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Example sentences for "vpper"

Lexicographically close words:
vpon; vpone; vpoun; vppe; vppermost; vppon; vpright; vpward; vrai
  1. Onocentaurus, is a beast of a straunge fashion, which is reported to be like a man in the vpper part, and downward like an asse.

  2. Sauages came to the Island where our pinnace was built readie to bee launched, and tore the two vpper strakes, and carried them away onely for the loue of the yron in the boords.

  3. In the vpper end of Cheape, was a certeine castell made with foure towers, out of the which castell, on two sides of it, there ran foorth wine abundantlie.

  4. Commotions, vprores, with a generall Taint Of the whole State; as of late dayes our neighbours, The vpper Germany can deerely witnesse: Yet freshly pittied in our memories Cran.

  5. If ancient sorrow be most reuerent, Giue mine the benefit of signeurie, And let my greefes frowne on the vpper hand If sorrow can admit Society.

  6. Enter Lord Chancellour, places himselfe at the vpper end of the Table, on the left hand: A Seate being left void aboue him, as for Canterburies Seate.

  7. And in these is verie excellent pasture for sheepe and horses, but not for other horned beasts which lacke their vpper teeth by nature (whose substance is conuerted into the nourishment of their hornes) and therefore cannot bite so low.

  8. Beside the lord chancellor there is another in the vpper house called the clerke of the parlement, whose office is to read the billes.

  9. His vpper stockes commonly are of cloth of golde.

  10. Their vpper garment is a loose gowne called Oposhen commonly of scarlet, with wide loose sleeues, hanging downe to the ground buttened before with great golde buttons or at least siluer and guilt nigh as bigge as a walnut.

  11. The poorer sort of them haue their Honoratkey, or vpper garment, made of Kowes haire.

  12. In whose honour the Romaines erected an Image on horse backe, placed at the vpper ende of the streate called Sacra via.

  13. Who redie at the vpper steppe, seemed as though she attended for him.

  14. At last she spyde at that roomes vpper end, Another yron dore, on which was writ, 8 Be not too bold; whereto though she did bend Her earnest mind, yet wist not what it might intend.

  15. The fire in the vpper part, for want of matter, somewhat abateth for the time.

  16. O silly Mariners that in digging can not discern Whales flesh from lumps of earth, nor know the slippery skin of a Whale from the vpper part of the ground: with out doubt they are woorthy to haue Munster for a Pilot.

  17. Opposite to this in the Heavens is another Horizon, which likewise cuts the Heaven into two Hemispheres, the vpper and the lower.

  18. In the end whereof it so fortuned, that the Londoners had the vpper hand: and amongst other that were put to the foile, the steward of the abbat of Westminster with his folkes went awaie with the worst, to their great greefe.

  19. Wherevpon the same steward deuised an other game of wrestling to be holden at Westminster on Lammas day next following, and that whosoeuer could get the vpper hand there, should haue a ram for the price, which the steward had prepared.

  20. A parlement began this yeare in the quindene of saint Hilarie, in which the commons of the lower house exhibited a bill to the king and lords of the vpper house, conteining effect as followeth.

  21. But I see that Fortune wyll not let mee to haue the vpper hand, to bee the Conquerer of hir sodaine pangs.

  22. Hee that had the vpper hand of his Enimy, not content to kyll, but to eate with his rauenous teeth the heart disentraylde from his aduersary, was hee lesse furious than Conrade, by makinge Anatomy of the Captayn's Father?

  23. But vpon the midst of the vpper parte thereof, they lay their saddles and other hard things there, also doe the men themselues sit.

  24. The vpper part of their helmet is of iron or steele, but that part which compasseth about the necke and the throate is of leather.

  25. So that euen the very Tartars assigned to giue attendance vnto them, were they neuer so base, would alwaies goe before them, and take the vpper hand of them, yea, and sometimes would constraine them to sit behinde their backes.

  26. But almost continually they all of them gaue vs and Duke Ieroslaus the vpper hand, when we were abroad in their companie.

  27. In the vpper p'lor one bedsted two chaires one table one forme bench and shelves.

  28. In the brewhouse one Cop', twoe fatts, one vnder back, one vpper back, one kneading trough one dresser one brake.

  29. Vpper mark mot-i anda pele bvnden wrde, sa that et jong folk im anspeja mei; after ladath man him overa marka, men navt nei tha tinlana, thrvch that en ererawer ak is to fresane.

  30. Thahwila Adel to Texland inna lere were, was ther tefta en elle ljawe fam in vpper burch.

  31. Til thju vs nen leth witherfara ne skolde, havath hja my and Adelhirt min jungste brother vpper burch brocht, my by tha famna and min brother by tha werar.

  32. Therafter is bisloten vpper mena acht, jerlikes sjvgun Thyrjar skepa to to letane and navt mar.

  33. Many wyll plucke of their smockes, and laye the same vpon them in stede of their vpper sheete, and all her other pelte and trashe vpon her also; and many lyeth in their smockes.

  34. Vsing, as he could, his curtesie, and being Gentleman-like attirde, he was at all their instance placed at the vpper end by the hostesse.

  35. But doubtfull it is, whether the other, if he had suruiued, and got the vpper hand, would haue had the like reuerend care of the Englishmans dead bodie, as to haue vouchsafed it a solemne interrement.

  36. About the same time, the legion also which Cesius Nasica led, got the vpper hand of those Britains against whom he was sent.

  37. In the 24 yeere of his reigne, this Cuthred fought eftsoones with the Welshmen, and obteined the vpper hand, without anie great losse of his people: for the enimies were easilie put to flight and chased, to their owne destruction.

  38. Alditha, daughter to earle Ormus, by whose counsell and assistance he had thus obtained the vpper hand.

  39. The matter therefore was not so quieted, but that vpon new trouble an other councell was had at a manour house belonging to the king, called Calne, where they that were appointed to haue the hearing of the matter, sat in an vpper loft.

  40. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "vpper" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.