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Example sentences for "barkes"

Lexicographically close words:
barkeep; barkeeper; barkeepers; barkentine; barkers; barkie; barking; barkings; barkless; barks
  1. And likewise he tooke all the barkes and brigantines out of the hauens and portes in those coastes, because they should giue no knowledge of his armie.

  2. Comento have come down to us, three in the Magliabecchiana and one in the Riccardiana libraries in Florence;[636] while of these only three are complete.

  3. They sleepe vpon barkes of trees laide all along vpon the ground being ouer-spread with the skinnes of certaine wilde Beastes, wherewith they also cloth and couer themselues.

  4. M467) Three dayes after his departure thirteene Mariners which I had brought out of France suborned by certaine other Mariners which Captaine Bourdet had left me, stole away my Barkes in maner following.

  5. For in this action wee are not to cut over the narrowe seas, in a day or a nighte, betwene Flaunders, Fraunce, or Ireland, in small barkes of xx.

  6. M470) Therefore I determined to cause two great Barkes to be built, ech of which might be thirtie fiue, or thirtie sixe foote long in the keele.

  7. These Mariners of Captaine Bourdet put mine in the head, that if they had such Barkes as mine were, they might gaine very much in the Iles of the Antilles, and make an exceeding profitable voyage.

  8. And hee left there behinde him but two Barkes to cary the sayde thirtie persons, and the furniture which was there, while hee stayed still in the Countrey.

  9. And that was held for certaine, which was reported of Pamphilo de Naruaez, that there hee had builded the barkes wherewith he went out of the land of Florida, and was cast away at sea.

  10. They brought also some cords, and those which wanted for cables were made of the barkes of Mulberrie trees.

  11. And within foure and fiue moneths after, the sayd barkes come downe this riuer againe laden with reals of plate, and bring downe from those places no other commodities but treasure.

  12. But their numbers were so great, and the prouision of the Barkes so scant, that they pestered one another exceedingly.

  13. We departed from Island the sixteenth day of Iune in the morning, and our course was Northwest, and we saw on the coast two small barkes going to an harborough: we went not to them, but saw them a farre off.

  14. Nicolo with certaine small barkes and men and munition.

  15. The 29 of August the wind blew much at Northeast, so that we could beare but onely a bunt of our foresaile, and the Barkes were not able to cary any sayle at all.

  16. Nicolo remaining nowe in Bres, determined in the spring to go forth and discouer land: wherefore arming out three small barkes in the moneth of Iuly, he sayled to the Northwards, and arriued in Engroneland.

  17. And we had 5 barkes lading stones for to make the steares.

  18. The Duch shipp Trowe went to Cochie road, and I sent 4 barkes to helpe to toe her out.

  19. Itamia Migel Dono 1 to Pasquall Bonita 1 to China Capten And we had xviij barkes of flatt stones this day.

  20. Also we had 1 barkes lading rownd stones and 2 barkes lading gravill or sand.

  21. And we receved tymbers, ij barkes lading this day, viz.

  22. We departed this morning from Fiongo, having laden 2 barkes first with our merchandiz, to lighten our bark, she drawing much water, and now nepe tides.

  23. The barkes that went out to look for the theevs retorned without fynding any thing.

  24. Also we receved ij barkes lading of small stones, cost xvi condrins; and 9 square hewed stones for steares from Languay.

  25. And we hadd 10 barkes lading flatt stoones this day.

  26. We had 8 barkes laden of stones brought this day.

  27. Also there was iij barkes lading gravill or small stons of 8 con.

  28. And we receved 1523 tiles, with viij barkes lading of flatt stons and one of rownd.

  29. Amacon and other Spaniardes and Portingales had hired 2 barkes for 100 taies, to com from Langasaque to Firando, to use meanes to steale away a Portingall which is capt.

  30. We receved in 2 barkes foure thousand six hundred tils, wherof 50 were for gadong walle.

  31. The sonne of Tuan Dono of Langasaque departed to sea with 13 barkes laden with souldiers to take the iland Taccasange, called per them soe, but by us Isla Fermosa.

  32. So this day they loaded 4 or 5 barkes with raw silk and sent it ashore.

  33. There was one of the King of Shashmas barkes cast away coming in, but all the men saved.

  34. And I sent out 6 barkes to tow in our junck from Cochi, which brought her into harbour at Firando about nowne.

  35. One of our barkes which carid our goodes lagged behind, and so got not in the mornyng tide, as we did, soe that she ran a greate risge to have byn cast away by laysynesse of the barkmen.

  36. He tould me that word was brought to the kyng that 80 barkes are cast away betwixt this and Shiminaseke now of late per torment, most being laden with rise.

  37. Also of small barkes and fishermen an infinite number.

  38. All thinges being thus considered on, the vvhole forces vvere commaunded in the euening to embarke themselues into Pinnaces, boates, & other small barkes appointed for this seruice.

  39. Hee brought mee to the kings Court, and into the presence of the King, to see him, and the maners of the Court: the King doeth onely beare the name of a king, but the greatest gouernment is in the hands of the souldiers.

  40. The fraight of the barkes from Ormuz to Balsara, I would say from Balsara to Ormuz, they pay according to the greatnesse thereof.

  41. When as you returne from Pegu to Martauan, they goe but halfe the tide at a time, because they will lay their barkes vp aloft on the bankes, for the reason aforesayd.

  42. O Rosalind, these Trees shall be my Bookes, And in their barkes my thoughts Ile charracter, That euerie eye, which in this Forrest lookes, Shall see thy vertue witnest euery where.

  43. The Fox barkes not, when he would steale the Lambe.

  44. Yea, like the Stagge, when Snow the Pasture sheets, The barkes of Trees thou brows'd.

  45. I pray you marre no more trees with Writing Loue-songs in their barkes Orl.

  46. Iuly, where the factors and merchants landed, and the merchandise were discharged and laden into doshnikes, that is, barkes of the countrey, to be caried from thence vp by riuer vnto Vologda.

  47. The 29 of Iuly, we departed from Colmogro, and the 14 of August we came to Vstiug, where we remained one day, and changed our barkes or boates.

  48. They feede vpon the barkes of trees, and the most tender branches, in all the time of warre.

  49. They take the cormorantes out of their cages, and carrie them vnto the riuer side, whereas they haue many barkes ordeyned for their fishing, and they are halfe full of water.

  50. They vse their shippes and barkes of many fashions, euery one hath his proper name.

  51. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "barkes" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.