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Example sentences for "plenary"

Lexicographically close words:
pleins; plej; plen; plena; plenam; plene; pleni; plenipotentiaries; plenipotentiary; plenishing
  1. Virgin Mary during the course of the month of May, three hundred days Indulgence each day, and a Plenary Indulgence once in the month if, having confessed and Communicated, they pray for the holy Church.

  2. Plenary Indulgences at the hour of death, and on all the principal festivals of the year, and on the feasts of the Apostles are attached to this medal when blessed by anyone who possesses the faculty.

  3. The plenary inspiration of and consequent absolute authority of what are called the sacred books.

  4. It is most needful to have the heart thoroughly established as to the fulness, the authority, the completeness, the majesty, the plenary inspiration of the sacred volume.

  5. But such plenary sessions were not to witness the actual work of the Conference, nor was Wilson's demand for "open covenants openly arrived at" to be translated literally into accomplishment.

  6. It would supervise the drafting of the treaties and present them to the plenary conference in practically final form.

  7. With but two days left before the plenary session of the Conference and the date set for Wilson's sailing, the commission had approved only six of the twenty-seven articles of the Covenant.

  8. It was sanctioned by the plenary session of the Conference that afternoon, and in the evening Wilson left for America with the document in his pocket.

  9. On that day the plenary session of the Conference adopted without a word of dissent the revised Covenant of the League of Nations, including the amendment that formally recognized the validity of the Monroe Doctrine.

  10. The power of a State to exclude or to expel a foreign corporation being almost plenary as long as interstate commerce is not directly affected, it follows that a State may subject such entry or continued operation to conditions.

  11. But this is a delusion, for the plenary possession of these things has never satisfied a human being.

  12. A discourse pronounced at the Third Plenary Council of Baltimore, which, being enforced by the offer of three hundred thousand dollars by Miss Caldwell, led to the founding of the University at Washington.

  13. Minister of Commerce and Industry Konovalov appointed his assistant, Orlov, with plenary powers, to settle the trouble.

  14. A plenary Parliament was summoned by Tommaso Soderini and those associated with him in the conduct of public affairs during the interregnum.

  15. If the black or violet could be used indifferently, there exists no reason for confining this important privilege of a plenary indulgence to a Requiem Mass said in black vestments.

  16. This response delighted the municipal authorities, and they hurried to the inn to communicate with their own lips this plenary indulgence.

  17. The first and most essential condition of all aristocratic government is, that the plenary power of the state be vested not in an individual but in a corporation.

  18. The Dictator These limitations, however, of the plenary power and of the insignia of the magistracy applied in the main only to the ordinary presidency of the community.

  19. Limitation of the Dictatorship The old unity and plenary legal power of the -imperium- were retained longer in the case of the dictatorship than in that of the consulship.

  20. He had prevented money collected for one plenary Indulgence leaving the country, and he had forbidden Tetzel to preach the last Indulgence within his territories.

  21. Kritzius observes that this word comprehends the notion of plenary powers to treat and decide: der mit unbeschränkter Vollmacht unterhandeln könnte.

  22. Cicero lays the affair of the conspiracy before the senate, who decree plenary powers to the consuls for defending the state.

  23. At the fourth plenary session of the Conference the treaty relating to the Pacific islands, generally known as the Four-Power Treaty, was presented by Senator Lodge.

  24. The decisions which this Council arrived at, with the aid of the large groups of technical advisers which accompanied the delegations of the great powers, were reported to the Conference in plenary session from time to time and ratified.

  25. There were in all seven plenary sessions, but the subsequent sessions did little more than confirm agreements that had already been reached in committee.

  26. Within the limits assigned to it the Irish Parliament will have authority as plenary and as ample as the Imperial Parliament itself possesses or can bestow, and it may, if it so pleases, delegate this authority.

  27. In his capacity as commissioner with plenary powers, he also promised the Indians that the Confederacy would see to it that their trust funds, secured by southern bonds, should be rendered safe and negotiable.

  28. Theopneustia: The Plenary Inspiration of the Holy Scriptures, Eng.

  29. A plenary indulgence on the feast of the holy Guardian Angels, for saying it morning and evening throughout the year; under the usual conditions.

  30. A plenary indulgence, once a month, for having said it daily; under the usual conditions.

  31. A plenary indulgence, under the usual conditions, if said before an image or picture of the crucified Redeemer, after holy communion.

  32. A plenary indulgence, once a month, for devoutly making these acts daily; under the usual conditions.

  33. A plenary indulgence, under the usual conditions, on any one of the last three days of the month, after saying this prayer daily for a month.

  34. A plenary indulgence, once a month, for having said it daily during the month; under the usual conditions.

  35. A plenary indulgence at the hour of death, for saying it often during life.

  36. A plenary indulgence, once a month, for saying it every day for a month; under the usual conditions.

  37. A plenary indulgence, once a month, for saying it daily; under the usual conditions.

  38. A plenary indulgence at the hour of death, under the same conditions.

  39. A plenary indulgence, once a month, for saying it every day; under the usual conditions.

  40. A plenary indulgence, once a month, to all who have the pious custom of saying it at least once a day for a month; under the usual conditions.

  41. Reference may then be either to the plenary session or to the committees.

  42. Wang Ch'ing-wei held a "Sixth Plenary Session of the C.

  43. The critic continued by adding that the difference between Sun and Chiang was to be found in the fact that the former, whatever his impatience, let the Plenary Session of the C.

  44. In the spring of 1939, a "Plan of War-time Procedure for the Second Stage of War" was passed in the Fifth Plenary Session of the C.

  45. Although its sphere of activity is wide, its role as ratifier of the decisions of the Supreme National Defense Council reduces its plenary powers to a shadow.

  46. These sessions, the Plenary Sessions of the C.

  47. The judiciary, contrary to the common supposition, has no plenary power to nullify unconstitutional laws.

  48. According to the Constitution, the Federal Government had plenary power over foreign commerce and commerce between the States, but the power over commerce within a State was reserved to State governments.

  49. Had this de facto government assumed the plenary powers which provisional governments must, under similar circumstances, necessarily assume, it would have been better for the cause of the colonists.

  50. Thus arose the spirit in America, which treated constitutional rights, not so much as special privileges granted by plenary Sovereignty, but as contractual obligations which could be enforced in the Courts against the Sovereign.

  51. The Congress became by force of circumstances a provisional government, and as such it might well have claimed plenary powers to meet an immediate exigency.

  52. And further, any ecclesiastic wearing it whilst he says the holy mass shall have the like plenary indulgence and remission, and those hearing the mass shall gain forty days' indulgence.

  53. Every person possessing this Corona shall obtain the remission of all his sins and plenary indulgence.

  54. Resorting to fanatical expedients, he proclaimed a plenary remission of their sins to such as should fall in the sacred struggle.

  55. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "plenary" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    plenary indulgence; plenary inspiration