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Example sentences for "plotted"

Lexicographically close words:
plop; plopped; plot; plots; plott; plotter; plotters; plotting; plottings; plough
  1. In other respects their sacred office sat lightly upon them, and they caroused and hunted and intrigued and plotted on a grander scale than any baron of their time.

  2. He had probably met Maud and plotted further meetings with her.

  3. And, after all, a man who has plotted with page-boys has little dignity to lose by plotting with butlers.

  4. Experimental Data Corrected values for the turbidities obtained were plotted with the turbidity values on the ordinate and the antigen dilutions on the abscissa.

  5. By summing the plotted turbidity readings, numerical values are obtained which are indices serving to characterize the curves.

  6. And now that you have plotted and planned, and suffered so much to obtain possession of this book, what use has it been to you?

  7. In his Cabinet and in federal offices throughout the South active disunionists plotted and labored to make all things ready for rebellion and unready for its suppression.

  8. They plotted evil against you which cannot succeed.

  9. Beware of craft and treachery, lest that mishap befal thee which befel the sharpers who plotted against the merchant.

  10. FN#105] And Sasan swore a false oath that he had not plotted his death and that the bruit was untrue.

  11. The very man who she had alleged had plotted with the woman Hardwick against me had entrusted his most valuable possessions to me.

  12. The man Miller had evidently plotted and obtained the securities in the young Chilian's despatch-box.

  13. Also he was mad with rage, and plotted in himself to destroy the Slayers of the king, every man of them; but first he must learn what they would do.

  14. After that also he plotted against Cetywayo, whom he hated, and had it not been for a certain white man, a hunter named Macumazahn, Umslopogaas would have been killed.

  15. So matters stood till last year in the winter, and then my father set his heart on killing twenty of the headmen, with their wives and children, because he knew that they plotted against him.

  16. He did not fear me or believe that I plotted against him, I who was his dog.

  17. When we received this information, we did not even read the descriptions; we merely plotted the degree of response.

  18. Each of these factors is plotted separately, then combined into the overall Index.

  19. Each item of data, which is considered significant in evaluating an applicant, is plotted individually against standards which have been derived from an examination of all possible sources of information.

  20. We call this the area of communication, and it is plotted here for Sample institution A.

  21. The number of students enrolled, plotted against the number of doctorate degrees held by the faculty.

  22. If I plotted wrong, we could shift into that crazy space and come out billions of miles away.

  23. You have plotted to replace me in the Czar's favor.

  24. He was the envoy of my unknown enemies, who had so ingeniously and so relentlessly plotted my destruction.

  25. The hearts of knights and maidens deep in woe were sinking; Yet warlike deeds they plotted of which their Norman foes were never thinking.

  26. By them against the Hegelings harm erelong was plotted For the sake of the lovely maiden he fondly hoped would be to him allotted.

  27. These observations, when plotted in the form of a curve will show whether the temperature of the mass rises or falls uniformly.

  28. When the surfaces of the unit weight as outlined in the foregoing tables are plotted as ordinates and the corresponding diameters as abscissæ, the resulting curve is a hyperbola and follows the law XY = C.

  29. If heat were supplied to the body at a uniform rate, the temperature would rise continuously, and if the temperature were plotted against time, a smooth rising curve would result.

  30. A curve is then plotted by using time and temperature as coördinates, and the temperature of the freezing point of salt, as indicated by this particular thermocouple, is noted, i.

  31. Now in order to make quite sure of their affair, they plotted together, and the chief cup-bearer Korchuz presented himself one day very sad and downcast before the King.

  32. Many conspiracies, therefore, were plotted against him in order to ruin him; but all failed, on account of the great confidence which the King placed in his chief private runner, for he had risen to this dignity in a short time.

  33. Her I plotted against at the instigation of Julian of Ephesus.

  34. I, with my voice, expressed the yearnings that they felt in their victorious breasts, and plotted for them.

  35. Although he ruled with a strong hand, and levied a very heavy tax on the Royalists (but not until they had plotted against his life), he ruled wisely, and as the times required.

  36. But he plotted again, and promised again, and bribed and bought again, in his old deceitful way.

  37. It is not absolutely proved that the King plotted in Ireland besides, but it is very probable that he did, and that the Queen did, and that he had some wild hope of gaining the Irish people over to his side by favouring a rise among them.

  38. You had plotted to become master of my fortune; to get me into your power, because of my money; and you had not married me.

  39. When I heard how the enemy plotted and Dawson counter-plotted with all those skilled workmen in his detective service, it occurred to me that an enemy with imagination might counter-counterplot by getting men inside Dawson's defences.

  40. His enemies, who plotted round the death-bed of the king, are now disconcerted, and their cabal has lost ground.

  41. But Violet's sisters could no longer bear this behaviour, and they plotted together how to get rid of her.

  42. Quick-ear, who heard this trick plotted between the father and daughter, said nothing, and waited to see the upshot of the affair.

  43. From executions and banishments and confiscations I abstained, even in the case of those who had plotted against my life.

  44. The malcontents plotted to separate the king from his mother, and determined to carry him off by force.

  45. Thibaud de Blois was bent on capturing the rich duchess, and when she refused him, he plotted to capture her, to imprison her in his castle of Blois, and to force her to marry him.

  46. While the Chinese had plotted and prepared in the deliberate manner of a great nation, the people of Kashgar had entered into cabals and schemes of party tactics that were well nigh ludicrous.

  47. Meanwhile the court plotted for reaction, and the people felt that the court was plotting.

  48. To save Strafford the King plotted for a sudden seizure of London by the army.

  49. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "plotted" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    approaching; arranged; assessed; calculated; coming; designed; destined; determined; emergent; extrapolated; fatal; fated; figured; fixed; forthcoming; future; futuristic; hereafter; imminent; later; measured; methodized; nearing; organized; packed; planned; plotted; prearranged; predicted; premeditated; probable; projected; prophesied; prospective; quantified; rigged; scheduled; shaped; stacked; strategic; systematized; tactical; ultimate; valued