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Example sentences for "preponderate"

Lexicographically close words:
prepense; preponderance; preponderancy; preponderant; preponderantly; preponderated; preponderates; preponderating; preponderatingly; preposition
  1. If one weight in its descent does, by means of any contrivance, cause another weight to ascend with a less momentum or quantity of motion than itself, it will preponderate and raise the other weight.

  2. Illustration] By this contrivance it is most evidently proved to those who are totally unacquainted with the theory, that weights do not preponderate in compound engines on account of their distance from the center.

  3. Therefore, if a leaver or balance have equal weights fastened or hanging at its ends, and the brachia be ever so little unequal that weight will preponderate which is farthest from the center.

  4. The cases of hyperpyrexia preponderate in first attacks of rheumatic fever.

  5. The screw vessel will not preponderate if a screw and paddle vessel be tied bow to bow and the engines of each be then reversed.

  6. If a screw and paddle vessel of the same mould and power be tied stern to stern, will not the screw vessel preponderate and tow the paddle vessel astern against the whole force of her engines?

  7. A declining people underestimate the chances of loss, although in their case they tend more and more to preponderate over the chances of gain.

  8. Saxony has, in almost every place, a relatively large number of births in proportion as in any locality, commerce and industry preponderate over agriculture, and vice versa.

  9. But public opinion appeared to preponderate greatly in favour of neutrality, and of the proclamation by which its observance was directed.

  10. They are therefore “an addition to the narrative,”—of which “the internal evidence will be found to preponderate vastly against the authorship of Mark.

  11. In a few years the States which founded the Union will lose the direction of its policy, and the population of the valley of the Mississippi will preponderate in the federal assemblies.

  12. If the matter of an oath be such as maketh me directly the tempter of myself or others, it is a sin, and not to be kept, unless some greater good preponderate that evil.

  13. An abuse committed in the age and place we live in, or any other, which will by the scandal imbolden others to the like, may not be complied in, without so great reason, as will notably preponderate the evil consequents.

  14. This is a question I would not suffer myself to reason upon; I would not trust my mind with it, lest it should preponderate in favor of self-interest, though against the common principles of truth and justice.

  15. A hundred years hence these people would preponderate over this part of the Continent.

  16. Turks preponderate at Tophâna, which is so named from its cannon foundry.

  17. A sadist is simultaneously a masochist, though either the active or the passive side of the perversion may be more strongly developed and thus represent his preponderate sexual activity.

  18. The difficulties of the task prescribed to me, if they do not preponderate are at least equal to the honour of the situation.

  19. Buckland remarks in regard to trout, that "it is a curious fact that the males preponderate very largely in number over the females.

  20. On the other hand he is certain that with the common linnet, the females preponderate greatly, but unequally during different years; during some years he has found the females to the males as four to one.

  21. He adds that with certain species one sex seems to preponderate over the other during certain years.

  22. It results that either the spiritual or physical element of any fiction may largely outweigh the other, at least, preponderate over it.

  23. And while each tale is unique, and any one of these mechanical elements may largely preponderate over the others, nevertheless the normal fiction will devote a substantial amount of space to each.

  24. At first those becoming so modified that they can do without the use of their eyes would greatly preponderate over those 'congenitally blind.

  25. As to the sixth clause, my lords, which regards the nomination of convoys at a certain time, I can discover no reasonable objection to such a provision, or none that can preponderate against the advantages which may arise from it.

  26. If the single great manor of Rochdale be removed, they preponderate almost as much in Lancashire.

  27. That customary tenants should overwhelmingly preponderate in Northumberland is intelligible enough.

  28. They preponderate in English and history classes more often, let us hope, from inner inclination.

  29. Girls preponderate in our overgrown high school Latin and algebra, because custom and tradition and, perhaps, advice incline them to it.

  30. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "preponderate" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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