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Example sentences for "inanition"

Lexicographically close words:
inamorata; inane; inania; inanimate; inanities; inanity; inapplicability; inapplicable; inapposite; inappreciable
  1. But Maurice was so reduced from inanition and was beginning to suffer so from fatigue that he left him behind in a sheltered nook among the quarries, seated on a fragment of rock, his face turned upon the wide horizon of Sedan.

  2. Then there were minute details of the pitiable condition of the German armies ever since they had invaded France: the ill-fed, poorly equipped soldiers were actually falling from inanition and dying by the roadside of horrible diseases.

  3. We long lay in the sweet inanition and luxury of satiated lust.

  4. We lay long in this delicious inanition of such voluptuous excesses.

  5. Inanition or marasmus is the usual cause of death in uncomplicated cases.

  6. In children much reduced by inanition or severe disease, much of the deposit soon coalesces into a membraniform product, grayish or yellowish from rarefaction by the air, or even brownish from admixture of blood.

  7. The stomach may participate with other organs in the general atrophy attending inanition and marasmus.

  8. These seats are situated on each side of the building, at the rear, and in the gallery; and they will be dying of inanition by and bye if somebody doesn't come to the rescue.

  9. It doesn't particularly matter when the building we call our Parish Church was first erected; and, if it did, the world would have to die of literary inanition before it got the exact date.

  10. Nor can its absence be taken as conclusive evidence that death occurred from other cause than starvation, since in some cases of death from inanition emaciation has not been extreme and in a few cases not at all marked.

  11. It need hardly be stated that the individual in perfect health can sustain complete inanition longer than the enfeebled or diseased.

  12. Is it inanition that is the cause of death?

  13. Monstrillas, which have no means of nutrition, are doomed to death from inanition after a short pelagic life.

  14. As in others (Chloƫ), life lasts for several days without food having been taken, it is clear that inanition is not the cause of the swift arrival of death in the first set.

  15. Dynamite would not appall her, but to me it would be the acme of satisfaction, ineffably supreme, to startle such clods of inanition by a cry of mouse, and electrify them into momentary emotion.

  16. The sickness at my stomach from exposure and inanition now increased upon me, and I felt persuaded that I should have perished if I had been obliged to lie out on the prairie without a fire.

  17. If the lymphatic system is impeded by underfeeding or inanition of the nerve-cells, how can any one with common sense expect such a system to be in perfect working order and harmony?

  18. Our foodstuffs, therefore, must contain the material in a digestible, assimilable form, thus to prevent inanition of the cells, otherwise degeneration of the cartilage tissue must follow.

  19. Anemia develops as a consequence and there may be slight fever which is sometimes inanition fever.

  20. This is explained by the trickling of liquified food from the esophageal reservoir into the stomach as the spasm intermittently relaxes, this occurring usually before a serious state of inanition supervenes.

  21. The operation should be done before inanition has made serious inroads.

  22. Merely to keep life in his body taxed his powers, and while much of his time was spent in the refuge of the public libraries he was often so faint from inanition as to be unable to benefit by the books he sought.

  23. A digestive crisis making food loathsome and nutrition impossible--and sick inanition and weakness and depression permanent.

  24. The fatal outcome due is therefore, as was suggested above, to inanition brought about by the condition of the gastro-intestinal canal.

  25. The abundant energy reserve in the dog makes it possible for this animal to stand inanition much longer than the rabbit and other herbivora.

  26. But probably no part of the subject is of more interest than that which relates to the association of inanition with hysteria.

  27. But before long this fades away and it does not appear that in the middle and final stages of inanition there is any suffering which can be called a pain, or which can be fixed in any definite part of the body.

  28. An insane person suffering from acute mania also resists inanition badly, but one the subject of melancholia often endures the total deprivation of aliment for a long time.

  29. That a state of inanition exists in Miss Fancher is not to be doubted.

  30. Five-tenths or one-half appeared to be the extreme loss of weight in inanition which the body could endure without death resulting.

  31. Defn: To produce inanition in; to exhaust for want of nourishment.

  32. Repletion and inanition may both do harm in two contrary extremes.

  33. Inanition of soul as well as body," thought the Doctor.

  34. The man is quiet from inanition and nervous tension.

  35. Even if you were bored," she rejoined, "the inanition was probably good for you.

  36. I am quite well, on the contrary; but I was dying of inanition in this big empty house, and I suppose I haven't got the boredom out of my system yet!

  37. All that is true of the necrosis of cortical tissues in small patches also applies to cases where the whole of the outer tissues of thin twigs and branches die of inanition owing to a premature fall of leaves--e.

  38. Beech, the injury is due, not to the effects of water but to the shade: the loss of light is so great that the shaded plants die of inanition because their leaves are not able to provide sufficient carbohydrates.

  39. It was early morning when the scream of the Gray Eagle roused the usual crowd of loafers from their sleep and inanition at Owensboro'.

  40. If persons whose systems were reduced by inanition should by chance stump a toe or scratch the hand, the next report to me was gangrene, so potent was the regular hospital gangrene.

  41. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "inanition" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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    abatement; attrition; deadening; emptiness; exhaustion; fatigue; lethargy; mitigation; opening; reduction; relaxation; slackening; softening; thinning; vacancy; weakening