fireplace.

  10. If sister got a hoecake of bread, she gwine give it to me.

  11. Rachel came to the front door with a sandwich of hoecake and cheese in one hand and a glass of water in the other.

  12. Any lizard attracted by my hoecake would have to be a salamander--that fire-proof creature that is supposed to live in flames.

  13. Adding the roll scale had cooled the charge, and it was thick like hoecake batter.

  14. He would rake back the coals and ashes real smooth and put a wet paper down on that and then lay his hoecake down on the paper and put another paper on top of that and the ashes on top.

  15. Dey didn't even give us a hoecake or a slice of bacon.

  16. I had slipped ahead of the boys to see if I could not get some hoecake before the rest of them came up.

  17. Now we did not know what use we could make of this meal, but still we thought we might come across some darkey who would make some hoecake out of it.

  18. As soon as he was gone I told the old lady if there was any hoecake in the house that I must have it.

  19. Late in and during our first night’s travel we found nothing to subsist on, but Henry had a small amount of hoecake that he had brought back with him, but which was now all gone, and there was no water near us.

  20. It was our intention not to travel any at all by day, if we could only avoid it, and to get away from the two fellows who had taken our hoecake was our desire.

  21. Henry had brought back some eight or ten pounds of corn hoecake and he and myself concluded that if we could get a chance we would get away just as soon as we could.

  22. These two old colored people the boys compelled to bake biscuit and hoecake for nearly three hours.

  23. He told me to sit and eat some hoecake and bacon, for he was going to turn me over to the home guards.

  24. I had an average weekly fare of corn hoecake and bacon, and that not averaging once a week.

  25. Big Abel's answer was to draw a hoecake wrapped in an old newspaper from his pocket and place it on a short pine stump.

  26. Then he reached for his jack-knife and carefully slit the hoecake down the centre, after which he laid the bacon in slices between the crusts.

  27. The coffee was hot and clear and strong; the hoecake brown and crisp on the outside and soft and creamy within, just as a hoecake should be; the bacon vied with the hoecake in crispness, with no pieces limp and none burned.

  28. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "hoecake" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.