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Example sentences for "oncoming"

Lexicographically close words:
onbeknown; once; onced; oncet; oncle; oncommon; oncques; onct; onda; onde
  1. But he said nothing, and presently the entire boatload was watching the oncoming steamer.

  2. With beating hearts and dry mouths, they watched the oncoming trunk.

  3. This often happens, I fancy, with a sudden oncoming of dread at discovering oneself alone in the dark.

  4. The absence of light and the oncoming of night have, as we know, a lowering effect on the functions of the body; and it is not unlikely that this might so modify the action of the brain as to favour the rise of gloomy thoughts.

  5. Ralph was now sitting up gazing at the oncoming brute,--a magnificent grizzly.

  6. He knows that even his gigantic strength could not long make stand against the oncoming horde.

  7. The cold, wet meadow, the thick mask of woods, and the oncoming dusk had stayed the chase--and the fox had outstayed it.

  8. Every sound or movement that detached itself with isolated significance from the general whirr and scurry of the streets seemed to Yeovil to herald the oncoming clamour and rush that he was looking for.

  9. In that case there would have been a single great power in the Balkan Peninsula, ready to meet the oncoming assault of the Turks.

  10. There the Emperor himself and Giustiniani at his side stood in the midst of the yawning gap with their best men around them, and opposed a barrier of steel to the oncoming assailants.

  11. And grasping his sword, he ran straight at the oncoming figures.

  12. His officers opposed him, with the plea that his whole force was not then sufficient to stay the oncoming of Burgoyne.

  13. Shot and shell poured into the oncoming solid ranks of the German infantry, cutting great gaps in their ranks; but these quickly filled up again, and the Germans continued their steady advance.

  14. Almost directly ahead stood a squad of armed men, their rifles leveled straight at the occupants of the oncoming car.

  15. McGee knew, also, that the oncoming raiders might be pursuit planes converted into bombers by the simple expedient of attaching bomb releases carrying lighter pellets of destruction which could be released by the pilot.

  16. Square into the oncoming plane the tracers poured.

  17. During the first flashing seconds of the attack Larkin's mind had been occupied only with the thought of hurling himself at the oncoming planes in the forlorn hope of diverting their course of action for a few brief but precious minutes.

  18. He pointed to the oncoming strangers, he pointed to himself; finally he seized the dah which one carried swinging in a thong over his shoulders, and made a motion as of passing the keen weapon across his throat.

  19. By this time Jack had taken cover behind a boulder, and was drawing a bead on the first of the oncoming figures.

  20. The others followed his example, and for a few moments they searched the oncoming mass of greenery with a close fire.

  21. That's Mrs. Maynard, with her back to the oncoming breaker.

  22. He, like the Squire, would be better out of all this swiftly oncoming change.

  23. But Rogers, grimly watching the oncoming billows, knew that to essay the maneuver at that moment meant swamping the cutter.

  24. He lurched, as the cutter was again diverted sharply from its course, and must have fallen under the very bows of the oncoming liner, had not one of the lookouts caught him by the collar and jerked him sharply back into the boat.

  25. In an instant her pity for the hunted animal was changed to wild terror at her own danger; the thick heather roots mocked her scrambling efforts at flight, and she looked frantically downward for a glimpse of oncoming hounds.

  26. The antlers drove straight at her breast, the acrid smell of the hunted animal was in her nostrils, but her eyes were filled with the horror of something she saw other than her oncoming death.

  27. As a regular subscriber to the Evening Dispatch he knew that these oncoming hosts were not to be considered, even remotely, as prospective patrons.

  28. He would make himself independent of the whims of Lignum, of the necessity of daily labour, of the uncertainties of his position, of the certainty of the oncoming of age when his hand must tire and his wits grow blunted.

  29. Some raged and cursed and shook foolish fists at the oncoming enemy.

  30. They turned from him and without a spoken word, without a signal of any sort, loosed a rifle volley across the front of the oncoming troops.

  31. But Jeffrey, after one long, sharp look at the oncoming horseman, pulled in quietly to the side of the road.

  32. Lewis and Clark had but recently returned from the now historic expedition to the Columbia and the Oregon,--an expedition fraught with momentous consequences to the oncoming generations of the Republic.

  33. One sentence of the memorable message is worthy of remembrance by the oncoming generations: "The Monroe Doctrine was intended to apply to every stage of our national life, and cannot become obsolete while our Republic endures.

  34. Down the Rocky Valley a stream gushes merrily, tumbling in miniature waterfalls every few yards, and meeting at last the oncoming wave with a shock as the sweet water mingles with salt.

  35. A troop of cavalry was deployed to drive back or turn the oncoming herd.

  36. My boyish curiosity got the better of me, and I was standing just outside the door of my tent, gazing with open mouth at the oncoming Indians.

  37. I never thought for an instant that the oncoming Indians were intending an attack upon the buildings, their purpose being, as I thought, to run off our stock, which they could easily have done by driving it ahead of them.

  38. His plan was to make for one of the small islands of the lagoon, trusting that oncoming darkness would cover his escape.

  39. The huge white-capped rollers, aftermath of the hurricane, tossed the plane up and down as though each oncoming wave was bent on destroying her.

  40. The cattle were growing more restless and began to move determinedly away from the oncoming swarm.

  41. A faint, hoarse, and impatient call of a bird was heard from the woods as if calling to the oncoming night.

  42. The oncoming shadow rose as subtle as a perfume from the black coast lying athwart the eastern semicircle; and such was the silence within the horizon that one might have fancied oneself come to the end of time.

  43. The Captain, the smallest 74 in the fleet, stood a good chance of being annihilated by the oncoming squadron of Spanish ships, which included the Santissima Trinidad, a gigantic four-decker.

  44. When the signal-lieutenant of the Barfleur exclaimed of the oncoming leeward line of vessels, “They loom like Beachy Head in a fog!

  45. Nelson at once discerned the project, and without hesitation placed the Captain in the path of the oncoming ships.

  46. The current was strong, the poor fellow sank, and the boat rapidly drifted in the direction of one of the oncoming vessels, so that Hardy stood a very good chance of again falling into the hands of the enemy.

  47. The pirate ship sailed down the coast, turned, and forced the oncoming vessel to stop.

  48. He looked on with a superior smile as the black sails were unfurled, the anchor was heaved dripping from its bed, and the hard-pressed dirty crew made all speed to go in advance of the oncoming ship.

  49. It was neither oncoming years nor any lessening of friendship between him and Swinburne which was responsible for Mr. Gosse’s defection, but the fact that he had added to his other duties that of Librarian to the House of Lords.

  50. Stooping low, so as not to offer a target to the enemy, he sprinted northwards in a line which intersected the high road, at the nearest point which the oncoming car must pass.

  51. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "oncoming" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.