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Example sentences for "nobbut"

Lexicographically close words:
noan; noane; nobble; nobbler; nobil; nobile; nobiles; nobili; nobilibus
  1. Them as ladles their wits oot o' other foak's brains gits nobbut middlin sarved.

  2. I dunnot want to do for nobry, nobbut mysel'," returned Margaret with a toss of her head.

  3. I nobbut meant it seemed a bit hard as you should think as much of Will as of me.

  4. I nobbut want to see his bonny face again.

  5. Nay, nay, I'd sooner bide as I am wi' nobbut mysel' to look to.

  6. I nobbut looked about for the best I could find.

  7. They don't like to be teached by one who they say's nobbut a boy.

  8. Ebenezer Parks, breaking the silence that lasted some few minutes after Philip's steps had died away; "he's nobbut a boy.

  9. I haven't made nobbut a poor return to you, miss," he said in a shambling way, as though the words were dragged out of him.

  10. Mester Wharton has nobbut played his party and the workin' man a dirty trick or two--an' yo mun have a gentleman!

  11. Matilda Jane wor fat an fair, An nobbut just sixteen; Shoo'd ruddy cheeks an reddish hair, An leet blue wor her een.

  12. His teeth they chattered in his heead, His hands had lost ther use, He humbly begg'd a bite o' breead, But nobbut gate abuse.

  13. Her Johnny seemed as brave a lad As iver held a rifle, An if ther wor owt in him bad, 'Twor nobbut just a trifle.

  14. He enjoys a bit o' fun o' this sooart as weel as yo, an' he's nobbut come to show yo ha pleased he is.

  15. If tha'll nobbut hold thi noise aw'll agree to owt;--tha luks moor like burryin nor weddin.

  16. Yorke is nobbut a hunchbacked dwarf and he talks a lot of nonsense, but he feels all he says.

  17. Why, 'twere nobbut a week last Sunday sin he axed if onybody knew just cause or 'pediment why Tom Pounder sudn't wed Anne Coates.

  18. You want me to bide a widdy all my life, and me nobbut thirty-five.

  19. Shoo lived at Cohen-eead, an' my mother telled me t' tale when I were nobbut a barn.

  20. He was a hard-workin' man, was Throp, but I reckon all his wark were nobbut laikin' anent what his wife could do.

  21. And yet it was nobbut Friday morning lasst, I cam oop here, awfu' bad in my sperrits like.

  22. Nobbut a farmer am I, in little business; but concerning of my children I will have my say.

  23. Gil Beilby, thoo'st nobbut a fondhead," he was saying to himself.

  24. Unfeelin brewt, unfeelin brewt, Ah neer wur weel an strong; There's nobbut one thing cheers ma nah, Ah cannut last sa long.

  25. Afoor I'v seen that Florance thing, It nobbut costs a shillin; Besides I lang ti hev a spree, An get a thorough swillin.

  26. What's nobbut an inconvenience to one is starvation to another.

  27. If it wor nobbut a tooith at wor botherin me, tha might gie me a tooithful, but when its mi whooal heead, a pint 'll be little enuff.

  28. But tha'll do nowt nobbut sit o' thi backside an smook or else spend thi time i' some public wi a glass anent thi.

  29. Aw'd nobbut gooan aght walkin wi' Amy to pass th' time away, as young fellers will do.

  30. Hasumivver, that's nooan sich a bad job if it'll nobbut stick.

  31. If shoo nobbut wanted two articles shoo went twice for em, an shoo wor nivver in a hurry to get sarved, for the biggest pleasur shoo'd ivver known wor to watch Chairley deal aght punds o' sewgar an cakes o' sooap.

  32. It's a queer thing if that isn't fresh, for aw nobbut bowt a duzzen off Judy Jooans yesterdy, an shoo declared shoo laid em hersen.

  33. There's nobbut one answer to that kind of talk, my lad.

  34. We're friends, I hope, and I were nobbut meditating like a friend.

  35. It's nobbut a two-horse fly, fro' Manchester, new painted.

  36. We've plenty to live on, and she can have four or five servants, if she'll nobbut look well afther 'em.

  37. It's all sixes, nobbut the one to start wi' and th' odd shillings.

  38. If she'd nobbut stuck to me, she'd 'ave wenly ruined me.

  39. If he'd nobbut stopped at Sootythorn I could have minded him a bit mysen, but there's nout like his mother for managin' him.

  40. Why, there's nobbut one sowdier i' th' lot as I can see on.

  41. If we'd nobbut his bit of a dog, who'd find him, sure enough.

  42. If a am to be any one else, I'd like to be a chap of nobbut eight stun.

  43. You've nobbut made a terble poor job o' things yourself, and you want to keep others from getting on an' all!

  44. Fleming's nobbut going the same road as t'rest on us," Sarah said.

  45. But if you nobbut wanted a word wi' the missis, you could surely ha' waited while morn.

  46. Why, it was nobbut the other day he was writing home for brass!

  47. It's a bad best, maybe, but I nobbut did what I could.

  48. There's bad blood between they two women as nobbut death'll cure.

  49. Kitchen garden's near as bad; lile or nowt'll come up in't, nobbut you set by it and hod its hand!

  50. It's nobbut a small spot, you'll think on.

  51. Oh, ay, but it's nobbut a weary business learning folk your ways.

  52. I telled you he weer nobbut a tramp hissen.

  53. T' water for sewer ain't deep here, nobbut up to t' armpits.

  54. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "nobbut" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.