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Example sentences for "siluer"

Lexicographically close words:
siltation; silted; silting; silts; silty; siluroid; silvae; silvan; silvas; silver
  1. For vnto the goldsmythes behoueth gold & siluer And alle other metallys.

  2. Yet needes the earth must droope with visage sad, When siluer dewes been turn'd to bitter stormes, 20 The Cheerful Welkin, once in sables clad, Her frownes foretell poore humaine creatures harmes.

  3. All thy Sands siluer Trent Downe to the Humber, The sighes I haue spent Neuer can number.

  4. Isaac Addington bequeathed by will his "Bigges Siluer Sewer & Salt.

  5. He is lord of the Elephants, and of all the golde and siluer mines, and of all the pearles and precious stones: so that he hath the greatest store of treasure that euer was heard of in these parts.

  6. Their monie is pretie white shels, for golde and siluer we saw none.

  7. Behinde these Louteas come such as doe beare certaine tables hanged at staues endes, wherein is written in siluer letters, the name, degree, and office of that Loutea, whom they follow.

  8. Nowe their siluer which they put to vses is for the most part passing fine, and purified from all drosse, and therefore in trying it they vse great diligence.

  9. The countrey is ful of siluer mines otherwise barren, not so much by fault of nature, as through the slouthfulnesse of the inhabitants: howbeit Oxen they keepe and that for tillage sake onely.

  10. Neuerthelesse in that Iland sundry fruites doe growe, not much vnlike the fruites of Spaine: and great store of Siluer mynes are therein to be seene.

  11. She answered (thinking it to be Hartlay) that the truth she had spoken already, and that she would not favour him, neither for siluer nor gold.

  12. Why this hits right: I dreampt of a Siluer Bason & Ewre to night.

  13. May it please your Honor, Lord Lucius (Out of his free loue) hath presented to you Foure Milke-white Horses, trapt in Siluer Tim.

  14. And there I send her a ring of gold, A ring of precyous stone, And bidd her come to the siluer wood, Let ffor no kind of man.

  15. Ffor thou hast sent her a mantle of greene, As greene as any grasse, And bade her come to the siluer woode, To hunt with Child Maurice.

  16. Thou shalt have forty pounds a weeke, In gold and siluer thou shalt rowe, And Harbye towne I will thee allowe As longe as thou dost meane to wooe.

  17. Thou shalt haue that horsse with all my hart, And my cote-plate of siluer ffree, And a hundred men att thy backe, For to fight if neede shalbee.

  18. And he tooke his siluer combe in his hand, To kembe his yellow lockes.

  19. Then he did marry this kings daughter, With gold and siluer bright, And fiftene sonnes this ladye beere To Sir Cawline the knight.

  20. And he cast a lease vpon his backe, And he rode to the siluer wood, And there he sought all about, About the siluer wood.

  21. They packet vp both siluer and plate, Siluer and gold soe great plentye, And they be gon into Litle England, And the marchant must them neuer see.

  22. And heere he sends a mantle of greene, As greene as any grasse, And he bidds you come to the siluer wood, To hunt with Child Maurice.

  23. And thou [hast] sent her a ring of gold, A ring of precyous stone, And bade her come to the siluer wood, Let ffor noe kind of man.

  24. And heere I send her a mantle of greene, As greene as any grasse, And bidd her come to the siluer wood, To hunt with Child Maurice.

  25. Childe Maurice hunted ithe siluer wood, He hunted itt round about, And noebodye that he ffound therin, Nor none there was with-out.

  26. They haue packett vp spoone and plate, Siluer and gold great plenty, And they be gon into Litle England, And them againe thow must neuer see.

  27. And likewise three pence vpon euery pound of siluer in the carying out of any such goods and marchandises which are bought in our realme and dominion aforesayd aboue the customes beforetime payd vnto vs or any of our progenitors.

