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Example sentences for "misgave"

Lexicographically close words:
misfit; misfits; misfortunate; misfortune; misfortunes; misgives; misgiving; misgivings; misgoverned; misgovernment
  1. But his heart misgave him regarding the fate of his friend Trineus, and he resolved to set out in quest of that unhappy prince.

  2. And when Amadis saw that so many good knights had been undone his heart misgave him.

  3. Then indeed my heart misgave me that it was to be no trial, but only a murder.

  4. But nevertheless Graham, as he preceded the judge out of the dining-room, felt that his heart misgave him about Lady Mason.

  5. It was now Graham's turn to begin his work; but as he rose to do so his mind misgave him.

  6. Not for always,--as he said to himself over and over again; for his heart misgave him when he saw the lines of care so plainly written on his mother's brow.

  7. Lady Mason from her window saw them as they walked together, and her heart for a moment misgave her.

  8. But as he signed himself her own, his mind misgave him that he was lying.

  9. Oh, my heart misgave me when he used so many vows and protestations last night that he would not have Pharold put in danger for the world.

  10. Stewart, in a low voice, but his heart misgave him.

  11. Immediately he walked out towards the shore; but he saw nothing of the child, and his heart misgave him.

  12. The Briton's heart misgave him as they approached a vestibule, before which a phalanx of the guards kept watch.

  13. Her mind misgave her, and as she drew towards the lamp it shot forth a tremulous blaze and expired.

  14. Her heart misgave her that something was wrong, but she hardly tried to think what it might be.

  15. She could not refuse the shelter of her own house to her own child, and yet her heart misgave her when she saw Amelia flirting with young Eames.

  16. After all, the realisation of his good fortune depended altogether upon her feelings; and, as he remembered this, his mind misgave him sorely.

  17. Then his heart misgave him, and he lacked the courage to extricate himself from his trouble; or, as he afterwards said to himself, he had not the heart to do it.

  18. We have to distinguish what the nation owes to Madison and Marshall, and what to the army of the Potomac; for men's minds misgave them as to the constitution until it was cemented by the ordeal and the sacrifice of civil war.

  19. At the last moment his heart misgave him.

  20. Jerry took hold of the tail, and was about to pull it out, hoping it was not much hurt, though his heart misgave him.

  21. Maybe they're only unconscious," suggested Jerry hopefully, though his heart misgave him.

  22. Torfrida's heart misgave her that first night as to the effects of her exceeding frankness.

  23. For an instant Hereward's heart misgave him.

  24. But the Archbishop's heart misgave him, as from north and south at once came up the dark masses of two mighty armies, broke up into columns, and surged against every gate of the city at the same time.

  25. Here his heart misgave him, for he felt that during the last week he had not been kind to her.

  26. But her mind misgave her, not because the house was outwardly dreary, but in fear of the inward dreariness of the people--or in fear rather of their dreariness and pride combined.

  27. Mrs. Brophy's heart misgave her; his reverence would be apt to think bad of their going off that way, and him so good to them.

  28. Now Deirdre knew the voice of Fergus from the first: but she kept her thoughts to herself: for her heart misgave her that the visit boded evil.

  29. His heart misgave him heavily; he felt: 'And here perhaps is destiny for me, Perhaps, who knows?

  30. Lysias, And Shimei's heart misgave him with a fear.

  31. As more and more his heart misgave him, worse Ever and worse his brow was discomposed.

  32. Yet the heart of each sister misgave her as they sat in a solemn conclave, and summoned Elizabeth before it.

  33. Yet even as she spoke her conscience misgave her.

  34. He had been a fool not to have perceived this earlier, and his heart misgave him, for all that had he paused to think he must have realized that he had naught to fear, and that in this some mistake must lie.

  35. Abdullah, smiling and bowing, though his mind misgave him.

  36. He apologised for his ill temper of the morning to Iskender, who strove to regard the stern resolve he had expressed to see the Valley of the Kings as likewise part of the attack of fever; but his mind misgave him.

  37. The merchants also were instant with him to accept the offer; so he sold the curtain to the Christian, though his heart misgave him, and taking the price, set off to return home.

  38. The handle of Dangerfield's harmless horsewhip, his mind misgave him, was all that would come of that piece of evidence; and it was impossible to say there might not be something in all that Dangerfield had uttered.

  39. But his heart misgave him as he approached the new elegant church on the most fashionable street.

  40. Yet again his heart misgave him of what might betide that other maiden at Hampton, and he was unquiet, deeming that he must needs follow her thither.

  41. Yet when he came to the castle-gate his heart misgave him, and he would not enter at once, but turned about to go round the wall by the north and west.

  42. Of these tidings Ralph deemed it good that all traces of her were not lost; but his heart misgave him when he thought that by this time she must surely be in the hands of the lord of Utterbol.

  43. But as his eyes rested on her pictured face his heart misgave him; for he remembered that she had little liking for her own sex.

  44. As the Second in Command went out on the verandah and summoned Raymond, Wargrave's heart misgave him.

  45. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "misgave" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.