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Example sentences for "baner"

Lexicographically close words:
bandstand; bandy; bandying; bane; baneful; baners; banes; bang; banged; banging
  1. He had invy at the Dowglas, And said, gif that he his baner 345 Micht se displayit apon wer, That soyn assemble on it suld he.

  2. Men sais, Schir Thomas Randale than, Chassand, the Kyngis baner wan; 88 Quhar-throu in Ingland wyth the Kyng He had rycht gret price and lovyng.

  3. Than Richmonde, that rycht worthy was, Quhen he has herd sa ris the cry, And Dowglas baner saw planly, 410 He dressit him thiddir-ward in hy.

  4. Thai maid enbuschement all the nycht, And quhen the sone wes schynand brycht, Thai saw in battale cum arayit The vaward with baner displayit, 48 And syne soyn the remanand Thai saw weill neir behynd cumand.

  5. He held his way with his baner 535 Till the gret rout, quhar sammyn wer The nyne battales that wes so braid, That so feill baneris with thame had, And of men sa gret quantite, That it war wonder for to se.

  6. And quhen thai all assemblit wer, The King his baner gert display, And set his men in gude aray.

  7. And at[AC] the port Kaux he sette evene A baner of the quene of heven.

  8. Item, y'e meyst lawfully fle fro y'e standard and getoun, but not fro y'e baner ne penon.

  9. And at[AD] port martvile he vppyght Of seint George a baner bryght.

  10. Vpon the porte seint Hillare A Baner of the Trynyte.

  11. Euery baronet euery estat aboue hym shal have hys baner displeyd in y'e field yf he be chyef capteyn, euery knyght his penoun, euery squier or gentleman hys getoun or standard.

  12. Later on in the procession came "ye grett baner of armes in brodery and with dyvers odere baners.

  13. And so the baner abode in the handes of a good Englishe squyer, called William Alery, who bare it that day, and acquaytted himself right nobly.

  14. But nothing was to be found, for Johan Baner had already laid the district waste.

  15. Tott completed the conquest of Mecklenburg, Baner was master at Magdeburg—what was left of it.

  16. Torstenston was prisoner, Baner wounded, the king had the sole of his boot shot away.

  17. Baner lost all that he had gained at Wittstock, and was driven back to the shores of the Baltic.

  18. Baner had recovered strength, and was pushing on through North Germany into Bohemia.

  19. Baner won a glorious victory, thanks to a skilfully executed manoeuvre.

  20. The enemy prided itself on having "caught Baner in a bag.

  21. Baner made a daring attack upon Regensburg in order to make the emperor and the whole German diet his prisoners.

  22. In Pomerania, Baner received the reinforcements from Sweden which he had awaited, and once more invaded Saxony, where he won a grand victory at Chemnitz, in 1639.

  23. Baner was a typical soldier of the Thirty Years' War, amiable, but licentious, and cruel to his enemies.

  24. On the way Baner was attacked by a fever and died at Halberstadt, in 1641.

  25. John Baner was the man who re-established the success of the Swedish arms.

  26. The Saxon army followed Baner into Mecklenburg, but suffered a defeat at Doemitz.

  27. Eric Baner arrived, having followed up his tracks, but his demands to have Gustavus surrendered were refused.

  28. The councillors Gustavus Baner, Eric Sparre, Sten Baner and Ture Bielke were beheaded.

  29. The king commanded the right wing in person, with John Baner as sub-commander.

  30. Per Baner received in fief the estates which had been in the possession of his uncle, Sten Baner, also executed at Linkoeping, and rose to the dignity of a state councillor during the minority of Queen Christine.

  31. Yes," said Baner later, "surely they had me there, but they forgot to tie the string around.

  32. The elector of Brandenburg also declared war on Sweden, Baner answering by invading his country.

  33. He ordered John Baner with the second line to make a movement by which to turn at an angle with the first and face the attack from the side.

  34. Finally, at the request of Herr Erik Baner, a distant relative of the Vasas, the young man was set free, Baner binding himself to pay a heavy penalty in money if he permitted him to escape.

  35. That baner thar was fra aucht houris to none; 925 Thar finance maid, delyuerit gold full sone.

  36. His banerman Wallace slew in that place; And sone to ground the baner doun he race.

  37. Than thai consent, the ramayn that was thar, The baner tuk, and set it in the toun, To Scotland was hie honour and renoun.

  38. The good fellow has never forgotten the handsome dowry you gave my Baner when he married her, and in three days he came and told me he had seen your beautiful chest and all the rolls it contained burnt to ashes.

  39. Parson or Rector] played Christe, with a baner in his hand.

  40. In the morning The Pope did display than the Pope displayed The hie baner of Rome, 476 the banner of Rome, And he assoiled every man̄ Througħ gracious god in Dome.

  41. Romans, though His baner displaied witħ him he bare victorious, were led To releve with his meyne.

  42. Tho come the Pope with grete aray, Then came the Pope His baner to-fore him wente.

  43. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "baner" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.