  28. Sidenote: Mynes of siluer and gold in Ireland.

  29. For of siluer and golde there is the oore, Among the wilde Irish though they be poore.

  30. Now they couet golde and siluer like vnto our men.

  31. Vnto thee we do present, Siluer heart with arrow wounded.

  32. For his head, full of siluer horie heares, being put vpon a stake, was openlie carried through London and set vpon the bridge of the same citie: in like maner was the lord Bardolfes.

  33. Sidenote: The same Wimondham also receiued 82 pounds, for 26 founders of lead, out of the which the siluer was tried, as appeareth by his accompts.

  34. At his returning home, he caused a crosse of siluer and gilt, adorned with an image of the crucifix, to be borne afore him.

  35. Sidenote: No necessarie thing to bee done was left vnattempted on either part.

  36. We cannot long endure in this case as we be, To leaue our boat I am right sure, compeld we must agree.

  37. Cities in it, now there remaining but onely 4.

  38. Caspar Campion, vnto master Michael Locke, and vnto master William Winter, as by his letters vnto them both shall appeare.

  39. The shippes called the Holy Crosse, and the Mathew Gonson, made a voyage to the Islandes of Candia and Chio in Turkie, about the yeere 1534.

  40. And therefore the sayd lord sayd that he was content for to die with them, and that they should dispose them to defend themselues well, or to doe their endeuour better then they had done in times past.

  41. I speake it not arrogantly, I take God to witnesse: but mens painefull trauels ought not lightly to be condemned: nor surely at any time are woont to be of the learned, or discreet.

  42. Howbeit hee would speake with his people, and then hee would giue him no answere.

  43. The Maister then gan cheere with siluer whistle blast His Mariners, which at the Icere are laboring wondrous fast.

  44. The which answered that such wordes or offers of siluer were not to bee sayd nor presented to the great lord on paine of life, and that hee set more by honour then by siluer.

  45. Againe with siluer blast, the Maister doth not faile, To cause his mates fortwith in hast abroad to put more saile.

  46. Euerie one of these according to their duties, tooke theyr places vppon the checkers of the pauement, that is, sixteene in golde of one side in two rowes, and sixteene in siluer of the contrarie side.

  47. After that, the ingenious Artificer wanting no inuention, hee seperated the graynes in steade of the fylme with siluer foyle.

  48. From the teates of their breastes the ascending water did spin out lyke siluer twist.

  49. Thus they continued playing and dauncing according to the time of the musicke, with greate pleasure, solace, and applause, vntill the King of the siluer Nymphes was victour and conquerour.

  50. Or is your gold and siluer Ewes and Rams?

  51. What saies the Siluer with her virgin hue?

  52. Item, a large Bason and Euer, siluer and gilt.

  53. The name of which money is called Pole or Poles of which Poles there goe to the least of the siluer coines, 18.

  54. The 12 of December the Emperours Maiestie and all his nobility came into the field on horsebacke, in most goodly order, hauing very fine Iennets and Turkie horses garnished with gold and siluer abundantly.

  55. He hath abundance of gold and siluer in his owne handes or treasurie: but the most part of his subiects know not a crowne from a counter, nor gold from copper, they are so much cumbred therewithall, and he that is worth 2.

  56. Ser: When griping griefe the heart doth wound, And dolefull dumps the minde oppresse: 95 Then musique with her siluer sound, Why siluer sound?

  57. I saye Siluer sound, because such Fellowes as you haue sildome Golde for sounding.

  58. Ro: It is my soule that calles vpon my name, How siluer sweet sound louers tongues in night.

  59. Ro: By yonder blessed Moone I sweare, That tips with siluer all these fruit trees tops.

  60. For in comparison of these treasours, all the gold or siluer in the world may by a skornefull terme be called pelfe, & so ye see that the reason of the decencie holdeth not alike in both cases.

  61. The armes the which that Cupid bare, We pearced harts with teares besprent: In siluer and sable to declare The stedfast loue he alwaies meant.

  62. Now when Constantine had the halter about his necke, he offered fifteene thousand marks of siluer to haue beene pardoned, but it would not be.

  63. With him, the Earle of Surrey, bearing the Rod of Siluer with the Doue, Crowned with an Earles Coronet.

  64. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "siluer" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.