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Example sentences for "modifier"

Lexicographically close words:
modifiability; modifiable; modification; modifications; modified; modifiers; modifies; modify; modifying; modii
  1. As a modifier of subject, object, or complement (see Sec.

  2. The rigid rule in such a case would be, to put the modifier in such a position that the reader not only can understand the meaning intended, but cannot misunderstand the thought.

  3. Sidenote: Modifier of a noun or pronoun.

  4. Similar is the use of a disjunctive modifier expressing one of the objects, with expressions involving dual or plural ideas: silà ni Maryà they with Maria, i.

  5. Only a demonstrative pronoun modifier precedes these prepositive forms: iyà ng iyo ng sambalílo ng lúma` that old hat of yours.

  6. Conjunctive attribution is the normal and general relation between modifier and modified and includes relations that in many other languages (such as English) are viewed in manifold ways.

  7. A modifier expressing the special kind always follows: ang sála ng pagnanákaw the crime which is (i.

  8. The first subordinate clause is an adjective modifier of bridge; the second is an adverbial modifier of fell.

  9. The infinitive without to may be used as an adjective modifier after the direct object of see, hear, feel, and some other verbs of like meaning.

  10. The length of this sentence is due partly to its compound predicate, partly to the modifier (and modifiers of the modifier) attached to the noun Dumbarton Castle.

  11. The first subordinate clause is an adjective modifier of architect; the second is a complement, being the object of says.

  12. The second subordinate clause depends upon the first, being an adjective modifier of locomotive.

  13. Each of these infinitives takes a complement or a modifier (or both).

  14. This clause, taken as a whole, serves as an adjective modifier describing gentleman.

  15. A phrase or a clause used as an adjective modifier is called an adjective phrase or clause.

  16. A subordinate clause that serves as an adverbial modifier is called an adverbial clause.

  17. It is as well, however, to treat the appositive as the modifier and then to enumerate the adjectives, etc.

  18. The two verbs in the compound predicate have each a complement, and the second has an adverbial modifier (a phrase).

  19. An infinitive may be used as an adjective modifier of a noun or as an adverbial modifier of an adjective.

  20. Haud in Cicero and Caesar occurs almost exclusively as a modifier of Adjectives and Adverbs, and in the phrase haud sciō an.

  21. As an Adjective the Participle may be used either as an attributive or predicate modifier of a Substantive.

  22. Exercise 204--Misplaced Modifiers= Sometimes a sentence is not clear because a modifier does not stand close to the word it modifies.

  23. Change the order of words in the following sentences, placing each modifier as closely as possible to the word which it modifies.

  24. When modifies rose and started, and connects the clause-modifier to the predicate started.

  25. As all modifiers are joined by slanting lines, to the words they modify, you learn from this diagram that who is wise is a modifier of man.

  26. Give an example of one modifier joined to another.

  27. When the interrogative word is object or attribute complement, or a modifier of either, what is the order?

  28. A word-modifier may sometimes be expanded into a phrase or into an expression that asserts.

  29. When the interrogative word is subject or a modifier of it, is the order natural, or transposed?

  30. Her is a modifier of the object, because it tells whose ring is meant.

  31. The connecting line is not slanting, for one clause is not a modifier of the other.

  32. Sun is the subject of the dependent clause, and rose is the predicate, and the is a modifier of sun; the sun is the modified subject.

  33. What word, then, makes an adjective modifier of this sentence and joins it to feet?

  34. The same is true of any modifier of the subject: [John, as well as the girls, is playing house.

  35. Here where is used as a connective and also as a modifier of stayed.

  36. In 1, to write shows its verb nature by governing the object theme; in 2, riding shows its verb nature by taking as a modifier the adverb rapidly.

  37. The author starts out with a periodic sentence, beginning with a predicate modifier and placing the subject last.

  38. The last word is the essential one in conveying the meaning, though a modifier of the simple subject noun “valley.

  39. The Modifier was what he needed to change Ronald.

  40. If only the Master Chart hadn't been lost, so he would know what the Modifier looked like!

  41. Probably" would nearly express the meaning intended to be expressed by the modifier in No.

  42. The phrase by doing good is a modifier of the predicate; by introduces the phrase; the principal word is doing, which is completed by the noun good.

  43. The Explanatory Modifier is often called an +Appositive+.

  44. A phrase that contains another phrase as a modifier is called a +Complex Phrase+.

  45. If the interrogative word is subject or a modifier of it, the order is usual.

  46. A noun or pronoun used as explanatory modifier is in the same case as the word explained--"is put by apposition in the same case.

  47. To express our thoughts with greater exactness we may need to expand a word modifier into several words; as, A long ride brought us there = A ride of one hundred miles brought us to Chicago.

  48. As modifiers are joined by slanting lines to the words they modify, you learn from this diagram that that touch pitch is a modifier of they.

  49. An adjective or a possessive modifier precedes its noun, and an explanatory modifier follows it.

  50. Just may be treated as a modifier of the dependent clause.

  51. A noun is said to be of the first person when joined as an explanatory modifier to a pronoun of the first person; as, I, John, saw these things; We Americans are always in a hurry.

  52. The part representing when as a modifier of calls is, for convenience, placed above its principal line instead of below it.

  53. The connecting pronoun is here a possessive modifier of base.

  54. If sooner is here allowed as an idiom, it is a modifier of had.

  55. A closer analysis, however would make it a modifier of as.

  56. After having made dissymmetry intervene as a modifier of chemical affinity, he had a strange and manifest proof of the influence of dissymmetry in the phenomena of life.

  57. From that moment a great new fact was established--namely, that the molecular dissymmetry proper to organic matters intervened in a phenomenon of the physiological order, and did so as a modifier of chemical affinity.

  58. Here the modifier refers to the manner of working rather than to the person who works.

  59. In such sentences as He stood firm and The cry rang clear the modifier should be an adjective if it refers to the subject, an adverb if it refers to the verb.

  60. That is, do not place between two parts of a sentence a modifier that may attach itself to either.

  61. Place the modifier where it cannot be misunderstood.

  62. We believe that the extreme reduction in size seen in the one stock was due to an added modifier of {29} the nature of beaded, since this could be eliminated by outcrossing and selection.

  63. The small size of the wings in a and b is due to the action of a modifier of the nature of "beaded" which has been eliminated in c, d.

  64. See that the word to which each modifier refers is unmistakable.

  65. Do not mistake a noun modifier for the noun subject.

  66. In the sentence, care should be taken to avoid as much as possible the inserting of an adverb or an adverbial modifier between the parts of the infinitive.

  67. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "modifier" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.