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Example sentences for "immunize"

Lexicographically close words:
immunes; immunisation; immunities; immunity; immunization; immunized; immunizing; immure; immured; immurement
  1. Nor is it as easy to immunize a human being over many years of life, subject to so many conflicting influences, as it is to immunize a guinea-pig living in a cage.

  2. Nor because we can immunize the guinea-pig in the laboratory, does it follow that the same methods are applicable in the human patient.

  3. You can immunize a guinea-pig or a patient to almost anything now-a-days by giving him minute doses gradually increased but the immunity passes off quite rapidly when the treatment is stopped.

  4. Independently of these British observers, Karl Koessler, of Chicago, in 1910, attempted to immunize patients against hay fever by injecting pollen extracts.

  5. Because we can immunize successfully against one disease, it does not follow that the same methods will immunize against another disease.

  6. The only proof that we can immunize against hay fever is to immunize against hay fever.

  7. In 1898 Richet and Hericourt noticed that some of the dogs which they were attempting to immunize against toxic eel serum not only were not immunized but suffered even more severely after the second injection.

  8. That is, if a given cell is used to immunize an animal, the animal's blood will contain amboceptors for the cell used and also for others closely related to it.

  9. Would you advise their use as a preventive measure, to immunize the workers in the industries?

  10. Sweeny has claimed at different times that he became interested in the subject of von Behring’s efforts to immunize cattle to tuberculosis at a time when he was an assistant in von Behring’s laboratory.

  11. The ointment will immunize you against further tricks.

  12. Egavine said, "My effects were secretly inspected while we were at the Fleet station, Dasinger, and the Fleetmen have been taking drugs to immunize themselves against my hypnotic agents.

  13. If it works with these cases, it will be simple to immunize the whole population," Tiger said.

  14. Or at least a way to immunize the ones that aren't infected yet.

  15. Some animals will repair wounds and immunize readily, while others will not.

  16. In a general way young healthy animals and human beings immunize most readily, while older ones frequently fail almost entirely.

  17. It was estimated that not more than a week would be required to immunize all homes requiring it outside of the Riverdale section, to free them from water and prepare them for cleansing.

  18. Major Rhoades was supported by the militia in carrying out a policy to immunize every home in Dayton if necessary, and thus minimize the danger of epidemics.

  19. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "immunize" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.