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Example sentences for "inalienable"

Lexicographically close words:
inadvertent; inadvertently; inadvisability; inadvisable; inalienability; inalienably; inalterable; inamorata; inane; inania
  1. Whatever I possessed and whatever I obtained was my sure and inalienable property, until I - - was released, not for a moment longer!

  2. In 1701 he stirred his section by publishing his Selling of Joseph, a distinctly anti-slavery pamphlet, based on the natural and inalienable right of every man to be free.

  3. The judge is a lawyer, who, independently of the taste for regularity and order which he has contracted in the study of legislation, derives an additional love of stability from his own inalienable functions.

  4. The office of a judge is made inalienable in order that he may remain independent; but of what advantage is it that his independence is protected, if he be tempted to sacrifice it of his own accord?

  5. I am therefore led to conclude, that the right of association is almost as inalienable as the right of personal liberty.

  6. All elective functions are inalienable until their term is expired.

  7. His inalienable rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness were inalienable only so long as he remained obedient and true to the sovereign.

  8. The restoration of twelve persons to "their natural and inalienable rights with but one man killed"[507] was a result which Brown seems to have regarded as justifiable, but one the tragedy of which he certainly deplored.

  9. It was described as including "the colored people who have emigrated from the United States and settled in various parts of Upper Canada to enjoy the inalienable rights of freedom.

  10. That, in her annexation of the Zips to Austria, she was actuated, not by any lust of territorial aggrandizement, but by a conviction of her just and inalienable rights.

  11. His mistress looked after him, saying, "There goes a jewel which I have neither borrowed nor stolen: it comes to me by the inalienable right of inheritance.

  12. Of course, I am willing, said Jesus, and referred the man back to his inalienable human rights.

  13. Let us endeavour to keep this inalienable responsibility of ours always in our thoughts.

  14. Monopolies of the natural resources of all wealth, the inalienable dower of the people at large, were working their inevitable consequences.

  15. I speak to those who contend for inalienable rights, and that the existence of slavery always, and under all circumstances, involves injustice and crime.

  16. It is, however, argued that slavery must be sinful because it interferes with the inalienable rights of men.

  17. Man has been endowed by his Creator with certain inalienable rights, among which are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

  18. There are inalienable rights, we admit--inalienable both because the individual cannot transfer them, and because society can never rightfully deprive any man of their enjoyment.

  19. Such an act," says he, "is wrong, because it is a violation of the inalienable rights of all men.

  20. We have, it is true, inherent and inalienable rights, but among these is neither liberty nor life.

  21. An inalienable right is a right coupled with a duty; a duty with which no other obligation can interfere.

  22. Nay, is it not evident, indeed, that if all men have an inalienable right to liberty," then is this sacred right trampled in the dust by every government on earth?

  23. This inalienable right is conferred, and its exercise enjoined, by the Creator and Governor of the universe.

  24. According to his view, an inalienable right is one of which society itself cannot, without doing wrong, deprive the individual, or deny the enjoyment of it to him.

  25. Nay, he spurns at and rejects such duties as utterly inconsistent with the "inalienable rights of man.

  26. But we have already seen and shall still more fully see, that the law which ordains slavery is not unjust in itself, or, in other words, that it interferes with none of the inalienable rights of man.

  27. If it came at all, it was only to come after strenuous pursuit, that being the inalienable right.

  28. And what an advance in our situation it would be if we could get it into our heads here in this land of inalienable rights that the world would turn round just the same if we stood still and waited for the daily coming of our Lord!

  29. Why add the pursuit of happiness to our other inalienable worries?

  30. But the inalienable right to the pursuit of happiness has never been questioned since it was proclaimed as a new gospel for the New World.

  31. It is declared to be an inalienable right.

  32. The second Congress of Soviets, in November last, confirmed this inalienable right of the peoples of Russia more decisively and definitely.

  33. Had the inalienable right and duty to obey God rather than man been conceded, the hierarchy, as such, might have remained, the same as monarchical government.

  34. The number of bishops was reduced to one half, all ecclesiastical offices without a pastoral sphere were abolished, the clergy elected by the people paid by the state, and liberty of belief recognised as an inalienable right of man.

  35. It created a new order of inalienable rights, neither the heritage of birth, nor the franchise of a state, but inherent in the moral capabilities of a man.

  36. Individualism as such does indeed sink out of sight under a true Politics, and the inalienable rights of one are maintained for the sake of and in consistency with the greater rights of all.

  37. By simply according to our citizens a decent liberty, which is their inalienable right.

  38. It is indeed true, that both of them were firmly convinced that freedom of trade is an inalienable right as well as an unspeakable blessing to all men everywhere.

  39. This uprooted thoroughly the pernicious doctrine that princes have a divine and inalienable right to the throne of their ancestors, and when once seated on that throne rule simply as the vicegerents of God, above all human censure and control.

  40. His soul sickened at these enormities, and his indignation kindled at this invasion of the inalienable right of private judgment.

  41. They wrote to the knights of the Golden Fleece, in whatever country residing, and obtained their written testimony to the inalienable right of the accused to be tried by his brethren.

  42. These were insisted on as inalienable rights, although in later times none were more frequently disregarded by the rulers.

  43. Persecution in matters of faith he totally condemned, for freedom of judgment in such matters he regarded as the inalienable right of man.

  44. I therefore earnestly recommend the enactment of a law enabling the Government to give Indians a title in fee, inalienable for twenty-five years, to the farm lands assigned to them by allotment.

  45. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "inalienable" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    esoteric; immanent; implanted; implicit; inalienable; incommunicable; indefeasible; indivisible; indwelling; infixed; ingrained; inherent; inner; inseparable; internal; intrinsic; inward; irreducible; private; resident; secret; subjective; unalienable; unchallengeable; unquestionable