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Example sentences for "ankered"

Lexicographically close words:
anisotropic; anither; anito; anker; ankercher; ankers; ankh; ankle; ankled; ankles
  1. The 29 we set sayle and went as farre as Parenzo, and ankered there that day, and went no further.

  2. This night we were put backe by contrarie winds, and ankered at Melleda.

  3. Antiueri, and about sunne set wee passed Ragusa, and three houres within night we ankered within Meleda, hauing Sclauonia or Dalmatia on the right hand of vs, and the winde Southwest.

  4. This night the Flemmish pilgrimes being drunke, would have slaine the patrone because he ankered here.

  5. Gibraltar, but were put to the coast of Barbarie, where we ankered in the maine sea 2.

  6. Toward night we ankered vnder Cauo Bianco, but because the winde grew faire, we set saile againe presently.

  7. The first land that we discouered was a headland called Cauo de la Criega, and about midnight we ankered by North of the Gape.

  8. This night we ankered before the castles of Corfu, and went on land and refreshed our selues.

  9. This night we ankered afore the towne of Zante, where we that night went on land, and rested there the 13.

  10. In this Bay wee ankered the seuententh of Iune, and the people of the Countrey, hauing their houses close by the waters side, shewed themselues vnto vs, and sent a present to our Generall.

  11. After we departed from the port of these Ciawani, wee passed vp the riuer with the flood, and ankered the ebbe, and in this sort we went onward.

  12. About sixe of the clocke at night we got our ship on float againe, and that night ankered within part of the barre, which then because of the wind we could not passe.

  13. Fleete ankered at Hatorask, and there we rested.

  14. The same night we ankered at the mouth of the harborow, where the Biskain was.

  15. The 12 we ankered at Guanima, and landed.

  16. The sixt of August we discouered land in 66 degrees 40 minuts of latitude, altogether void from the pester of ice: we ankered in a very faire rode vnder a braue mount, the cliffes whereof were as orient as golde.

  17. August, we departed from the West shore supposed firme with America, after we had ankered there 13.

  18. The first day of October we had sight of the Sheld, and so sailed about the coast, and ankered at Yarmouth, and the next day we came into Harwich.

  19. This fourteenth day from nine a clocke at night till three a clocke in the morning, wee ankered by an Island of yce, twelue leagues off the shore, being mored to the yce.

  20. The fourth of September at fiue a clocke in the afternoone we ankered in a very good road among great store of Isles, the countrey low land, pleasant and very full of fayre woods.

  21. The 14, we waied, and ranne into another sownde, where wee ankered in 8.

  22. Andrewe Dier, and certaine other ships came to Grauesend, where wee ankered and abode the comming of our Fleete which were not yet come.

  23. Generall on the East shore and ankered in a faire Harborough name Anne Warwickes sound, vnto which is annexed an Island both named after the Countesse of Warwicke, Anne Warwickes sound and Isle.

  24. Stephano, and there the shippe ankered that day.

  25. Sigra, and about nine of the clocke at night we ankered there.

  26. Being thus at an anker and keeping out a light for the Edward, another Portugall ship of Sant Thome of foure hundred tunnes, came and ankered hard by vs.

  27. When we came thwart the place they knew it, and we put wares into our boate, and the ship being within halfe a mile of the place ankered in fiue fadome water and faire ground.

  28. The 24 still going by the shore, the land was very low and full of trees by the water side, and at 12 of the clocke we ankered thwart of the riuer called, Rio de Boilas.

  29. The Barke also came roome with vs and their ankered by reason of the contrary winde.

  30. Being cleare, within foure or fiue days after we fell with the Ile of Mona where we ankered and rode some eighteene dayes.

  31. Within an houre after we had ankered we might see diuers horsemen and footmen on the land right against vs riding and running to and fro.

  32. English mile of the shoare, and there we ankered in a maner before the mouth of the Riuer, and then wee sent our boats into the Riuer for water, which went about a mile within the Riuer, where they had very good water.

  33. March, and that day we set saile from Falmouth, and neuer ankered till wee arriued in the road of Tripolie in Syria, which was the last day of Aprill last past, where wee stayed 14.

  34. Month wee came before the towne of Bantam, within three miles of it, and there ankered vnder an Island.

  35. Iune wee hoysed our ankers, and went close to the towne of Bantam, and ankered harde by 4.

  36. Ianuary we ankered before a Riuer where likewise we had all kind of necessaries, and after that we went to lie vnder a small Islande within the same Bay.

  37. After which time we sailed with a faire wind within the Streights, and so remained at Sea, and ankered at no place vntil our comming into the roade of Tripolis in Syria, which was the last day of April.

  38. The first of October in the euening wee came to a great Islande, being three miles from the towne, and there we ankered finding good clay ground.

  39. From thence we made toward the great Bay of Antogill and ankered vnder the Island, where wee tooke in fresh water.

  40. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "ankered" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.