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Example sentences for "verity"

Lexicographically close words:
veritati; veritatis; verite; veritie; verities; verius; verjuice; verloren; verme; vermeil
  1. As I have said, there was no such organization as a Saints' and Sinners' Club, no roll of membership, and no such meetings as were exploited with such engaging verity by Field.

  2. And indeed and in verity he brought them into chambers richly adorned with furniture and carpets.

  3. In spite of Mr. Verity I affirm that there are truths that have not in themselves any element of religion whatever.

  4. Mr. Verity has been saying the same thing any time these forty years.

  5. There is but one chance of life--in admitting so far the possibility of the Christian verity as to try it on its own terms.

  6. So, when the new verity is held up to view, to the great mass who cannot understand it, it is no truth, but a lie.

  7. But there is another verity of equal importance, which ordinarily he does not take into consideration, namely: that the great mass of the people who form Society are not prepared for the change which he contemplates.

  8. Shakespeare considered the word with his usual laxity, as importing rather testimony than truth, and only meant to say, I bore witness to my friends with all the size that verity would suffer.

  9. And if any man will attempt to corrupt the true meaning of this our Confession, he shall hear both a confession and a defence of the verity and truth.

  10. If there had never been testimonial of the undoubted truth thereof before these our ages, may not such things as we see daily come to pass prove the verity thereof?

  11. This doctrine is strange to the blind world, but the verity of it hath been declared in all notable punishments from the beginning.

  12. An oath hath the divine sanction, that it might be a bond of verity among men, and a testimony that God is the author and defender of truth.

  13. For not for four years thereafter did he in verity begin to reign.

  14. He passed all by as of no account, and went right to the heart and verity of the whole matter.

  15. Bitter was his lamentation, and very sooth his penitence, when he saw the verity of the matter.

  16. Yet where can lie the verity of the faith, if not in Holy Writ?

  17. Nay indeed, doubt have I none of aught that I heard; but rather assured faith in the verity of all.

  18. Of a verity it made me think you on guard.

  19. That you are my prisoner in verity is enough for me, but not for others.

  20. Boardman shoved his fine white teeth under his spare moustache, and made acceptable jokes, but he did not ask indiscreet questions, and Dan's statement of the fact did not seem to give it any more verity than it had before.

  21. Evidently he could not follow her in them; he could not even imagine them; and while he was with her they seemed to have no verity or value.

  22. Such facts have been taken from the histories of the day, and the authority relied on for the establishment of their verity has been cited.

  23. The very grossness of the imposition seemed to secure its success, and the absurdity of the accusation to establish the verity of the charge.

  24. In that frightful moment, it came to him anew that here was in verity the last detail in a consummate scheme by this woman for revenge against himself.

  25. As for the owner of the store, he was not sufficiently sensitive to feel the verity in the accents of the speaker.

  26. They drifted across the bay a distance of nearly ten miles and were being taken out into the ocean when seen by Captains Udall and Verity from the State wharf east of the lighthouse.

  27. The Sun account above referred to reads as follows: Captains Wisner, Verity and Ira Udall, who have been across the bay to Fire Island beach, arrived here to-day.

  28. Of a verity it is our trusty brother in the faith, Joseph Tomkins.

  29. He embraced me; but it was agreed between us that absolute verity of the finding could only be had by re-casting the horoscopes at Constantinople.

  30. Said he nothing of the other caution I gave him, how absolute verity could only be had by a recast of the horoscope at the city itself?

  31. At these words the son replied, 'Of a verity I am thy son.

  32. Had the king's troops come toward the ford a second time, I believe of a verity that trouble would have ensued even though the soldiers advanced with peaceful intent.

  33. At such short range there could be no mistake as to the course of the bullet, and, realizing this, the officer's face grew white with fear, for of a verity he was standing very near to death at that moment.

  34. Of a verity we are," Master Hunter said emphatically.

  35. In that time it seemed to me that I had passed the age of boyhood and was become a man, for of a verity I had set my face towards a man's work whether I might accomplish it or no.

  36. Had the members of the mob not fought with each other to gain a better place in which to witness the spectacle, of a verity I would have been flung into the river.

  37. Had we been forced to remain there inactive an hour longer, I believe of a verity that the courage would have oozed out of my finger-ends entirely; but, fortunately, before I was overcome by timorousness the time for action had arrived.

  38. Yet to the dreamer, the seer, the genius an ideal is none the less true because he cannot certify its truth by evidence that would convey its verity to other persons.

  39. If the supposed teaching of Christ were found to be consistent with the modern teaching of Science, the mutual endorsement would be a further guarantee of the verity of the question in point, both in its religious and its scientific aspect.

  40. I wish I knew shorthand," grumbled Ingred, comparing scribbles with Verity as the girls tidied their hair for tea.

  41. To some the task was wellnigh impossible, and poor Fil would send in very imperfect exercises, but others, Ingred and Verity among the number, had ambitions, and boosted up the record of the form.

  42. You did it so well," Ingred assured her hastily, for Verity had gone very pink, and her voice sounded distinctly offended.

  43. I'm thankful I didn't move away from Verity to sit next to her," she thought.

  44. Fil was trembling like a leaf, Nora declared afterward that her hair stood on end, Ingred and Verity felt shivers run down their spines.

  45. She thought it quite unnecessary for Verity to want to look at Bess's paraphernalia.

  46. And Nora, suiting action to words, stood on her bed fluttering her arms, till Verity wickedly gave her a push behind, and sent her springing with more force than grace to the floor.

  47. Verity Richmond, who, with Nora, Filomena and Ingred, represented VA.

  48. Verity had the proud importance of carrying it into the hostel.

  49. She posed Linda, apparently lifeless, on the borders of a pond, with Kitty and Verity applying artificial respiration.

  50. With a little boosting from Verity and Nora, Ingred successfully reached the top, and peered over into the neighboring garden.

  51. They peeped into the choir vestry, and Verity gave rather a gasp at the sight of an array of white surplices hanging on the wall like a row of ghosts.

  52. It is because the verity jars upon her vision that she takes a melancholy view of life.

  53. Sidenote: The Verity and the Vision] Lacking the daily expression of it which is the sweet unction of her hungry soul, she seeks solace in an ideal world of her own making.

  54. Still it is interesting to establish the verity of the old tradition of Marco's technical nobility.

  55. They replied that they had in verity sped well, seeing that they found the Kaan well and safe.

  56. Cicero could say, that Quod verum, simplex, sincerumque est, id naturae hominis accommodatissimum est: Verity and virtue were ever taken as the inseparable perfections of man.

  57. Hypocritical words that come not from the heart, are dead and corrupt, and are but the image of true speech, as wanting that verity and significancy of the mind which is their life.

  58. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "verity" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    actuality; credibility; fact; historicity; reality; truism; truth; veracity; verity