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Example sentences for "autocracy"

Lexicographically close words:
autobiographies; autobiography; autochthonous; autoclave; autocracies; autocrat; autocratic; autocratically; autocrats; autogenous
  1. In particular, the autocracy long maintained the severest checks on printing, so that freethought could not save by a rare chance attain to open speech.

  2. In Russia rationalism has before it the task of transmuting a system of autocracy into one of self-government.

  3. The deadliest foe of democracy is not autocracy but liberty frenzied.

  4. Liberty in the wild and freakish hands of fanatics has once more, as frequently in the past, proved the effective helpmate of autocracy and the twin brother of tyranny.

  5. If it were not for the disablement of Russia, the battle against autocracy would have been won by now.

  6. The Ministry of the Interior, which, in the old days, practically controlled the Autocracy and provoked universal hatred, now went to the other extreme.

  7. Under pressure of the unavoidable laws of history, autocracy has fallen, and our country has passed under the rule of the people.

  8. If an autocracy does not rest on the army, which leads to the chaos of praetorianism, it must rely on 'panem et circenses.

  9. An autocracy is often obliged to oppress the educated classes and to propitiate the mob.

  10. The papal autocracy has now reached its Byzantine period of decadence.

  11. Resistance to autocracy is often more needed against a strong and just king than it is against an unprincipled profligate.

  12. Against this autocracy Thomas à Becket, Archbishop of Canterbury, protested, and the protest cost him five years of exile, and finally his life.

  13. Mexico, nominally a republic under President Diaz, was in reality a military autocracy of the severest kind.

  14. On the establishment in 1906 of the Duma, a national chamber of elected members, there was general rejoicing, because it seemed that, at length, autocracy was to give place to representative government.

  15. Civil laws were the standard of right and wrong, and obedience to autocracy was better than the resistance which led to civil war or anarchy--the very things that induced men to establish sovereignty.

  16. Of course, anyone who defies the heavy hand of autocracy must suffer from nervousness.

  17. Unless Germany is beaten the whole world will be compelled to turn itself into an armed camp, until the German autocracy either brings every nation under its dominion or is forever wiped out as a form of government.

  18. And how admirably has our great President shown that people that we war not with them but with the autocracy which has led them into the shambles of dishonour.

  19. We all knew that sooner or later autocracy would "get" Liebknecht, and its opportunity came when he appeared in citizen's clothes at an attempted mass-meeting at the Potsdamerplatz.

  20. And aside from the violation of Belgian neutrality, what would have become of England and of the world if the Prussian autocracy had been left free to defeat--one by one--the nations of the earth?

  21. Another characteristic that rendered the army more efficient was the extent to which autocracy was in favour among them, a principle which, applied throughout all grades, caused discipline to be a matter of course.

  22. Capitalism--the management of modern industry by a small economic autocracy of owners of private capital--has certainly a part in the conflicts that produce war.

  23. I want to see those same boys marching under that same flag, side by side with the tricolor of France and the Union Jack, against another autocracy greater than the domestic tyranny of the labor union carpet-bagger!

  24. Even an overthrow of the existing Government is not impossible, and a return to that military autocracy which is really the natural government of an essentially military race.

  25. In an autocracy there are perhaps many little publics.

  26. The difference between an autocracy and a democracy is not that in one the will of the people finds expression and in the other it does not.

  27. The autocracy of the Mathers in church, college, colony and press, had slipped from them.

  28. We talk about Germany being an autocracy it's nothing to what this country has become!

  29. An autocracy of professors instead of business men.

  30. An autocracy would better rule its soldiers by a military caste; there can be no excuse for such in a democracy.

  31. Man for the State means autocracy and imperialism; Man for Mankind is the soul of democracy.

  32. The German university, under all the autocracy and bureaucracy of the German state, is more democratic in its organization than our own.

  33. We have before us the immediate task of aiding in overthrowing autocracy and tyranny and of defending our liberties and those of the nations that stand for democracy.

  34. For Russia, however, the War was of the people, rather than of the autocracy at the top, and one saw that Russia would emerge from the War changed and purified.

  35. It is the period which bridges the gulf between autocracy and self-government, between Roman Catholicism and toleration, between the classical spirit and the spirit of the Romantic Revival.

  36. Russian autocracy was indeed stricken to death by its own inherent maladies nearer home than Poland.

  37. Both were largely the outcome of that autocracy in war with which popular sentiment and the popular press had invested Lord Kitchener.

  38. Gradually it became clearer that Prussian autocracy could not reproduce in the sphere of world-ambitions the success which had attended it in Germany unless it could reduce the world to the same submission by the use of similar arguments.

  39. But when after his death the idea of autocracy had passed away, and England had begun to recover from the terror Cromwell’s ministry had inspired, Parliament suddenly realized that it had a power of its own.

  40. The autocracy which Cromwell had done so much to establish was carried on ‘within and upon the already existing constitution,’ and the public protest was thus in great measure disarmed.

  41. For though they had weakened religious opposition to the Crown, they strengthened the secular element in its later struggle against the royal autocracy which Cromwell had laboured to establish.

  42. To the autocracy and the bureaucracy there was the added fear from their intellectual superiority and their zeal for education of their playing a powerful part among the liberal forces seeking political freedom.

  43. The autocracy in turn has been largely dependent upon its servant, the bureaucracy.

  44. Thus we have autocracy or the sovereignty of a monarch, aristocracy or the sovereignty of the nobility, and democracy or the sovereignty of the people.

  45. I think his autocracy at the War Office might have been of greater service to the country if all the trained thinkers of the Army, that small body of brilliant men, had not been in France.

  46. This autocracy of numbers is often more dangerous and more brutal than that of a caste, of a czar, or of a king.

  47. Russia is giving us an illustration of this autocracy of number.

  48. Wherever autocracy has acquired a firm footing, it has done so by suppressing anarchy, establishing order and authority, and securing national unity and independence.

  49. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "autocracy" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.