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Example sentences for "mud"

Lexicographically close words:
mucous; mucro; mucronate; mucrone; mucus; mudbank; mudbanks; mudder; muddied; muddier
  1. Her reserve was still unbroken, though there never appeared the least coldness in her manner; she talked with perfect freedom of everything that contained no allusion to herself.

  2. She wrote briefly to Dora Leach, giving an account of herself, which, though essentially misleading, was not composed in a spirit of conscious falsehood.

  3. Brown like forest water, sort of green-lighted because the bottom is like turf; neither mud nor sand, but a kind of under-water moss?

  4. You had, my dear Roger, a miniature landslide, which would account for sounds of shifting mud and water in your lake, and for the shocks or trembling of your house when the earth movements occurred.

  5. As a result, I believe the sloping mud basin began to slip toward the dam.

  6. Here we met a general of cavalry with an orderly at his heels, both incrusted with mud and dripping with wet from the brush through which they had been riding across country.

  7. Some limped and were blood-stained; all breathed heavily in great gasps, and they were plastered with mud and haggard for want of food and sleep.

  8. All, even as the Russian soldiers, were plastered with mud and many saturated with gore, either their own or that of comrades they had tried to help.

  9. Lying in the mud is the body of a dead German whose helmet has rolled a little away from him.

  10. The mud pilot came to the old Captain's side.

  11. It took some time, many turnings, and a tumble in the mud to convince him that he was lost.

  12. The mud pilot took charge and brought her clear; and as soon as he had gone over to his boat, the Captain rang for full steam ahead and waited for the mate to take the bridge.

  13. It contained two canvas chairs, a camp table, a variety of boxes to sit upon, and some picture-paper illustration on the mud wall.

  14. The mud pilot, beside the Captain on the bridge, grinned agreeably.

  15. It is three o'clock in the morning, and they have just marched four miles through trenches, shell-obliterated or filled with mud and snow; they have been relieved from the first line.

  16. And the spirit of the trenches is not confined to those who stand in the mud of the trenches and experience their horrors.

  17. The mud at the bend was red, and the road was filled with blood; an empty supply-wagon had been caught there earlier in the morning.

  18. In winter they burrow in the mud of swamps and marshes, lying torpid till the warm weather.

  19. It has a trade in grain, indigo-seed, and cotton, and contains two mosques, and a large mud fort.

  20. Nigeria, 45 miles north of Lagos, consists chiefly of mud houses, surrounded by a mud wall.

  21. They were scattered at intervals over the flat mud plain for a distance of a half mile or more.

  22. To do this, we were forced to wade through mud up to the knees.

  23. The corners of this mud covering are rounded, instead of angular, as usual elsewhere.

  24. Many of the houses, especially on the outskirts, are elliptical in section, and have walls of small stones closely set in mud plaster.

  25. Thickets of mangroves bordered the shore; the display of aerial roots was interesting, and here we were able to examine the curious smooth tips of the roots which are to penetrate the soft mud bottom.

  26. As one walks the street, he runs constant risk of being splashed with mud and water from passing vehicles and street-cars.

  27. The walls are of poles, heavily daubed with mud which is neatly and smoothly laid on.

  28. They are common in the British rivers, and in all large rivers which obey the impression of the tide, and they feed upon worms bred in the mud at the bottom of the water.

  29. Those that live in ponds seek the deep water for their winter quarters, and sometimes bury themselves in the mud at the bottom.

  30. It lives, as it were, in ambush at the bottom of the sea, and by means of its fins stirs up the mud and sand, so as to conceal itself from other fishes on whom it preys.

  31. The women let their eyes rove over the boxes and bundles reposing in the mud beside the three.

  32. Wedging the gun to hold the tourniquet tight, he lifted his patient from the red-smeared mud and bore him to the nearest hammock in the crew quarters.

  33. I'll show you how to make him go," she went on; "put mud in his mouth.

  34. I hope you will never have to put mud in my mouth," said Gerald, looking at her with no attempt to conceal his admiration.

  35. Hadn't he only last week valiantly bucked the center in a football game between the Bean Alley Busters, and the Shanty Boat Bums, and, covered with mud and blood and glory, been carried from the field?

  36. And when the spring came once again and all the snow had melted, the evil smell had disappeared, and the mud looked like mould.

  37. His hut was made of sticks plastered with mud and thatched with palm leaves and he was all alone.

  38. My good little mud house is a palace, even if the pigs and goats of the village do break in now and then to make a meal off one's old boots or the scabbard of one's machete.

  39. Everything is flooded with mud and water.

  40. I suspect that the herons in winter time that come to the ponds do so for the fish which lie at the bottom on the mud packed close together, that is, when the water is not deep.

  41. But too much mud compels them to shift their quarters.

  42. A flood which brings down a large quantity of suspended mud and sand discolouring the water attracts the fish: they are looking for food.

  43. From the traces in the grass and on the dry mud at the mouth it appeared as if the fox had ventured there more than once; and, as there were many chickens about his object in lying here was evident.

  44. Now and then, at long intervals, an exceptionally dry season so lowers the level of the mere that all the shallower parts become land, and are even passable on foot, though in places quicksands and deep fine mud must be carefully avoided.

  45. This is just what the heron likes, because no one can approach him over that flat expanse of dried mud without being immediately detected.

  46. They may often be seen flying carrying an acorn in the bill.

  47. Just in one special spot they may be heard, and nowhere else.

  48. He falls at a great pace, and looks as if he must be dashed to pieces against a tree or the earth; but he rights himself at the last moment, and glides away and up again with ease.

  49. They seem to fix upon localities in the most capricious manner.

  50. Male chaffinches are rarely seen: they have migrated, or in some other manner disappeared.

  51. Hawthorn and hazel are supposed to attract them: I doubt it strongly.

  52. If you mean Mr John Dempster is thoughtless and inconsistent, sir," I said warmly, "I must speak.

  53. But my employer's eyes were fixed upon me with such a look that I was fascinated, and as if moved against my own will, I crossed the office and picked up the thick cane.

  54. Oh yes," I cried, as I recalled the days when I had about as wild a little Welsh pony as ever boy sat.

  55. Esau, as Mr Dempster seized him by the collar.

  56. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "mud" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    muddy bottom; muddy water