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Example sentences for "incidents"

Lexicographically close words:
incidence; incident; incidental; incidentally; incidentals; incidit; incinerated; incineration; incinerator; incipiency
  1. The European wars of the 17th and 18th centuries were marked by various incidents in local history.

  2. Hastings appears to have been not altogether satisfied with the incidents of this expedition, and to have anticipated the censure which it received in England.

  3. Hastings himself always regarded them as incidents in his general scheme of foreign policy.

  4. Some of his Canadian experiences were narrated by him in Forest Scenery and Incidents in the Wilds of North America (1829).

  5. Such incidents have not lost, and never can lose, their interest.

  6. The remaining incidents of the Sicilian war are unimportant to the general subject.

  7. The incidents of his life, subsequent to the great disaster which closed his active career, cannot be without interest to American readers.

  8. There is not an incident ever so trifling but advances the story, grows out of former incidents and is connected with the whole.

  9. But this is not my chief object; there is another, far more important one," and I ran over the incidents relative to the attempt at poisoning.

  10. Their words deal with the ordinary incidents of the negro's life, and embody his narrow hopes and aspirations, but they are rarely connected narratives.

  11. Incidents of Travel in Central America, Chiapas, and Yucatan, 2 vols.

  12. While he thus condemned the severe discipline of Tsang, Tsze-sze appears, in various incidents which are related of him, to have been himself more than sufficiently ascetic.

  13. I flatter myself that the preceding paragraphs contain a more correct narrative of the principal incidents in the life of Confucius than has yet been given in any European language.

  14. Full of wild and exciting incidents of frontier and savage life.

  15. Upon the whole it was one of the most interesting little incidents that I ever witnessed, and I left the spot feeling that I understood the words of Scripture which say, "Go to the ant, thou sluggard, and be wise!

  16. It is one of those rare works which belongs, by the value of its subject and the truthfulness of its details, to authentic history, and by its vivid descriptions, and exciting incidents to the more varied province of Romance.

  17. But, by way of illustration, I will give two or three incidents which have come to my knowledge.

  18. In coming down the valley of Owassa I met with a number of incidents which I fancy worth mentioning.

  19. In its incidents and descriptions it does indeed remind one continually of an Arabian tale of wonders and genii.

  20. To give a minute account of all that we met with would occupy too much time, and I will therefore only record in this place the incidents which made the deepest impression on my own mind.

  21. It also introduces us to characters and incidents that reveal human nature in very various lights.

  22. Finally, the whole story is so well knit together, its successive incidents arrange themselves so perfectly and lead up to the conclusion with such neat precision, that it is not easy to assign it to the normal course of events.

  23. Among the incidents of the trial, one of the most memorable was when the prisoner asked for somebody to write, to help his memory.

  24. Thus began the series of drawing-room services which were attended by so many of those who were high in rank, and at which some of the most famous incidents in Whitefield's career occurred.

  25. The course of events in the life of the duchess in Scotland seems to have been very even and not very full of startling incidents during the last years of her life.

  26. The story, which carries the same hero through the six books of the series, is always entertaining, novel scenes and varied incidents giving a constantly changing yet always attractive aspect to the narrative.

  27. His pages are full of the swift moving incidents which boys love.

  28. The numerous incidents in her story supplied pictorial art with a new cycle of subjects.

  29. Similar uprights and enclosures are found in Syria; their devotional and commemorative origin is apparent from incidents related in the Bible.

  30. Collections of Sayings of the Fathers (Verba Seniorum), and incidents in their lives, were a favourite branch of literature at the time.

  31. While Paran in the Bible was associated with Ishmael the adjoining land of Edom was connected with Esau, the incidents of whose story are more or less mythical, but a clue to them is yielded by the word Edom which signifies red in Aramaic.

  32. The main incidents were simple enough, and here they are.

  33. Even the fables of AEsop, the Phrygian, have been claimed for Lokman, the Arabian philosopher, and now the very incidents of his life are taken from him by Heycar.

  34. The incidents of the explosion are not invented.

  35. And now occurred one of those beautiful incidents which no fiction-writer would dare to imagine, a scene of touching pathos, creditable to our fallen humanity.

  36. In the spring of 1769 he embarked on board of the Duke of Grafton, and commenced a voyage distinguished by incidents which might furnish matter for a novel.

  37. It was a scene both simple and tragical--of that order in which in society the most horrible incidents occur without a sound, without a gesture, amid phrases of conventionality and in a festal framework!

  38. Certain incidents of her American life recurred to her, which she comprehended more clearly.

  39. Yes, and he relates incidents of the most desperate character in that same colorless tone, just as if they were the most ordinary routine," said Mr. Waterman.

  40. Jack soon had the attention of Pud and Bill and it was with a merry twinkle in his eye that he told of many incidents in his life either in hunting or in the lumber camps.

  41. He told me of several incidents where his life was in danger and only his quickness and presence of mind saved his life.

  42. It is, to begin with, in the drawing-room and in the drawing-room one is not so entirely immune from the trivial incidents of everyday life as I like to be when I am having brain-waves.

  43. The Commons in the course of the Irish Debate discussed the failure of the Government to prevent the regrettable incidents in Derry and Dublin.

  44. Nearly half of it is taken up with the incidents of one week at the end of His life, and the incidents of and after the Resurrection.

  45. The two main incidents in this passage, the visit of Peter and John to the tomb and the appearance of our Lord to Mary, give the dawning of faith before sight and the rapturous faith born of sight.

  46. So they go, and there follow the incidents which I need not repeat, because we all know them well enough.

  47. It fits in with the purpose which he himself tells us governed his selection of the incidents which he records.

  48. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "incidents" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.