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Example sentences for "archons"

Lexicographically close words:
archivolt; archivolts; archly; archness; archon; archonship; archpriest; archus; archway; archways
  1. That great storehouse of old civilization, the Acropolis of Athens, has yielded us nothing of the kind; and even if we admit that the annual archons were noted down since 683 B.

  2. He mentions indeed an ancient treasury of the Megarians, built in a time before either yearly archons at Athens or Olympiads (vi.

  3. The Athenians would not have anyone less noble to sit in his seat, and appointed magistrates called Archons in the stead of kings.

  4. Another time he came very late, with a garland on his head, and desired to have the sitting put off because he had a feast at his house; and the grave archons actually granted his request.

  5. At a later period we find mention of archons who gave their name to the year.

  6. It is, in my judgment, a mistake to suppose that Solon transferred the judicial power of the archons to a popular dicastery.

  7. But one of the archons was also associated with them in the general command of the army.

  8. So wholesale a measure of amnesty affords strong grounds for believing that the previous judgments of the archons had been intolerably harsh; and it is to be recollected that the Draconian ordinances were then in force.

  9. The public dinners at the Prytaneum, of which the archons and a select few partook in common, were also either first established, or perhaps only more strictly regulated, by Solon.

  10. He happened to be dining with the archons when a male child was born, and the servants brought it to him.

  11. After this the archons were called accursed, and were viewed with horror; moreover, the survivors of Kylon's party regained strength, and continued their intrigues against Megakles and the archons.

  12. Myron of Phlya prosecuted, and the archons were found guilty, and forced to leave the country.

  13. All were shocked and astonished at hearing this, and the archons immediately convoked the public assembly, and brought the barber before it.

  14. The procession was a sad one, as they were brought in carts through the Kerameikus to the theatre, where Kleitus kept them until the archons had convened the assembly.

  15. Magistrates called Archons were first appointed for life from the family of Codrus, and these were finally exchanged for others appointed for ten years.

  16. The Senate was to be consulted by the archons in all important matters, and was to prepare all new laws and regulations, which were to be submitted to the votes of the assembly of the people.

  17. The history of Athens, therefore, may be said to begin with the institution of the nine annual archons in 683 B.

  18. The Ecclesia, or assembly of the whole people, having the right to choose the archons and councilors, was revived.

  19. In process of time the archons came to be chosen not from the family of Codrus exclusively, but from the Eupatrids generally.

  20. It farther provided, that the laws now revised and inscribed should only take effect from the archonship of Eukleidês; that is, from the nomination of archons made after the recent return of Thrasybulus and renovation of the democracy.

  21. The censures affirmed to have been cast by Sokratês against the choice of archons by lot at Athens, are not denied by Xenophon.

  22. If a man keep in his house any sacred object to which he offers sacrifice, the archons shall require him to bring it into the public temples, and shall punish him until he does so.

  23. If a person displays impiety, either by word or deed, in either of these three ways, he shall be denounced to the archons by any citizen who becomes acquainted with the fact.

  24. If the Archons do not know how and why just and honourable things are good, they will not be fit for their duty.

  25. The Panathenaic amphorae can be dated by the names of Athenian archons which appear upon them: Nikokrates, 333 B.

  26. The nine archons were also exempted from the trierarchies.

  27. Besides, whatever share in the government was intrusted to his brothers, Hipparchus and Thessalus, his son and several of his family were enrolled among the archons of the city.

  28. I make no doubt that it was with the countenance and consent of the archons that Solon made his address to the people, preparing them to receive the repeal of the decree, which, without their approbation, it might be unsafe to propose.

  29. At Daphni, the pass over the hills, the archons and strategi—highest officials of the state—met them with cavalry and torches and half of the city trailing at their heels.

  30. Themistocles caught sight of one of the archons and hastened across the Agora to have a word with him.

  31. With the glance of his eye, with a few quick words, he chased the terrors from the strategi and archons that crowded up around him.

  32. The archons had ordered the hucksters’ booths to be burned, as a signal to all Attica that the worst had befallen.

  33. Among the Greeks, the yearly archons at Athens.

  34. The archons were obliged to consult the four hundred on every occurrence; and nothing could be carried down to the commons until it had been previously debated in this council.

  35. Rise of an oppressive aristocracy, (like that of the patricians at Rome, immediately after the expulsion of the kings,) both the archons and the members of the areopagus being elected only from noble families.

  36. But a rapidly increasing democracy succeeded in securing the selection of archons by lot, in place of election.

  37. The archons were withdrawn from military duties, and confined to civil functions.

  38. The archons were chosen according to the regulations of Solon, but were stripped of their power, which was transferred to the senate and ecclesia.

  39. This event proved fortunate for some of his personal friends; for Hermippus soon laid before the Thesmothetæ Archons an accusation of blasphemy against Anaxagoras, Phidias, and Aspasia.

  40. It was exercised by the archons and dicasts.

  41. The existence of the elective principle with respect to the later archons is not without significance in its relation to the question of the previous practice of the Athenians.

  42. The supreme power of the state was at that time vested in nine magistrates, termed archons or governors, elected annually by the people out of the body of the nobility.

  43. The archons as a body retained some duties such as the appointment of jurymen, the sortition of the athlothetae, &c.

  44. Again, the Constitution of Athens says that down to Solon's time the archons had no official residence, but that afterwards they used the Thesmotheteion.

  45. A similar investigation took place with regard to the assessors (paredri) whom the three senior archons chose to assist them.

  46. It is a reasonable inference from this statement that the thesmothetae had previously sat together apart from the superior archons and that it was only after Solon that collegiate responsibility began.

  47. The popular assembly was ill-organized and probably summoned by the archons themselves.

  48. It remains to give a brief analysis of the qualifications and functions of the archons after the year 487 B.

  49. Archons elected from the ranks of the nobility occupied the leading position in the state.

  50. Archons and other officials attended to the different departments of administration and justice.

  51. Archons of Athens, topped by the tettix, see, I return!

  52. The archons seized eagerly on the suggestion, hastily chose Timoleon for the post which all the leading men declined, and the assembly adjourned.

  53. The archons had come nearly to their wits' end whom to choose, when from an unknown voice in the assembly came the name "Timoleon.

  54. The archons called out their names one by one, but each in succession declined.

  55. Second Messenian war: these decennial Archons were followed by the annual Archons, amongst whom were the Legislators Draco and Solon.

  56. And hence the seven decennial Archons might not take up above forty or fifty years.

  57. Some of these Archons might dye before the end of the ten years, and the remainder of the ten years be supplied by a new Archon.

  58. Others digested theirs by the Kings of the Lacedæmonians, or Archons of Athens.

  59. Others digested theirs by those of the Archons of Athens, or Kings of the Lacedæmonians.

  60. Ali, after ordering the decapitation of Selim, whose head he seized as a trophy, ordered the cadi, the beys, and the Greek archons to meet at the palace to prepare the official account of the execution of the sentence.

  61. The archons of the town were arrested and tortured in the hope of discovering buried treasure, the clue to which had disappeared along with the owners.

  62. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "archons" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.