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Example sentences for "twofold"

Lexicographically close words:
twitting; twix; twixt; two; twoe; twont; twoo; twopence; twopenny; twor
  1. While I am lying on the grass Thy twofold shout I hear, That seems to fill the whole air's space, As loud far off as near.

  2. While I am lying on the grass Thy twofold shout I hear, From hill to hill it seems to pass, At once far off, and near.

  3. He rested his chin on his hand and gazed into vacancy.

  4. The car moved silently forward and took the corner of Grosvenor Gardens.

  5. He says twofold always, for everything was of value to Blake as a symbol, as a medium for expressing a still greater thing behind it.

  6. The Kirchenfreund is doing this twofold work of bringing us into closer sympathy with the Germans, and bringing them into closer union with ourselves.

  7. There is probably a twofold reason for this.

  8. The vessel which bore their twofold banner, upon which the Minister of the Interior had put his embargo by the medium of his custom officers, was at anchor in the docks of the rue de Grenelle.

  9. She listened: she thought she heard a twofold noise as of raucous breathing.

  10. So the policy of the great Ottoman Sultans, inspired by this twofold consideration, has always aimed at keeping on friendly terms with the Powers that rule over the majority of Moslems and at the same time hold the mastery of the seas.

  11. This twofold understanding could only be brought about by sacrificing the whole of Western Europe and all her old civilisation.

  12. I will make twofold the ways of the gods, and I will beautify [them].

  13. He made twofold the ways on the earth [and in the heavens?

  14. I am going to contradict it with my twofold good fortune.

  15. A further result is the belief in the personal immortality of the soul, and the dualistic dogma of the twofold nature of man, whose "immortal soul" is conceived as but the temporary inhabitant of the mortal frame.

  16. This fundamental twofold character of the psyche in the metaphyta and the lower, nerveless metazoa is very important.

  17. In this Max Verworn (of Jena) earned a twofold distinction.

  18. Many believers take the dogma in a twofold application; they think that the mother of Mary was impregnated by the Holy Ghost as well as Mary herself.

  19. It is of such a nature as necessarily to involve a twofold effect, caused by a twofold attitude towards it.

  20. Now, secondly, look at the twofold invitation that is here.

  21. So, lastly, notice our share in this twofold greeting.

  22. The twofold designation here before us goes a great deal deeper than that.

  23. I shall shape my remarks so as to bring out that feature of the text, asking you to look first with me at the twofold designation of the persons addressed; next at the twofold invitation; and last at the twofold promise of rest.

  24. Consider then the twofold designation here of the persons addressed, 'Come unto Me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden.

  25. There is a twofold divine preparation of the heavens for men.

  26. And now, lastly, look at the twofold promise which is here.

  27. The existence of these numerous ecclesiastical principalities had a twofold effect.

  28. Stung by this twofold insult, Maximilian forthwith laid claim to Margaret's dower, Artois and Franche-Comte, and tried to enforce his claims by arms.

  29. No triumph can more befittingly signalize termination of first century of Bahá’í era than accomplishment of this twofold task.

  30. Tempestuous are the winds that buffet and will, as the days go by, fiercely assail the very structure of the Order through the agency of which this twofold task is being performed.

  31. If we must, then, have maternities, we should make them safe, and this can be in great measure accomplished by remembering the twofold source of danger arising from a poisoned atmosphere and direct inoculation.

  32. Not only light but warmth he brings, for "there is nothing hid from the heat thereof," and in this twofold benevolence testifies again to his Creator, who is Love and Light.

  33. Deluded men they may be called by many; but people cannot ordinarily understand the high motives which move men swayed only by the twofold feeling of religion and nationality.

  34. With the Church originated those ancient institutions, which in certain parts of Europe partook at once of the twofold nature of councils and political assemblies.

  35. The twofold consideration set the flame of his devotion flaring.

  36. So then, look at this twofold aspect of God's character.

  37. These words teach us a twofold lesson; in the first place, they set forth the even-handed justice and perfect truth which ever characterize the government of God.

  38. We would merely remind the reader that if he would have a full understanding of the whole subject, he must look at Moses in a twofold aspect, namely, officially and personally.

  39. Our subject therefore is the twofold power of sorrow.

  40. It branches, therefore, into a twofold division.

  41. Now, however easy it may be to contemplate such a state of things at a distance, it never takes place in a man's own day and time, without suggesting painful perplexities of a twofold nature.

  42. There is a twofold way in which the operations of the Spirit on mankind may be considered--His influence on the Church as a whole, and His influence on individuals; both of these are brought together in the text.

  43. As the Roman empire in its twofold division is the general object of all the trumpets; so the first four are directed towards the western, and the next two against the eastern member.

  44. Although for the first time in command of a beautiful fleet, numbering a score and ten galleys, and about to visit the fairest of all realms under the sunny skies of Afric, yet the pang of this twofold separation deeply grieved my soul.

  45. From this twofold head rose a silver almond-shaped bow about five inches high, inlaid with gold and precious stones.

  46. Remeses was born not long afterwards, and is, therefore in a twofold degree the heir of the silver crown of the Thebaïd.

  47. Such is the twofold idea attached, either by one or another class of devotees, dear mother, to all worship in Egypt.

  48. There is something within me which tells me that we consist of a twofold being--a soul within a body.

  49. Clearly, then, in the case of electrical polarity we encounter a certain form of gravity-bound levity, and this in a twofold way.

  50. With this insight into the twofold nature of the process of vision we are now able to describe more fully the negative after-image.

  51. The result of the considerations of this chapter is of twofold significance for our further studies.

  52. This twofold nature of carbon makes itself noticeable down to the very mineral sphere of the earth.

  53. This time we must look for it in a certain twofold structure of the eye itself.

  54. This picture of the earth shows it lying under the twofold influence of the compressive force of gravity and the sucking force of levity.

  55. Here also, in the diamond's brilliant transparency, and in the dense blackness of graphite, carbon reveals its twofold relation to light.

  56. It is evident that the twofold idea of the threshold of life, and the threshold, or sockets, of the door, is in the uses of these terms and their derivatives in earlier and later Greek.

  57. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "twofold" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    ambidextrous; bilateral; binary; double; dual; duplex; duplicate; second; secondary; twin; twofold