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Example sentences for "amethyst"

Lexicographically close words:
amerciaments; americana; americanus; amerikanischen; amet; amethystine; amethysts; amiability; amiable; amiableness
  1. It seems that the amethyst is a very suitable stone with which to adorn the pastoral ring, it gleams with a gentle lustre, and is one of the twelve stones that formed the breastplate worn by the High Priest of the Jews.

  2. When she left the little blue rooms she was so upset that she quite forgot the amethyst ring lying on the toilet table.

  3. She put out her left hand to touch Ruth, and the amethyst ring slipped off, for her fingers were thin.

  4. Her white hair was waved softly and on the third finger of her left hand was a ring of Roman gold, set with an amethyst and two large pearls.

  5. The firelight shone on the amethyst ring as Miss Ainslie moved it on her finger.

  6. It accounted also for the bertha of Mechlin lace, which was fastened to Miss Ainslie's gown, of lavender cashmere, by a large amethyst inlaid with gold and surrounded by baroque pearls.

  7. A bertha of rarest Brussels lace was fastened at her neck with the amethyst pin, inlaid with gold and surrounded by baroque pearls.

  8. Taking from it an amethyst necklet, an emerald pendant, and a diamond ring, she wrapped them in cottonwool, and put them in an envelope.

  9. It contained an amethyst necklace, an emerald pendant, and a diamond ring.

  10. There’s somebody I’d give the amethyst eyes to.

  11. The hold is full—boxes of precious spice, Ivory images with amethyst eyes, Dragons with eyes of ruby.

  12. Gradually the mist changed from amethyst to rose, and the poorest object shared in the transfiguration of the sunset hour.

  13. Her hair was the palest silver-gold, and she had a crown of diamonds and an amethyst wand that sparkled when she moved it.

  14. Tapers in golden vessels burned at its head and feet, and the clouds of incense that filled the air floated from amethyst vessels.

  15. It did not need any alteration and I think I shall buy that pearl and amethyst necklace at Tiffany's.

  16. A great amethyst gleamed at her throat, but her face, wearing a smile like a painted one, was dreadful.

  17. Sidenote: Cycle of the Seasons] "The gorgeous colouring of Autumn will transfigure the hills with glory, and fill the far silences with misty amethyst and gold.

  18. Sidenote: Why Not To-Day] Sunset flamed behind the hills and brought into the little room faint threads of gold and amethyst that wove a luminous tapestry with the dusk.

  19. She put on the amethyst brooch, hung the fan upon its chain and put it around her neck.

  20. The amethyst brooch, with two of the three tassels plainly showing, was pinned into the lace on the left side, half-way to the shoulder.

  21. Rose and purple melted into amethyst and azure, and, out beyond the breakers, the grey sea changed to opal and pearl.

  22. Written in odd, square handwriting upon the pale amethyst paper, this was the message-- Prevail upon Professor Deeping to place what he has in the brown case in the porch of his house to-night.

  23. A square envelope lay upon the mat--a curious envelope, pale amethyst in colour.

  24. For sovereign qualities were universally ascribed to certain jewels; and the amethyst ranked high among these precious talismans.

  25. And thou, Andrea, mine amethyst ring; and me in both your hearts, a month or two.

  26. It was a gold ring, with a great amethyst glowing and sparkling, full coloured, but pure as crystal.

  27. And 'twas that amethyst made the boy temperate?

  28. The air was amethyst and gold, and the beautiful earth shone through it, ennobled by the large indistinctness, the quiet massing of the evening tones.

  29. But the amethyst Medusa lay safe in her green case in the drawer of the Riesener table.

  30. The strata of these twelve forests, story above story, show their edges in the precipitous northern face of Amethyst Mountain.

  31. In Amethyst Mountain are twelve forests, one above the other, buried at different periods by volcanic eruptions.

  32. Governor Bill picked the cherry from the catalogue for us day before yesterday, but I think the amethyst has got it beat," answered my Buzz as he started towards his own car.

  33. She was a tall girl, exquisitely dressed, from the fine silk of her horned cap to the amethyst buckles on her Spanish shoes.

  34. She saw the figure outlined against a window full of the amethyst sky of evening.

  35. I lay upon the headland-height, and listened To the incessant sobbing of the sea In caverns under me, And watched the waves, that tossed and fled and glistened, Until the rolling meadows of amethyst Melted away in mist.

  36. Audrey answered not, but leaned against the window and looked at the cloud in the south that was now an amethyst island.

  37. The river darkened more and more, and in the west the sea of gold changed to plains of amethyst and opal.

  38. As he dusted the pungent brown grains from his lappets with a coarse blue-checked cotton handkerchief, an amethyst ring on the wrinkled hand flashed pink and violet in the light.

  39. The amethyst ring of Monseigneur's prelacy flashed violet as he dusted the brown powder from his upper-lip with a blue checked handkerchief.

  40. The supple right hand of Monseigneur waved towards the chapel, then extended itself to the Sister, who curtsied and kissed his amethyst ring.

  41. The day they set out was a glorious October morning, warm and bright, with a hint of that soft blue-gray mist on the horizon which in the afternoon would clothe the landscape in an amethyst haze.

  42. Above the black pines of Arrow Hill a great round moon hung in the amethyst skies.

  43. It was a warm, languorous afternoon in October, and time hung as heavily over the heads of the pupils as the mists hung over the amethyst hollows and sunny hills of Forest Glen.

  44. Even as she tapped at the door beyond which probable retribution lay, she smiled at the nodding lilac bush with its bunch of amethyst blossoms that waved a greeting to her from the open window.

  45. A few specimens of amethyst have been found associated with garnet.

  46. Specimens of corundum, associated with amethyst and garnet, have been found in McDowell, Burke, and Rutherford counties.

  47. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "amethyst" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.