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Example sentences for "pests"

Lexicographically close words:
pestilent; pestilential; pestis; pestle; pestles; pet; petal; petala; petaled; petalis
  1. Not only have I enjoyed the examination of flowers, but also of insect life, specially of those terrible pests to our rosebushes and some other plants--the aphides.

  2. This is white hellebore which we usually apply in the powder when the Rose-bushes are wet with dew or rain, bending the branches over, so that the application can be made chiefly on the under side of the leaves, where the pests are found.

  3. In a work of this character it seems needful to treat more fully of those pests which prove so destructive to plant life, than we have in our brief references.

  4. The presence of these pests prevents all success in the wild garden.

  5. Insect pests affecting collections include Psocidae, Mites, Tineidae, Coleoptera of the families Ptinidae and Dermestidae, these last being the most injurious.

  6. The danger of infection by these pests is greater in warm climates like that of Washington than in regions further north, as the warm season begins earlier, lasts longer, and furnishes better conditions for breeding and multiplication.

  7. The great pests of a garden are wasps, which destroy all the finer fruits just as they are coming into perfection.

  8. Swifts are much infested with those pests to the genus called hippoboscoe hirundinis; and often wriggle and scratch themselves in their flight to get rid of that clinging annoyance.

  9. Though many insects eat the skin itself, yet how is it possible to guard against insects which attack the feathers only of birds (as the most minute species of the little pests do) by an agent which professedly cures the skin only?

  10. No doubt the non-toxic soaps and so on that Browne describes do work as advertised, but for keeping pests of dried material at bay, for protecting hides, preserved insects and so on, do not copy the recipes from this book.

  11. Meantime (farewell ye) hence depart ye from here, whither an ill foot brought ye, pests of the period, puniest of poetasters.

  12. Thither, whence came ye, brought by luckless feet, Pests of the Century, ye pernicious Poets.

  13. These nomads, upon whom no civilization seems to make any impression, will probably long remain the pests of the China seas, in spite of the steamship.

  14. Pests include spittle bugs, stink bugs and other insects that attack young leaves and tender growth.

  15. In addition, some of the pests with which you are concerned, or others similar to them, are receiving attention in connection with studies of pests of tree fruits.

  16. Work with them has resulted in the development of treatments effective against a number of pests for which there was formerly no known means of control and markedly more effective treatments for the control of others.

  17. All of the trees have very narrow and pointed leaflets characteristic of Texas and southwestern varieties, and they are remarkably free of insect pests and diseases.

  18. A great deal of work has been done on the pests of pecans in the South, and some work on those that attack filberts and chestnuts.

  19. After a career of riot and robbery, the Highwayman at length falls into the toils of Sir John Fielding, who was the first magistrate to take sharp and decisive measures against these pests of society.

  20. The prospect for the sportsman of the future is indeed gloomy, unless he shall make game of the pests and become a hunter of skunks and a shooter of crows and sparrows.

  21. The pests being thus destroyed, Carli was conveyed back to his chamber, where he found the stench so great from the burnt bodies, that he was forced, he says, to hold his monkey close to his nose!

  22. So if you would attain the grace of tears, you must even curb the exercise of spiritual duties, eliminate malice, anger, and hatred, and the other pests from your heart.

  23. Every farmer who does not post his place, and who allows this useful ally in his eternal war against weeds and insect pests to be shot, impoverishes himself more than he is aware.

  24. Long before day, however, each of the nurses was rolled in a blanket under her net and the discouraged pests had returned to their swamp muck.

  25. When we used to go camping we drove away the pests with a big campfire," said Nancy, thinking sadly of the good times she had had with her dad, Tommy and their friends at their swamp shack.

  26. Insect Injuries The most damaging insect pests in the Sleeping Giant Plantation are the spring canker worms, the mites (Paratetranychus bicolor), Japanese beetles and the chestnut weevils.

  27. A spraying schedule has now been worked out which keeps these pests under control: 1.

  28. Tally arranged a chain of these smudge-fires about the camp ground, and provided elaborate means of keeping the pests away through the night.

  29. I hope you don't raise any worse pests than these in your Rockies!

  30. This was very effective to keep away the pests for a time; but one had to keep on rubbing the fresh leaf-juice on the skin at intervals because the moisture evaporated with the heat from the body.

  31. A Member: Do you have any sprays to control diseases and insect pests in the tree that when they go into the soil won't destroy our ground friends?

  32. A Member: Is there a spray that we can use for combating the insect pests of our trees that when it is washed off and goes into the soil doesn't kill our soil friends.

  33. Although these pests may destroy, or cause a certain percentage of the crop to drop before harvest, and hence serve as a thinning measure, the affected nuts remaining on the tree may not be well filled at maturity.

  34. Now, some of those trees growing in the northern part of the state are very serious pests in pastures.

  35. Mass plantings of many trees of the same kind frequently result in an increase in the severity of insect pests and diseases.

  36. There are pests who swarm through the lobbies of the Congress and the cocktail bars of Washington, representing these special groups as opposed to the basic interests of the Nation as a whole.

  37. It is one of the most formidable pests because it spreads rapidly and is exceedingly difficult of control.

  38. Dipterous insects, likewise, do not escape from these pests of their Class: but few observations, however, have been recorded as to the species assailed by them.

  39. The diseases of the Tomato== are dealt with in the chapter on The Fungus Pests of certain Garden Plants.

  40. In a later chapter on 'The Pests of Garden Plants,' both these foes are referred to.

  41. Another simple and effective method of destroying these pests is to pour a small quantity of ale mixed with sugar into glass jars and suspend them from branches of Pear or Plum trees.

  42. Both pests can be destroyed by fumigating with tobacco, and when the remedy is to be applied water should be withheld on that day.

  43. The introduction of lady-birds into districts infested with Coccideae and similar pests which they devour, is also recorded as successful, as also the importation of birds into forests plagued with caterpillars.

  44. The Greeks and Romans were so well acquainted with such diseases that their philosophers speculated very shrewdly as to causes, while the people dedicated such pests to special gods.

  45. And the same reasoning applies to the success of such pests on open areas from which the birds or other enemies of the pest have been driven.

  46. Another point as regards insect pests is the well-known destructive effect of a cold, wet spring on the young larvae.

  47. Moreover, Nature herself shows us that such pests are kept in check in her domain by the struggle for existence entailed by innumerable barriers and competitors.

  48. The Tapajos is nearly free from the insect pests of other parts, mosquitoes, sand-flies, Motucas and piums; but the formiga de fogo is perhaps a greater plague than all the others put together.

  49. We suffered terribly from insect pests during the twenty-four hours we remained here.

  50. The men crowded into the cabins, and then tried to expel the pests by the smoke from burnt rags, but it was of little avail, although we were half suffocated during the operation.

  51. After having struggled for thirty-five days with the muddy currents and insect pests of the Solimoens, it was unspeakably refreshing to find oneself again in a dark-water river, smooth as a lake, and free from Pium and Motuca.

  52. I took the trouble to dissect specimens to ascertain the way in which the little pests operate.

  53. The weeds, the thistles, the thorns, the pests that destroy crops, shall all be destroyed.

  54. In the times of restoration, what will become of the weeds, thistles, and thorns, and pests that destroy crops?

  55. Some don't mind it, but the most of us do, and if the pests would go where they are often told to go, they would get a taste of what they are giving us.

  56. We have singled out this volume for special notice, not because of any intrinsic title it possesses to serious attention, but because it is typical of a species of literature which is rapidly becoming one of the pests of our time.

  57. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "pests" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.