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Example sentences for "shapely"

Lexicographically close words:
shape; shaped; shapeless; shapelessness; shapeliness; shapen; shaper; shapes; shapeth; shaping
  1. Then the door was opened and Clemency appeared, her shapely figure outlined against the light behind her.

  2. See how he flings up his shapely head to snuff the balmy air of morning, the while he paws the green earth with a round, bepolished hoof.

  3. Peterby, crouching down to view his young master's shapely legs in profile.

  4. And now, with his gaze upon that shapely back, all youthful loveliness from slender foot to the crowning glory of her hair, Barnabas sighed, and felt his heart leap as he strode after her.

  5. Or in coveting thy neighbor's fat wife when a shapely Martha is promised.

  6. Draw up thy skirt for with my own hand would I fit it to thy white and shapely ankle," and his narrow black eyes shone with the anticipated pleasure.

  7. Her white and shapely body sparkled as if powdered with diamond dust and the veil that floated about her was woven of fine and shining threads in rainbow tints.

  8. Cigarette tossed back her pretty head that was curly and spirited and shapely as any thoroughbred spaniel's; a superb glance flashed from her eyes, a superb disdain sat on her lips.

  9. It was expressed in the poise of the little head, the erect carriage, and even the fashion in which the light draperies hung in flowing lines about the shapely figure.

  10. She was also very dainty, though that did not detract from the indefinite something in the pose of the shapely head and figure which the lad vaguely recognized as patrician.

  11. He stopped his advance towards her, to let himself take-in the full extent of her pure, young beauty; the tresses of gold that hid beneath the veil, the soft roundness of her form and the delicate prettiness of her bare feet and shapely legs.

  12. But this thought, however, didn't deter him from looking at the shapely objects below.

  13. Had Judson been before Aunt Candace, she would have thrust him from the door with one lifting of her strong, shapely hand.

  14. Far up the river, the shapely old cottonwood stood in the pride of its autumn gold, outlined against a clear blue sky, while all the prairie lay in seas of golden haze about it.

  15. I would do anything for my father, I don't know why I should be called to say anything," and then she broke down entirely and sat white and still with downcast eyes, her two shapely little hands clenched together.

  16. Marjie looked sweet and cool in a fresh starched gingham, with her round white arms bare to the elbows, and her white shapely neck, with its dainty curves and dimples.

  17. The big cottonwood, shapely as ever, was outlined against the horizon, which was illumined now with all the gorgeous grandeur of the May evening.

  18. The cameos on her neck gleamed through the gauze scarf gracefully wound about her shoulders; the sleeves of her printed muslin dress were short so as to display a series of bracelets on her shapely white arms.

  19. Lucien's hands denoted race; they were shapely hands; hands that men obey at a sign, and women love to kiss.

  20. Edina in her gold-colored taffeta with gold slippers on her feet, her hair a shining, blue-black cap for her shapely head, was quite the rage with the young cadets at Boxton.

  21. Billie reached forward and tucked a lock of ebony hair behind a shapely ear.

  22. His closely cropped beard and hair were iron gray, and his mild blue eyes and shapely hands told of inbred qualities.

  23. Upon a cold marble slab lay the body of a young girl, her shapely hands across her breast.

  24. The front, back, and sides of the neck may all be strengthened and filled out with firm, shapely muscles, by changing the position of the body for each change of exercise desired.

  25. A few weeks of daily practice should show noticeable results, and a year of persistent drill will produce a shapely shoulder, and make it unnecessary for the tailor to pad the coat in order to make it fit.

  26. She hated their rich breeches and embroidered jackets buttoned with silver and gold, the lace handkerchiefs knotted about their shapely throats.

  27. She bathed her face and wound the long black coils about her shapely head.

  28. The greenhouse specimens are the juvenile state of plants that become large trees in their native regions; therefore, it is not to be expected that they will keep shapely and within bounds indefinitely.

  29. A good horseradish root should be straight and shapely (Fig.

  30. Yet wholly aside from the value of a tool as an implement of tillage and as a weapon for the pursuit of weeds, is its merit merely as a shapely and interesting instrument.

  31. He was capering about with a pretty brunette, with bright eyes, a retrousse nose, and an exceedingly shapely leg.

  32. Therefore, in order to insure speed, shapely lines, and satisfactory color effects, the striper will find it greatly to his advantage to closely and intelligently study the composition of pigments.

  33. The gauzy texture of the piƱa set off her shapely head, and the Indians who saw her compared her to the moon surrounded by fleecy clouds.

  34. Delicate balsamic scents floated down from groves of shapely cedars.

  35. One shapely hand still clasped the hilt of a richly ornamented sword, with which he had evidently been directing his men, and his staring gray eyes seemed yet filled with the anger of battle.

  36. He pointed to where a shapely head was raised, and almost human agony looked out of great liquid eyes.

  37. Her wealth of silken black hair was drawn smoothly back from her white forehead, over her shapely head, and gathered into a simple knot behind.

  38. An old antiquary, decrepit and bent, is peering at the shapely proportions of an Egyptian figure bearing a close resemblance to life.

  39. She was somewhat small in stature, her figure was well turned; and as her arms were much admired for their shapely form, she was partial to attitudes which showed them off to advantage.

  40. A little, white hand, flashing with jewels, but shapely and delicate, stole out from the dark fur of her cloak, and he held it within his for a second.

  41. A most disdainful and impatient shrug of her shapely shoulders was Miss Beaubien's only answer to that allusion.

  42. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "shapely" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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