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Example sentences for "oriented"

Lexicographically close words:
orientali; orientalis; orientalischen; orientated; orientation; orientem; orienting; ories; orifice; orifices
  1. Thus, there are personalities oriented mostly to knowledge and others are oriented mostly to change the external reality.

  2. The action-oriented people move the society forward, and the educational system does not understand this many times.

  3. The action-oriented are not favourised by the educational system, and the ones oriented to knowledge are overappreciated.

  4. MDT shows that there are people knowledge-oriented and action-oriented.

  5. Moreover, after a child is somewhat oriented in the physical and social world, say at six or seven,--I think he can stand a good deal of straight fairy lore.

  6. This means, does it not, that the children have oriented themselves in their narrow personal world and that they are reaching out for experience in larger fields?

  7. Frontier life afforded little leisure time so that recreation was generally economically oriented or related to some household task.

  8. The result was a society dedicated to the idea of progress and oriented to a future of political and social equality and economic opportunity.

  9. The increasingly sophisticated manufacturing sector benefited from export-oriented investment, and agriculture grew by 4.

  10. Timber, hydropower, and iron ore constitute the resource base of an economy that is heavily oriented toward foreign trade.

  11. In recent years, tourism and export-oriented manufacturing have assumed larger roles.

  12. In recent years Hungary has moved further than any other East European country in experimenting with decentralized and market-oriented enterprises.

  13. St. Peter's at Rome is oriented east and west.

  14. Many Christian churches, almost all, indeed, built between the fifth century and the Renaissance, are oriented to the east.

  15. The first is the development of computer-oriented instructional tools, which includes simulations, multimedia applications, and computer tools that are used to assist in the analysis of sources in the classroom, etc.

  16. At the other end of the continuum, qualitative analysis typically involves nonmathematical processes oriented toward language interpretation or the building of theory.

  17. Having learned to orient a map and to locate his position on the map, one should then practice moving over the ground and at the same time keeping his map oriented and noting each ground feature on the map as it is passed.

  18. X, and having set up, leveled and oriented as at (A), Fig.

  19. The board is said to be oriented when the needle is parallel to the sides of the compass trough of the drawing board, Fig 2.

  20. To locate a point by traversing is done as follows: With the board set up, leveled and oriented at A, Fig.

  21. An action-oriented man who loves to play tennis, ride his bicycle, and go swimming, Falk has lived on the West Side for over 20 years because "I find the East Side a little too chichi for my tastes.

  22. An energetic, detail-oriented man, Arthur once worked 12 hours a day writing legal briefs and eight hours a day on his book.

  23. Trade has been increasingly oriented toward the West.

  24. Although the crop still dominates the agricultural sector, activities such as tourism, export-oriented manufacturing, and offshore banking have assumed larger roles in the economy.

  25. The enclosures of the two temples were not oriented alike, and the avenues which started squarely from the fronts of each could never have met had they not deviated from their first course.

  26. The great pyramid of Sakkarah is not oriented with exactness.

  27. Unlike the Kiblah of the mosques, or Mussulman oratories, this point is not always oriented towards the same quarter of the compass, though often found to the west.

  28. And the only contribution of the masters for whom they worked was the demand for just such large and open spaces, easily accessible, oriented in a certain manner, and partially shaded from the rays of the sun.

  29. There is, however, a further proof that a building older than the existing mosque, oriented in the manner corresponding with that of the west arcade, existed on this site.

  30. Object-oriented approaches allow models and simulations to be linked to form a richer environment for examining new technologies and joint force structures.

  31. One interesting application area migrating toward an object-oriented approach is geospatial databases.

  32. Perhaps the most important area of technology development for Rapid Dominance is the development of practical object-oriented architectures and protocols.

  33. Modeling and simulation is also benefiting from object-oriented technologies.

  34. Few will deny that the winds of change are blowing as never before, driven by a radically altered geopolitical situation, an evolving information-oriented society, advancing technology, and budgetary constraints.

  35. All directions were plotted on the plane-table which was oriented by backsight; distances were determined by the micro-meteralidade or triangulation, or both combined; and elevations were obtained by vertical angles.

  36. In two cases only the plane-table had to be oriented by the magnetic needle, the backsights not being obtainable because of the impossibility of locating the last station, passing Indians having removed the signals.

