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Example sentences for "prodigiously"

Lexicographically close words:
prodigall; prodigally; prodigals; prodigies; prodigious; prodigy; prodromal; prods; produce; produced
  1. The Russians were then forced to retire towards Heilsberg, where they halted, and maintained their position, during a whole day, in the face of an enemy prodigiously superior in numbers.

  2. She is prodigiously extravagant; and Borodaile affects to be prodigiously fond: but as there is only a certain fund of affection in the human heart, and all Lord Borodaile's is centred in Lord Borodaile, that cannot really be the case.

  3. Their heads were dressed prodigiously high, in a vast number of buckles and two long drop curls in the neck.

  4. I wanted prodigiously to have issued forth from some little green recess, to have hailed your return.

  5. I am halooed on prodigiously in my Metastasio mania.

  6. And when he chose to speak a harsh thought, it was ten-fold harsher than ordinarily, because it seemed to proceed out of such profundity of cogitation, because it was as prodigiously deliberate in its incubation as it was in its enunciation.

  7. Saxon was white with anger, but while Sarah wandered on in her diatribe, Tom managed to wink privily and prodigiously at his sister and to implore her to help in keeping the peace.

  8. Some of those oddities of expression are almost too well known now for effect; but they must have sparkled prodigiously among the exhausted circles of his West-end day.

  9. And a stature, prodigiously disqualifying for the asylum of an acorn cup!

  10. But the fields were prodigiously unkempt.

  11. The company had been prodigiously entertained by the tale, and clamoured for more, and when Horry had done I told how you had fought me at Annapolis, and had saved my life.

  12. And disregarding my blushes and protests, he held up the watchet blue frock against me, and it was near fitting me but for my breadth,--the skirts being prodigiously long.

  13. I exclaimed, in surprise, and prodigiously upset.

  14. I was prodigiously struck by the change in him, and pitied him then near as much as I had once despised him.

  15. And when I tell him the news of you, he is prodigiously affected, and cries--but here's my gentleman now!

  16. His quiet laugh prodigiously disconcerted the pettifogger, who had before been sufficiently ill at ease in the presence of the great lawyer.

  17. In the cabinet joining to it are only the smaller volumes, with six cabinets of medals, and an excellent collection of shells and agates, whereof some are prodigiously rich.

  18. By the way, we pass through a forest so prodigiously encompassed with hideous rocks of whitish hard stone, heaped one on another in mountainous heights, that I think the like is nowhere to be found more horrid and solitary.

  19. The course was north-north-west, and was prodigiously steep.

  20. Couloirs look prodigiously steep when seen from the front, and, so viewed, it is impossible to be certain of their inclination within many degrees.

  21. And after a little colloquy, Paul found himself suddenly marched off between two tall fellows, who looked prodigiously inclined to eat him.

  22. At the conclusion of this harangue, a knock at the door being heard, Paul took his departure, and met in the hall a fine-looking person dressed in the height of the fashion, and wearing a pair of prodigiously large buckles in his shoes.

  23. But to Paul, who was predestined to enjoy a certain quantum of knowledge, circumstances happened, in the commencement of the second year of his pupilage, which prodigiously accelerated the progress of his scholastic career.

  24. We pine for some congenial heart, and have an itching desire to talk prodigiously about ourselves; all other subjects seem weary, stale, and unprofitable.

  25. On the chair sat Tom, turning excitedly the leaves of a prodigiously imposing manuscript.

  26. He seemed prodigiously elated; and I congratulated him heartily, as this is the first child born to them.

  27. The marquis was much disappointed by this interpretation, as there were often twelve or fifteen of these in one household or family, which would have prodigiously reduced his revenue, and several law-suits ensued in consequence.

  28. However, both these ladies seemed prodigiously relieved when our dances were finished; for I was too much engaged with taking care of a whirl of thoughts, with which my mind was struggling, to be very talkative.

  29. I was prodigiously surprised that a stranger would thus speak unto me as though I were some disinterested outsider of whom he was speaking.

  30. We had to travel prodigiously to cover the ground between one division and another along a hundred miles of front, with long walks often at the journey's end and a wet way back.

  31. They knew that our army had grown prodigiously since the assault on Loos, nearly a year before.

  32. The warmth in the House of Commons is prodigiously rekindled; but Lord Cornwallis's fate has cost the Administration no ground there.

  33. Hence that river must necessarily swell prodigiously and go beyond its ordinary bounds, as unable to contain such vast quantities of water, and overflows therefore both in Egypt and the other lands through which it passes.

  34. At this place the water is very deep and runs with a prodigiously swift current.

  35. Among the Pygmies, I suppose, if one of them grew to the height of six or eight inches, he was reckoned a prodigiously tall man.

  36. Whatever little fault they might find with the dishes, they sat at dinner a prodigiously long while; and it would really have made you ashamed to see how they swilled down the liquor and gobbled up the food.

  37. Then having yawned prodigiously and come somewhat to himself, he proceeded to crawl from under the settee, when, catching sight of Barnabas, he sprang lightly to his feet and greeted him cordially.

  38. I longed prodigiously to give her a twitch back to the right.

  39. And the lady was prodigiously piqued not to be received better; so that they were upon the very point of a quarrel, when they discovered that all the fault was mine!

  40. She only eyed me askance, as if she would have liked prodigiously to order me out of the room.

  41. It's an age that I have wanted to see you, and to tell you how prodigiously ashamed I am of all that business.

  42. I really can't find out what makes them all so poor; but they are prodigiously out of cash.

  43. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "prodigiously" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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