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Example sentences for "uncomplicated"

Lexicographically close words:
uncommunicative; uncompensated; uncomplaining; uncomplainingly; uncompleted; uncomplimentary; uncompounded; uncomprehended; uncomprehending; uncomprehendingly
  1. Douches are not necessary in the convalescence of ordinary uncomplicated confinement cases.

  2. Ordinarily in uncomplicated confinements they rarely annoy the patient longer than a few hours.

  3. In this section, you'll find uncomplicated recipes with few steps, and none of the recipes have more than five ingredients in addition to chicken, salt, pepper and water.

  4. Both a priori and from results obtained it seems almost justifiable to speak of Sanatogen as a specific in ordinary uncomplicated anemia.

  5. The use of Aletris Cordial Rio throughout pregnancy goes far to assure normal, uncomplicated labor.

  6. It is incorrect to apply the term "love" in the sexual sense to elementary and uncomplicated sexual desire; it is equally incorrect to apply it to any variety or combination of varieties of friendship.

  7. And alike whether they are married or unmarried the motive is not one of uncomplicated lust.

  8. There are a few recorded cases of uncomplicated wounds of the ureters.

  9. Coats reports two cases of uncomplicated rupture of the bladder.

  10. Some degree of mental deficiency seems usually to accompany athetosis, even when uncomplicated by any other degenerating neurosis.

  11. But this upward roll is not an uncomplicated movement.

  12. I shall formulate as curtly as possible the rules to be followed in using milk as an exclusive diet in dyspeptic states, and in anæmia with obesity, and in the latter state uncomplicated by defective hæmic conditions.

  13. In the middle or late stages there need be little uncertainty in uncomplicated cases; in the earlier periods diagnosis is by no means easy.

  14. Uncomplicated cases recover, but in the aged and in the delicate we may see fatal results, due usually to the profound depression or the high temperature to which the individual is subjected.

  15. Therefore, in an uncomplicated case of post-nasal disease of the pharynx the medicine should be applied at this point.

  16. Recent wars have demonstrated that in all uncomplicated cases it is better to leave this dressing undisturbed, as the wounds made by modern projectiles heal up at once if left alone, if air and dirt have been thus excluded.

  17. In both the well and the sick red corpuscles were diminished; and in all diseases uncomplicated with inflammation, the fibrous element was deficient.

  18. In cases of ulceration of the mucous membrane of the intestinal canal the fibrous element of the blood was increased; while in simple diarrhea, uncomplicated with ulceration, it was either diminished or else remained stationary.

  19. The more liberal has been the consumption of alcohol, as a rule, the less hope is there of a prompt, uncomplicated recovery.

  20. He asserts that he has cured fissures of months' standing by means of local applications, where the ulcers were uncomplicated with polypi or hemorrhoids, and where there was not very marked spasm or thickening of the sphincters.

  21. If carcasses are in a well-nourished condition, showing uncomplicated localized lesions of actinomycosis, they may be passed after the infected organs or parts have been removed and condemned.

  22. Mycotic stomatitis is not a serious disease, and in uncomplicated cases recoveries soon follow the removal of the cause and the application of the indicated remedies.

  23. We know now that in these cases it is not an uncomplicated pneumococcus pneumonia that has been at work, but either some other infection or else true pneumonia with a complication.

  24. Complications may carry them off, but we expect uncomplicated cases to recover.

  25. In cases of ulceration of the mucous membrane of the intestinal canal, the fibrous element of the blood was increased; while in simple diarrhea, uncomplicated with ulceration, it was either diminished or else remained stationary.

  26. In both the well and the sick the red corpuscles were diminished; and in all diseases uncomplicated with inflammation, the fibrous element was deficient.

  27. The ordinary tension and stretching of the os uteri at the termination of a regular contraction is attended with much more pain, and with a peculiar feeling of lassitude, although uncomplicated with any rheumatic affection.

  28. The high pulse pressure is due to a very low diastolic pressure, for in my experience with uncomplicated aortic insufficiency the systolic pressure is, as a rule, not much increased above the normal for the individual's age.

  29. No drug relieves the pain of uncomplicated aneurysm as surely as iodide of potassium.

  30. This is considered by some pathologists to be the uncomplicated form of the so-called senile arteriosclerosis.

  31. The prognosis is favorable in uncomplicated cases.

  32. This is very successful in uncomplicated cases.

  33. It remains high except in the morning, until the eruption reaches its full development and falls with the fading eruption, and in uncomplicated and typical cases, within six days becomes normal.

