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Example sentences for "how you"

  • How you got to know of his letter I can't conceive.

  • Then dine with me at the Rag at seven, and tell me how you get on.

  • That's how you try to compensate me for the loss of your love.

  • Now come; tell me how you got to know her.

  • Your sister gave me a shocking account of how you live.

  • But if you would only tell me how you gained it.

  • The only wonder is how you knew it," said her brother, in a tone of repression.

  • Fanny, bewildered, "how you talk; you know we are living a very quiet life here.

  • Then out with them, Mistress Julia, and tell the master as how you'll take the offer what he have made you.

  • And Father said as how you'd like to smell the blossoms in the garden.

  • How you put up with his independent ways I don't know.

  • Why, Annie, I didn't think as how you'd take notice as I was different from ordinary.

  • And 'tis the wonder with all for miles around as how you've been and kept yourself to yourself like this, so many years.

  • So long as the money lasted, you held up your head, and went sailing without even explaining how you got it from the stuff you gathered.

  • Why, Tony," remonstrates his friend, "how you look!

  • They have been telling me how you planned it and how you remembered all Esther's familiar tastes and ways.

  • Why, how you sob, Dame Durden, how you sob!

  • But the matter in question is how you can be helped, and not to laugh at the world.

  • How you talk of two or three years, my dear fellow!

  • Will you condescend to inform me how you know it, Tom, if you will not inform Annabel?

  • If you say you did it, by accident or how you like, I'll let it drop.

  • We can't think, any of us, how you came to make the mistake.

  • How you can be so gay and careless over it, I cannot imagine," said Arthur.

  • That is how you ought to have met it at first," said Gaunt.

  • If that's how you're arranging so subtly to send me I thank you for the warning.

  • I assure you it won't make the least difference with me how you treat me.

  • Well now, Pauline, tell me how you are an' how you're gettin' along?

  • I'm goin' to headquarters and say as how you slapped me in the face.

  • This is all I know, but I know not, count, how you contrived to inspire so much respect in the bandits of Rome who ordinarily have so little respect for anything.

  • You have told me how you talk to him and how he answers you; I shall very soon learn that language by signs, Valentine, and I promise you solemnly, that instead of despair, it is happiness that awaits us.

  • One thing still puzzles me," observed Dantes, "and that is how you managed to do all this by daylight?

  • La, how you do shake my nerves," she cried, after giving him a most hasty and uncomfortable kiss.

  • How you dare, scum of de earth that you are," cried he, "how you dare make cry the signorina?

  • Before I speak of my business, tell me how you are,--better?

  • You remember, dearest, how you clung to me and bade me stay with you, even fly with you, but not to leave you alone with them.

  • Do you remember still, how you, cleft the skull of that Bohemian trooper, at the moment his sabre was descending on my head, and I had sunk down on my knees, breathless and exhausted?

  • How you come by them that is your concern.

  • You wish To do good deeds to others; how you do them Is but of small account to patriots, Or to the wise.

  • As I thought as how you weren't likely to be out as long as the war lasted, I was a-thinking of giving it up and going to Montreal and settling down there.

  • I thought as how you'd manage to git speech with 'em somehow.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "how you" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    brave knight; hand barrel; how are; how can; how could; how far; how little; how many; how much; how often; how she; how they; however great; however humble; however little; however slight; however well; interesting account; knead well; long been; old maid; own part; piano nobile; plainly appears; said the doctor gravely; show cause