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Example sentences for "untiring"

Lexicographically close words:
untilled; untimely; untinctured; untinged; untired; untiringly; untitled; unto; untoe; untold
  1. The population of forty million of people of untiring industry is rewarded by a mere living.

  2. Meanwhile in both the Mercy and the Springfield hospitals all that was possible was being done for the sick "soldier boys," and physicians and nurses were untiring in their efforts.

  3. Edwards was untiring and he made a most favorable impression upon all with whom his duties brought him in contact.

  4. It was impossible to overrate the advantages which this and other countries had derived from his untiring and devoted patience in prosecuting the invention to a successful issue.

  5. Through his untiring effort and his purpose to bring into consultation all the interests of Conservation, the Congress has resulted in a meeting that will be historic in the records of American progress and achievement.

  6. He was untiring in his efforts for both the spiritual and corporal good of his charges.

  7. He is one of the most untiring of idol-worship destroyers, and even dares to venture alone to the places where heathen assemblies are held for the purpose of their nefarious worship.

  8. The first week came to an end, and still Mr. Pawlkatt came twice a day to visit his patient; and still he gave very much the same directions to the untiring nurses who waited on George Gilbert.

  9. Her beauty, a little sharp of outline for a woman, would have well become a young reformer, enthusiastic and untiring in a noble cause.

  10. Every detail was presented before us, penetrated through and through with the fire of poetic imagination, which was the more powerful because it derived its warmth from facts gathered together by the most untiring industry.

  11. From love to Christ spring the most devoted obedience, the most untiring efforts in His service.

  12. Largely through his untiring efforts the second team pushed over a touchdown, starting from mid-field, in exactly seven minutes by the watch.

  13. Largely through Cateye's untiring efforts his rough edge was gradually being worn away, and, while he had formed few friends, still he had made no real enemies.

  14. Minister at the Court of Italy, for untiring kindness in the communication of his ample stores of knowledge, and of books.

  15. As my dear mother stood on the threshold between life and death at Mornex that sad spring, he was untiring in all kindly offices of friendship.

  16. The untiring energy of the dancers was wonderful.

  17. But an untiring vigilance watched over the rose garden.

  18. Such was her untiring attention that her thoughtless, growing children seemed cared for by the silent forces of nature.

  19. The long, untiring watch was over at last.

  20. But he pushed on with a steady, untiring gait, showing the marvellous power of his race to bear pain and fatigue and hunger and thirst.

  21. Off we ran at top speed over terribly rough ground, and before we got nearly in shot of the top of the long drift we saw the deer get on to it at the bottom, and begin to gallop up with their untiring stride.

  22. In its bottom are great level terraces rescued from the Urubamba River by the untiring energy of the ancient folk.

  23. Under his guidance the Inquisition rapidly took shape and extended its organization throughout Spain and was untiring and remorseless in the pursuit and punishment of the apostates.

  24. Earnest and untiring as was Fray Alonso's zeal it therefore was fruitless.

  25. His whole correspondence shows the untiring interest which he felt in the institution, not merely as a financial or political instrument, but as a means of defending and advancing the faith.

  26. Under these circumstances, the new colony had gone to work with untiring industry.

  27. It is an experiment in which untiring industry, patience, and economy have been brought into exercise.

  28. But with persistent and untiring industry, these are they, after all, who carry the burdens and reap the prizes of life.

  29. In its arrangements may a lion's share Of grateful thanks be given to our mayor, To whose untiring enterprise is due, The grand result which we now proudly view.

  30. For they who with untiring zeal, Thy heart-fires ceaseless feed, Know their supernal warmth alone, Can meet man's highest need.

  31. Nice Annie, a fair, dimpled girl, Who with untiring care Strove in the home's machinery To take her loving share.

  32. The vixen proved to be an untiring teacher, and the education of the cubs occupied a part, at least, of every night.

  33. He was so fond of the water that he became a rapid, untiring swimmer; and the boys trained him, in intervals of rat-hunting, to dive to the bottom of the river and pick up a white pebble thrown from the bank.

  34. The Factory Law and kindred legislation since 1830 are the fruits of the beneficent and untiring labors of the Earl.

  35. From St. Petersburg to Moscow, from Odessa to Revel, her untiring activity carried her.

  36. It is not, however, the woman of letters so much as the patient untiring female traveller whom we seek to introduce to our readers in these pages.

  37. This, undoubtedly, was in great part due to the care and kindness of the physicians and surgeons in the camps whose efforts were untiring and self-sacrificing for all who had been so suddenly surrendered to their care.

  38. For it was the soldiers of Uncle Sam, untiring and unafraid amidst horrors and dangers seen and unseen, that stood between half-crazed refugees from the quake and the fire and downright starvation and anarchy.

  39. His tender and untiring devotion to the suffering invalid was no less conspicuous than his careful attention to the other duties of life, and was the constant remark of those who were witnesses of this sorrowful period.

  40. He is also commanding officer of the second division of my squadron, and as such has shown ability and the most untiring zeal.

  41. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "untiring" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.