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Example sentences for "ruts"

Lexicographically close words:
ruthless; ruthlessly; ruthlessness; ruti; rutile; rutted; rutting; rutty; ruw; ruyne
  1. The only water to be procured lay in ruts and ditches by the roadside, and was filthy and fetid.

  2. A weeping thaw had reduced the frozen ruts to mere mud piping, of that consistency which grips a tyre like teeth.

  3. Ruts and puddles were firmly frozen; our bicycle bells rang out with a pleasing brilliance.

  4. A road builder, repairing the ruts made by the guns and baggage trains, stood aside for us to pass and pulled off his hat to us.

  5. New grass would be growing in the wheel ruts of the guns and on the sides of the trenches in which infantry had screened itself.

  6. He dared not take the ruts at speed, and groaned as he slowed to climb the bank.

  7. The ruts where he was were bad enough--they were worse where the team must be passed.

  8. It was rutted by the wheels of heavy traffic, but with tires in the dusty ruts a car ran unimpeded.

  9. Moreover, he would not attempt to return to the ruts as before, as a second of the teams was coming a mile or so away.

  10. De waggins leff deep ruts in de groun', but none us folks on de plantation pay no heed ter dem ruts.

  11. When de sojer mens cum, dey see dem ruts en trail 'em right out dar in de woods ter de cotton.

  12. This heterogeneous and swarming city, planted in ruined fields whose straight or winding ruts are stiffening in the heat, is already broadly valanced with rubbish and dung.

  13. And all the while, like the other half of a dual personality, his hands and feet mechanically guided his rattletrap old truck along the ruts of the lonesome country road.

  14. So down the woods road shot Hal, his ancient truck gallantly riding roots and ruts and snorting to the charge with a backfire like gattling guns.

  15. They seemed to bump in and out of the ruts faster than ever.

  16. The powerful headlights gleamed out over deep ruts and in places the sandy soil lay in little mounds, causing the car to bump and flounder about from one side of the road to the other.

  17. Here and there a dark bush or young birch-tree cast a long shadow over the ruts and scattered grass-tufts of the track.

  18. The dust became changed to a paste which clung to the wheels, and the ruts became transformed into muddy rivulets.

  19. The shrubs and bushes had grown high above the ruts made by the waggon two years ago, and were a great hindrance to us.

  20. Some two years before he had made the same journey on a hunting expedition, and now he was able to follow the ruts which the wheels of his waggon had made then, and which would be in all probability deepened by the summer rains.

  21. And now as he stooped to examine the ruts at a point where they clearly defined themselves, either from habit, or for special reason, he kept as far back by the briary ditch as he could without loss of near insight.

  22. The ruts were as slippery as glass, and did not altogether fit the wheels he had behind him; and in spite of the spikes which the blacksmith gave him, the snow balled on his hairy feet.

  23. The ruts of the lane grew more distinct, as their combs of frozen mud attracted and held the driving whiteness; and the frogs of heavy cart-horses might be traced by the hoary increment.

  24. There scarcely could be a finer sample of ruts than was afforded by a narrow lane, or timber-track, at the extreme north-western outskirt of Stow Forest.

  25. The cold has carved deep ruts in the faces of the little company who, despite their sufferings and discomforts, smile and keep cheerful without apparent effort.

  26. We imagine that when we are thrown out of our usual ruts all is lost, but it is only then that what is new and good begins.

  27. The saturated road no longer absorbed the water, which ran along the ruts in streams.

  28. They have pulled us out of ruts and fed us, and starved for us.

  29. Too many farmers live in the ruts cut by their great-great- grandfathers.

  30. Today ruts cut into the prairie by heavily laden wagons, plodding ox teams, and flying hoofs of couriers' horses are still visible in many places along the road.

  31. The deep ruts cut in the prairie by the military wagons of the expedition, and later by those traveling over the same trail to Fort Keogh, Mont.

  32. Deep ruts cut by the wagons of the expedition are still visible near the ranch buildings.

  33. Deep ruts of wagon trains are still visible and can be traced across the valley.

  34. Ruts left by the wagon trains of early explorers, military expeditions, and home seekers have not yet been effaced from the prairies.

  35. In the pavement of the processional way, by which the chariots came up to the Temple of Demeter, the chief glory and shrine of Eleusis, are the deep ruts made by the chariot-wheels.

  36. When I got up presently to stroll among the ruins, I set my foot on the tiny ruts of an uneven pavement, specially constructed so that the feet of contending athletes should not slip upon it.

  37. It was heavy with dust and dirt, and full of ruts and loose stones.

  38. Finally nothing still grew more and more but ruts and stones.

  39. The road grew worse until it became nothing but a mass of ruts and gullies washed out by the rain, and led to a hill from which even Christian would have turned and fled.

  40. Down the hillsides were deep ruts and gullies, with only an occasional patch of green, where women were watching sheep and swine.

  41. All along were milestones bearing half-obliterated inscriptions and arms of forgotten viceroys, who used to keep the road up for the crown or themselves--rather a contrast to the deep ruts of the now neglected highway.

  42. Everywhere were great ruts and splits in the streets, which looked, in places, as if they had been plowed up.

  43. The ruts are of an incredible depth, and a pavement of diamonds might as well be fought for as a quarter" [sic, meaning?

  44. The roadbed was torn to pieces, ruts knee-high; the stones, washed loose of soil, ringing to the blow of a moving hoof.

  45. At nightfall he started, a young moon to guide him, followed a road ankle high in ruts and mud, and at dawn crept into an alder thicket for rest and sleep.

  46. He stumbled across ruts and sank into drifts, and the wind drove against him like a granite cliff.

  47. At length the lantern ray showed ruts that curved away from the road under tree-darkness.

  48. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "ruts" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.