  34. I never saw an uncomplicated case of anterior crural paralysis, and rarely cruralgia.

  35. The apertures of entry and exit in uncomplicated cases are very insignificant, but the size naturally varies slightly with that of the special form of bullet concerned.

  36. For the intra-peritoneal lesions an expectant plan of treatment may be followed by uncomplicated recovery.

  37. The small tendency to formation of adhesions in uncomplicated cases probably depended on the coagulation of a layer of blood over the whole internal lining of the joint.

  38. In all punctured fractures of the lower extremity, dressing of the wounds like uncomplicated ones and a short period of immobilisation were all that was necessary.

  39. Pure uncomplicated fractures of the bones were of minor importance, except in so far as they exemplified the general tendency to localised injury in small-calibre bullet wounds.

  40. These, as a rule, were of so slight a nature as to form a very insignificant part of the entire injury with which they were associated, or when uncomplicated they were of little more importance than simple wounds of the soft parts.

  41. Uncomplicated cases of aneurismal varix, as might be expected, were less common than those in which the arterio-venous communication was accompanied by the formation of a traumatic sac.

  42. As uncomplicated injuries, these wounds were little to be feared.

  43. Uncomplicated wounds of the spleen were necessarily rare, and beyond this the strict localisation of a track to the spleen is not a matter of great ease.

  44. Cases exhibiting symptoms of pure uncomplicated concussion were distinctly rare, as would be expected from the mechanism of the injuries.

  45. In a small proportion of the cases empyema followed; but I never saw this in any case that had neither been tapped nor opened, and I saw only one patient die from a chest wound uncomplicated by other injuries.

  46. In uncomplicated fractures of average severity in any part of the bone, the method of sling and body bandage.

  47. The chief points on which reliance is to be placed are that in meningitis the pulse shows an irregularity, both in rate and force, which is wanting in cases of uncomplicated abscess.

  48. In uncomplicated cases, the treatment consists in immobilising the foot and leg in a poroplastic splint and applying massage.

  49. Shock is seldom a prominent symptom in uncomplicated fractures, although in old and enfeebled patients it may be serious and even fatal.

  50. In the region of the ankle, wrist, and joints of the thumb, however, compound dislocation is sometimes met with uncomplicated by other lesions.

  51. In uncomplicated cases the pupils are usually equal, moderately dilated, and react sluggishly to light.

  52. In uncomplicated cases, union takes place in from three to four weeks.

  53. The constitutional treatment in an ordinary gunshot wound, uncomplicated with injury to bone or structures of first importance, should be very simple.

  54. From the position of these parts of the body, uncomplicated gunshot wounds of them are comparatively rare.

  55. Almost useless for the relief of pain, it is indicated in cases of uncomplicated insomnia.

  56. But the weight of testimony is in its favor as an hypnotic in all cases, uncomplicated with disease of the stomach, in which insomnia is not dependent upon pain, and is associated with cerebral hyperaemia.

  57. As inflammation abates, which it does in the course of from one to three weeks in uncomplicated cases, the subject may be allowed the freedom of a comfortable box stall.

  58. Often fracture of bones are concomitant and then, of course, mobility is increased and not decreased as is the case in uncomplicated luxation.

  59. Uncomplicated femoral luxation is of less frequent occurrence in the horse than in the other domestic animals.

  60. Paget recommended that the dietetic treatment should not be so rigid as in uncomplicated diabetes, and that opium should be given freely.

  61. This reaction is absent in serous effusions, in unmixed tuberculous infections, in uncomplicated typhoid fever, and in the early stages of cancerous growths.

  62. It occurs in typhoid fever, especially in the later stages of the disease, in tuberculous lesions unaccompanied by suppuration, in malaria, and in most cases of uncomplicated influenza.

  63. The loss of sensibility after division of the nerve before the dorsal branch is given off resembles that after division at the elbow, except that in uncomplicated cases deep sensibility is usually retained.

  64. How uncomplicated life was, in those old days when the doctor and his girls had teased him, and consulted him, and made him one of themselves.

  65. Alix's nature was uncomplicated by any consciousness of self.

  66. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "uncomplicated" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    artless; bald; bare; blank; blunt; casual; clean; clear; cushy; easy; effortless; elementary; facile; glib; ingenuous; light; literal; naked; neat; nude; painless; pastoral; plain; rustic; simple; smooth; soft; straightforward; unadorned; unadulterated; uncomplicated; undecorated; undressed; unornamented; unsophisticated; untrimmed; unvarnished