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Example sentences for "sarcode"

Lexicographically close words:
sarce; sarcenet; sarch; sarched; sarcina; sarcolactic; sarcoma; sarcomatous; sarcophagi; sarcophagus
  1. In the Spongi\'91, the soft sarcode of the body is usually supported by a skeleton consisting of horny fibers, or of silleceous or calcareous spicules.

  2. In the course of a few seconds there is no disconnected sarcode visible, and in five to seven minutes the organism is a union of two of the organisms, the swimming being again resumed, the flagella acting in apparent concert.

  3. It was a condition chiefly confined to the caudal end, the sarcode having became diffluent, hyaline, and intensely rapid in the protrusion and retraction of its substance, while the nuclear body becomes enormously enlarged.

  4. This condition tensified, the amoeboid action quickened as here depicted, the agility of motion ceased, the nucleus body became strongly developed, and the whole sarcode was in a state of vivid and glittering action.

  5. At the same moment a motion is set up which pulls the divided pairs asunder, making the interval of sarcode to grow constantly greater between them.

  6. Now the sarcode was, as it were, kneading its own substance, and again an inner whirling motion was visible, reminding one of the rush of water round the interior of a hollow sphere on its way to a jet or fountain.

  7. Meanwhile, the diffluence causes a spreading and flattening of the sarcode and swimming gives place to creeping, while the flagella violently lash.

  8. On this the process of growth of successive layers of animal sarcode and of calcareous skeleton was repeated again and again, till in some cases even a hundred or more layers were formed.

  9. That the whole mass of sarcode throughout the organism was continuous; the apparently detached secondary chambers being, as I had previously suspected, connected with the larger chambers by canals filled with sarcode.

  10. But whatever the cause, it is usual to find fossil Foraminifera with their sarcode replaced by such material.

  11. Supposing then that the spaces between the calcareous laminæ, as well as the canals and tubuli traversing their substance, were once filled with the sarcode body of a Rhizopod, comparisons with modern forms at once suggest themselves.

  12. Laminæ of sarcode much mammillated, thin, and separated by very thin walls.

  13. We must, however, bear in mind that they are as dependent on their food for the materials of their skeletons as we are, and that their crusts grow in the interior of the sarcode just as our bones do within our bodies.

  14. A somewhat different view has been advanced by other physiologists--namely that the protoplasm, when irritated, contracts like the soft sarcode of the muscles of animals.

  15. I find it stated by several writers that curare has no influence on sarcode or protoplasm, and we have seen that, though curare excites some degree of inflection, it causes very little aggregation of the protoplasm.

  16. Under other circumstances the embryo frequently bursts; the sarcodic contents escaping in the form of amœba-like bodies and the cilia retaining their powers of movement long after all traces of the sarcode have disappeared.

  17. Two ciliated embryos of Bilharzia; showing sarcode spherules in their interior.

  18. This, under Ross’s 1/4-inch lens, resolved itself into a few excessively delicate sarcode globules surrounded by fine granules.

  19. As regards the intimate structure of the ciliated embryo of Bilharzia hæmatobia, I have further to observe that, shortly after its extrusion from the shell, the hitherto loose, globular sarcode particles coalesce.

  20. Egg of Bilharzia, with contained embryo and free sarcode globules.

  21. Some have only one, others have several openings, through which the sarcode flows.

  22. The sarcode of all these deep-sea Rhizopods has many large black-brown pigment-cells.

  23. At times they come up with a good deal of the sarcode outside of the shell; and two specimens have been seen to throw out elongated pseudopodia" (loc.

  24. It is in direct connection with the intracapsular sarcode (or the endoplasm) only by the openings of the central capsule, and mainly by the astropyle.

  25. At times these Challengerida come up with a good deal of sarcode outside of the shell, and two specimens have been seen to throw out elongated pseudopodia" (loc.

  26. Through these latter radiate bundles of fine pseudopodia, branching and anastomosing, and forming a fine sarcode network between the alveoles of the calymma.

  27. Numerous streams of sarcode arise from the central capsule and pierce the calymma inside the shell.

  28. We never have been able to detect, in any of the large number of Globigerinoe which we have examined, the least trace of pseudopodia, or any extension, in any form, of the sarcode beyond the shell.

  29. The Pseudopodia radiate from a stream of sarcode which passes out from the central capsule only on one side, namely, through the principal aperture.

  30. The different forms of extracapsular sarcode currents have been already very fully described in my Monograph (L.

  31. The single siliceous spicules, which are irregularly interwoven to form the spongy web, are to be regarded as the silicified threads of the intracalymmar sarcode network.

  32. Compare also my paper on the sarcode elements of the Rhizopoda (Zeitschr.

  33. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "sarcode" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.