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Example sentences for "beautifull"

Lexicographically close words:
beautified; beautifier; beautifies; beautiful; beautifulest; beautifullest; beautifully; beautify; beautifying; beautious
  1. What is become of that beautifull face, Those louely lookes, that fauour amiable, Those sweete features, and visage full of grace, That countenance which is alonly able To kill and cure?

  2. He hath answered you, Ganimede, quoth Aliena, it is inough for pages to waite on beautifull ladies and not to be beautifull themselves.

  3. To make them more beautifull then vertuous and more pleasing in the eyes of men then delightful in the sight of God.

  4. His harmonicall, and ingeniose soule did lodge[1] in a beautifull and well proportioned body--In toto nusquam corpore menda fuit.

  5. Bishop Hall sayeth in his Meditations that 'there is none so old that a beautifull person loves not; nor so young whom a lovely feature moves not.

  6. Brace; a woman beautifull and very prudent, by whom he has severall children (I thinke 10 or 12).

  7. She was not more beautifull than she was obligeing and kind, and was so tender-hearted that (truly) she could scarce denie any one.

  8. He was not lesse than 6 foot high: very beautifull in youth--I remember him: and of great courage, but a great plunderer and cruell.

  9. He was an extraordinary handsome and beautifull man; no lady had a finer complexion.

  10. They take a goodly, strong, and beautifull young man, whom they dresse in the Apparell of a woman, besetting him with divers odoriferous flowers and spices.

  11. And the meate being set vpon the table, and he required to sit down, he perceiued a woman comming forth behind the hanging, which was so beautifull as might be seene, sauing that her head was all shauen, and apparelled in Almaine blacke.

  12. To all the gratious and beautifull Ladies in the Court.

  13. To the most vertuous, and beautifull Lady, 690 the Lady Carew.

  14. Also about an Harque-buz-shotte from Matarea is a spire of great height like to that at Rome, and more beautifull to beholde.

  15. This region hath a language peculiar vnto it selfe, and there are beautifull men, and deformed women.

  16. There is a stately and beautifull minster, with an exceeding high spered steeple, and double crosse aisle on both sides.

  17. He was the most beautifull horse ever seen in this last age, and was as fleet as handsome.

  18. The first was a faire goddesse, hir treces flieng abroad, girded with roses and other flowers, vpon a thin vpper garment couering hir beautifull and pleasant proportion.

  19. But the fayre Damsels and beautifull Nimphes well aduised, that in me was a reall and humaine personage and shape, but distempered and afrayde, they drew all of them more neerer vnto me, saying.

  20. The black stone of the walles was ingrauen with a leafe worke, as if it had beene an illaqueated composition of leaues and flowers, and the little shelles of cytheriaces, so beautifull to the eye, as was possible to be deuised.

  21. This little infant and most beautifull babe (worthie and meete for him that he was seazed for) by his countenance shewed as if he had beene afraide of his fortune.

  22. And on either sides vnder the same beautifull and most noble tables, there were placed all a long seates of stone.

  23. Withe the white Muscarioli, bee floures and Panenentes in so beautifull and pleasant manner, that they did greatly comfort mee (hauing lost my selfe) but euen with the looking vppon them.

  24. Which he hath made in beauty excellent, And in the same, as in a brasen booke, 130 To read enregistred in every nooke His goodnesse, which his beautie doth declare; For all thats good is beautifull and faire.

  25. The Poets also describing the faire necks of beautifull virgins, call them Eburnea colla, that is, Iuory necks.

  26. For it would be an unseemly thing, as a certain wise man saith, for him that doth looke upon and handle faire and beautifull things, and who frequenteth and is conversant in faire and beautifull places to have his minde not faire.

  27. I omit farther the costly apparel both of goldsmythes woorke and embraudery, the riche jewelles, the massy cheynes, the styrrynge horsses, the beautifull bardes and the glytteryng trappers bothe with belles and spangles of golde.

  28. Vnto whome answere was made, that they were brought out of Britaine, the inhabitants of which countrie were of the like beautifull aspect.

  29. Guenhera a right beautifull ladie, that was néere kinswoman to Cador earle of Cornwall.

  30. Some iudge that she tooke hir name of hir excellent beautie, bicause Guinne or Guenne in the Welsh toong signifieth faire, so that she was named Guennere or rather Guenlhean, euen (as you would say) the faire or beautifull Elenor or Helen.

  31. Gregorie also came amongst other to behold them, and when he considered and well viewed their faire skins, their swéet visages, and beautifull bushes of their bright and yeallow heares, he demanded out of what region or land they came?

  32. What man would not gladly see a beautifull woman naked, or at least with nothing but a lawne, or some loose thing ouer her; and euen highly lift her vp for being so?

  33. The Wings of all kinds of Insects, are, for the most part, very beautifull Objects, and afford no less pleasing an Object to the mind to speculate upon, then to the eye to behold.

  34. Cortes, although it gréeued him to destroy totally so beautifull a Citie, yet he determined to bring all the houses of the stréetes that he should winne to be equall with the ground, and to stoppe with them the Chanels of water.

  35. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "beautifull" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    beautifully printed; beautifully situated; beautifully written