  37. The diagram deals with one direction of flight and its incidence across lines of six different slants, lines of identical length oriented in six different ways.

  38. As this lunar clockface moves across the sky, it remains oriented in such a way that 6 o'clock continues to be the point nearest the horizon, unless the moon reaches a position directly overhead.

  39. Some of these data seem at first glance to fit the idea of narrow topographically-oriented flight lanes rather nicely.

  40. These diagrams illustrate how the moon may be envisioned as a clockface, constantly oriented with six o'clock nearest the horizon and completely independent of the rotation of the moon's topographic features.

  41. Secondly, we may inquire how the major flight directions at a certain station are oriented with respect to the terrain.

  42. The airbot quickly oriented itself to the escapees and began to fly toward them.

  43. Konig manifested an extremely rare combination of being a "people person" as well as having a supremely disciplined and task-oriented mind.

  44. Regularly oriented from west to east, the rectangular building is formed by a long nave and a flat apse choir.

  45. Regularly oriented from west to east, the building is formed by a wide nave, a transept and a three-row choir with a flat apse.

  46. Regulary oriented from west to east, the building has a two-row nave with a porch, a large transept and a three-row choir with a semi-circular apse.

  47. Regularly oriented from west to east, the rectangular building is formed by a three-row nave and a one-row choir.

  48. Regularly oriented from west to east, the rectangular building is formed by a two-row nave and a two-row choir with a flat apse.

  49. Regularly oriented from west to east, the rectangular building is formed by a long nave and a one-row choir.

  50. Regularly oriented from west to east, the rectangular building has a two-row nave followed by a two-row choir with a flat apse.

  51. Upon examination he was found to be perfectly oriented in all spheres; free from delusions and hallucinations, and possessing quite a degree of insight into his recent mental disorder.

  52. He was clearly oriented and showed no memory defect.

  53. He was clean and tidy in his habits, keenly interested in his environment, and well oriented in all spheres.

  54. Consciousness is not clouded, and they remain perfectly oriented in all spheres.

  55. She was oriented throughout; memory good; no hallucinations or delusions could be elicited; she was very unstable emotionally; reasoning and judgment were defective.

  56. He was clear mentally, well oriented in all respects, and adapted himself readily to his new environment, except that he absolutely refused to eat the regular food furnished the patients.

  57. Mentally he was clearly oriented in all respects and fully in touch with his immediate environment.

  58. In the best of times a materialistically oriented society appeals to the more material and less spiritual aspects of human beings.

  59. Religiously oriented intentional communities may be found today in many of the countries composing western civilization.

  60. The movement of a technologically oriented community from monopoly capitalism into socialism-communism is without historical precedent and therefore largely experimental.

  61. When nursing care is based on a psychological framework, however, the central theme of care is likely to be deemphasized in favor of a problem-oriented approach.

  62. In this market-oriented economy, private individuals and business firms make most of the decisions, and government buys needed goods and services predominantly in the private marketplace.

  63. Some important market-oriented laws were also passed, including a commercial code governing business relations and an arbitration court for resolving economic disputes.

  64. Timber, hydropower, and iron ore constitute the resource base of an economy heavily oriented toward foreign trade.

  65. Its distinction is that while the former is concerned with multilateral, international interactions - this axis is more inwardly oriented and deals with the goings-on between firms in the same territory.

  66. No national economy in CEE qualifies as "Consumer Oriented", though there are pockets of consumer-oriented entrepreneurship within each one.

  67. It is inevitable for students in a practically oriented counseling class to apply much that they learn to their own problems.

  68. There are psychoanalytically oriented groups, Adlerian groups, Gestalt groups, groups that use behavior modification, and others.

  69. The coronoid process in Captorhinus is not oriented vertically, but slopes inward toward the midline at approximately 45 degrees, effectively roofing the Meckelian fossa and limiting its opening to the median surface of each ramus.

  70. The fibers of this mass were nearly vertically oriented in lateral aspect since the parts of the ramus that are available for their insertion lie within the anteroposterior extent of the adductor chamber.

  71. The position of these ridges correlates well with the position of the oriented stresses that were presumably applied to the skull of Captorhinus during life.

  72. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "oriented" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    accustomed; adapted; adjusted; conditioned; experienced; hardened; inured; naturalized; oriented; sane; seasoned; trained; wont; wonted