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Example sentences for "sidetracked"

Lexicographically close words:
sidesaddle; sideshow; sidestep; sidestepped; sidetrack; sidewalk; sidewalks; sideward; sidewards; sideway
  1. We found our train sidetracked at Alfalfa, one mile east of the washout, and had one mile to walk after leaving the wagon.

  2. The hour grows late and the time arrives to return to our train, which is sidetracked for occupancy at the Rio Grande Western depot.

  3. Getting enough of Oldtown, we board a car and are soon back in sedate Colorado Springs and seek our train, that is sidetracked for occupancy near the station.

  4. Our train is sidetracked in the yard and Brother Terry and I walk over to the station, a short distance away, and look around.

  5. The “boys” have been patrolling the train at night since we have been sidetracked here.

  6. Get sidetracked on some aspect for a few years--so what?

  7. Seems he's gotten sidetracked a bit," said Carl.

  8. The two cars were sidetracked at Cascade, the heart of the sightseeing country, and Glover had a trip laid out for the early morning on horses up Cabin Creek.

  9. On Friday afternoon Glover's car lay sidetracked at the east end of the Nine Mile shed waiting for a limited train to pass.

  10. We wouldn't be sidetracked for anything less important, I'm quite sure.

  11. I was so busy keeping an eye out for sidetracked trains that I now and then lost the run of the conversation.

  12. We get delayed shipments, we wait for our stuff, and it lies sidetracked somewhere; we get our men stolen from us before they ever get to Bolton, and shunted off to work for the opposition!

  13. The disturbing idea is thus not to be discharged but to be sidetracked so that in future it leads to harmless results.

  14. There followed a period in which the scientific interest of the physicians was somewhat sidetracked by an unsound connection of these studies with mystic speculations and with clairvoyance.

  15. Peculiar Arrangement by Which the Bill Was Sidetracked in the Assembly - Stanton Promised That It Should Pass the Lower House If It Passed the Senate - How It Was Smothered in the Upper House.

  16. The position of these members of the Legislature who did not propose to be sidetracked by machine trickery is well illustrated by an interview with Senator Walker, which appeared in the Sacramento Bee on January 19.

  17. I asked him to let me out on the main line, took a five-mile spin, and sidetracked for a freight train.

  18. She ran out and caught a neighbor's boy, and sent him scurrying down to the sidetracked sleeping car with a note to Helen.

  19. The young folk had left Cheslow just before dark, and their sleeper was sidetracked at the end of the journey, some time in the very early morning.

  20. It had sidetracked the private car attached to the rear of the last pullman and was puffing away westward, when Ashton guided his running team in among the crude shacks of the town.

  21. I presume they are traveling in Mr. Leslie's private car, and will have it sidetracked at Stockchute," answered Ashton.

  22. Not one of them doubted but that some enemy had sneaked aboard of the locomotive while it was sidetracked at noon at Riverton and had put some drug in the jar of coffee.

  23. Under ordinary circumstances, a train thus sidetracked would be under notified control and run down the siding only a short distance.

  24. Much to Case’s delight, the engine drew up in front of the sidetracked car, and the conductor came running down from the caboose, swinging a lantern in his hand.

  25. Alex was about to turn to the track again and walk back to the flat car when the thought came to him that the conductor might have misunderstood orders regarding the exact location of the sidetracked car and stopped at the wrong place.

  26. If I were to make a long-range guess, I should say that perhaps the cars of the opposition were sidetracked at Owls' Valley.

  27. He was too shrewd not to suspect at once who it was that had carried out Teddy's suggestions and sidetracked the opposition where they would not get out for at least a whole day.

  28. He did not propose that Car Three should, by any slip, be sidetracked at the deserted village.

  29. The chances are that Mr. Havens started away from New York with her, and got sidetracked in some way,” he went on.

  30. It was Sloan, the secret service man, who blundered into the party with a broken head who sidetracked the old plans.

  31. She sidetracked her chewing gum, completely ignored her other customers, and helped him select a handful of her choicest sixty-cent Havanas.

  32. The crazy old train stopped so many times during the night that I scarcely woke up when they sidetracked us here, and the first thing I knew I was abandoned in this wilderness.

  33. When I woke up the next morning the car was sidetracked at Chazy Junction, and as this is a section I have never before explored I decided to stay here for a time.

  34. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "sidetracked" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    abandoned; deserted; disregarded; ignored; missed; neglected; overlooked; shelved; shunted; sidetracked; slighted; unasked; unattended; unchaperoned; unconsidered; undone; unregarded; unsolicited; untended; unwatched