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Example sentences for "bantling"

Lexicographically close words:
banter; bantered; bantering; banteringly; banths; bantlings; banyan; banyans; baobab; baound
  1. But I've always rather liked striking out a line," said Mr. Bantling serenely.

  2. I dare say you think it awfully odd," Mr. Bantling replied, resting on his neat umbrella.

  3. It was a disappointment to find she had personal susceptibilities, that she was subject to common passions, and that her intimacy with Mr. Bantling had not been completely original.

  4. Mr. Bantling was very anxious that she should take up the subject of England again, and he thought she might get on better with it now; England had changed a good deal within two or three years.

  5. They stood there at first in silence, and then Mr. Bantling asked Isabel how it had been on the Channel.

  6. Then Miss Stackpole and Bantling have gone out to a cafe to eat an ice--Miss Stackpole delights in an ice.

  7. It seems to me you own a human being or two," Mr. Bantling suggested jocosely.

  8. Mr. Bantling on the other hand proved a great resource; Ralph was capable of discussing Mr. Bantling with Henrietta for hours.

  9. Ralph was just the same as usual, except that he was in bed and that he looks tremendously ill and that he can't speak," Mr. Bantling pursued.

  10. Mr. Bantling would not have time to join her in Italy, but when she should go to Paris again he expected to come over.

  11. A little later indeed she reflected that Mr. Bantling himself at least was original.

  12. This journal offered its brilliant correspondent a fresher field for her genius than the mouldering cities of Europe, and Henrietta was cheered on her way by a promise from Mr. Bantling that he would soon come over to see her.

  13. I'm going to marry Mr. Bantling and locate right here in London.

  14. It is usually the bantling which is cast upon the rocks who wins most of the prizes, having acquired in a hard school powers of resistance and endurance.

  15. Educators discourse much upon the proper environment and training of the young of the human species, but theories aside, practical results seem rather in favor of casting the bantling on the rocks.

  16. Madagascar is, perhaps, above all other countries, the bantling and the plaything of the storm, and thunder and lightning.

  17. My bantling was thus born upon the high seas, in the South Atlantic Ocean, and no power could gainsay the legitimacy of its birth.

  18. There is no reason that such a bantling should be born at all, and at least we would recommend the continuance of gestation for nine times the Horatian period.

  19. Sir Flapwing was of high degree, As fine a bantling as you'd see 'Twixt Amsterdam and Paris, he.

  20. It might, however, be shown that by right of true paternity the bantling should have borne a different patronymic.

  21. Yet by-and-by they'll bring the bantling here, And lay it at our door.

  22. Make haste, and take your bantling from our door.

  23. Because, supposing There should be need to swear to my old master I did not lay the bantling there myself I may with a safe conscience.

  24. No bantling that's unborn shall view A stick of what they're doing now.

  25. He spoke, and smiling look'd upon her, Then laid the hopeful bantling on her.

  26. POWER Cast the bantling on the rocks, Suckle him with the she-wolf's teat, Wintered with the hawk and fox, Power and speed be hands and feet.

  27. But I, the bantling of a country Muse, Abandon all those toys with speed to obey The King whose meek ambassador I go.

  28. She comes not alone; a swarthy two-year old bantling clasps her neck with one arm, its naked body half extant from the coarse blanket which, drawn round her shoulders, is secured at her bosom by a skewer.

  29. The tawny bantling seems inspired with the same fiend, and, foaming at the mouth, utters wild sounds, in imitation of its dam.

  30. O when I sit my courser bold, My bantling in my rear, And in my hand my musket hold, O how they quake with fear.

  31. I should play Their game indeed if, till it grew of age, I meekly let these dotards frown away My bantling from the rightful heritage Of smiles and kisses!

  32. Now let us see, without more talk or fears, If I know how to forge the bantling ears.

  33. The author sinks daily in public esteem, and his bantling goes unnoticed.

  34. Mr. Morris had enclosed with it the reader’s opinion: “I regret that the young author’s anxiety to regain possession of her bantling has prevented me from reading more than a few pages of the story.

  35. So I set my pen in rest, and went in for the prize; less, I avow, for the fifty dollars than for the reward for seeing my ambitious bantling in print.

  36. Henrietta's own advent occurred two days later and produced in Mr. Bantling an emotion amply accounted for by the fact that he had not seen her since the termination of the episode at Versailles.

  37. I'll get you a hansom if you'll trust me," Mr. Bantling went on.

  38. Ah, I'm afraid Bantling was ashamed of me," Lord Warburton laughed again.

  39. Mr. Bantling promised to do his best, and the two took their departure, leaving the girl and her cousin together in the square, over which a clear September twilight had now begun to gather.

  40. She repaired any betrayal by mentioning to each companion the name of the other, and fortunately at this moment Mr. Bantling emerged from the choir, cleaving the crowd with British valour and followed by Miss Stackpole and Ralph Touchett.

  41. After lunch, an hour before the carriage came, Lord Warburton presented himself at the Hotel de Paris and paid a visit to the two ladies, Ralph Touchett and Mr. Bantling having gone out together.

  42. I keep telling Mr. Bantling that he ought to have been an American, and you should see how that pleases him.

  43. There's not the slightest need of your walking alone," Mr. Bantling gaily interposed.

  44. I'm afraid, however, that Bantling hasn't; he may have some surprises.

  45. If wishes are the spawn of imbecility, precipitation is the bantling of fool-hardiness: legitimate will, investigates and acquires the means.

  46. Envy, the bantling of desperate self-love, grasps the appendages, heedless of things.

  47. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "bantling" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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    babe; baby; bastard; illegitimate; infant; newborn