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Example sentences for "armpit"

Lexicographically close words:
armourers; armouries; armouring; armours; armoury; armpits; arms; armure; army; armyd
  1. The upper arm is protected by brassarts, and the fore arm by vambraces, the elbows by coudieres, while the gussets at the armpit and elbow are further guarded by roundels of plate.

  2. The gorget is also of mail; and the gusset of mail at the armpit is left very visible by the action of the arm.

  3. Put a cotton wad in his armpit and bandage the arm to the side of the body and put the arm in a sling.

  4. Pad the arm from the armpit to the elbow with cotton, towels, or newspapers wrapped in cloth, and, after bandaging on the splints, put the forearm in a sling and bind the arm to the body.

  5. Prepare long piece of thin board which will reach from armpit to ankle, and another piece long enough to reach from crotch to knee, and pad each with folded towels or blanket.

  6. This is then applied by sticking one end along the back bone and carrying it forward around the injured side of the chest over the breastbone as far as a line below the armpit on the uninjured side of the chest, i.

  7. Finally, pass a wide band of cloth about the body, from armpit to hips, inclosing the upper part of the well-padded splint, and fasten it snugly.

  8. An assistant may at the same time aid by lifting the head of the arm bone upward with his fingers in the patient's armpit and his thumbs over the injured shoulder.

  9. Patient puts hands on head while attendant puts adhesive-plaster band, one foot wide, around injured side from spine over breastbone to line of armpit of sound side.

  10. Kim ducked under a Mewar camel-driver's greasy armpit and cannoned off a covey of jabbering Sikh matrons.

  11. The old fellow slipped the bairagi's crutch under his armpit and sat down on a patch of ruddy leopard's skin as Kim rose at the call for the Benares train.

  12. From the armpit on each side runs a narrow strip of sheepskin between back and front.

  13. Hamdi gave no resistance; he even urged his horse forward with his heel, for he felt the point between his armpit and the armor.

  14. Pan Michael seized him by the neck with his left hand, and placing the point of his sabre at the armpit of the Egyptian, turned toward his own men.

  15. He rolled back his sleeve to the armpit and showed the white scars of the vaccination-mark on his white skin.

  16. Feel in the armpit and you will locate a prominent ridge on the inner side; press with your fingers just behind that ridge and you will shut off the blood supply from the whole arm.

  17. Splitting the bark in half, I rounded up the edges and made a splint for the outside of the limb extending from the armpit to six inches below the foot.

  18. By great good fortune Chartersea's thrust, which he thought had ended my life, passed under my armpit from behind and, stitching the skin, lodged deep in my right nipple.

  19. One end of it was under the armpit and the other he had to hold it in his right hand.

  20. And I don't see how you could have it anywhere other than under your armpit because if you had it cupped in your hand it would stick over it.

  21. Haines, in his Monumental Brasses, mentions the moton, but assigns this name to a piece of plate rarely met with, shaped to fit under the right armpit only.

  22. The doublet was provided with gussets of mail, or Vuyders, attached under the armpit and at the bend of the elbow by Arming Points or laces.

  23. The pauldrons of the Maximilian suit are generally of unequal size; that for the right arm being smaller, to admit of the couching of the lance under the armpit (Fig.

  24. They were as he imagined them, these wings, strong and primal and dark and spicy-smelling like an armpit after sex.

  25. BLOOM: (Bends his blushing face into his armpit and simpers with forefinger in mouth) O, I know what you're hinting at now!

  26. The foreman turned round to hear patiently and, lifting an elbow, began to scratch slowly in the armpit of his alpaca jacket.

  27. At his armpit Bantam Lyons' voice and hand said: --Hello, Bloom.

  28. She tried the strength of her regard, the expression of her mouth, the fire of her breath; and she bestowed a long, slow kiss along her naked arm from the region of the armpit down to the bend of the elbow.

  29. The Odor of the Armpit and its Variations.

  30. Sometimes the odor of the armpit may even become a kind of fetich which is craved for its own sake and in itself suffices to give pleasure.

  31. The odor of the leguminous fenugreek, a botanical friend considers, closely approaches the odor given off in some cases by the armpit in women.

  32. Adachi has found that the sweat-glands are larger in Europeans than in the Japanese, among whom a strong personal odor is so uncommon that "armpit stink" is a disqualification for the army.

  33. The odor of the armpit is the most powerful in the body, sufficiently powerful to act as a muscular stimulant even in the absence of any direct sexual association.

  34. While some European poets have faintly indicated the woman's armpit as a centre of sexual attraction, it is among Eastern poets that we may find the idea more directly and naturally expressed.

  35. When he had succeeded in introducing his hand into the woman's armpit he went away satisfied, and frequently held the hand to his nose with evident pleasure.

  36. Audacious and sometimes fatiguing in the brunette and the black woman, sharp and fierce in the red woman, the armpit is heady as some sugared wines in the blondes.

  37. The river was in flood as it is now; and I mind my father saying that when you could see that hole in the rock, Macgowan's Ford would be no more than armpit deep.

  38. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "armpit" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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