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Example sentences for "besyde"

Lexicographically close words:
bestriding; bestrode; bests; besy; besyd; besydes; besynes; bet; betake; betaken
  1. See the continuations of the changes and alterations and remarkable emergents of and in the Session in another paper book besyde me that opens by the lenth.

  2. Keeper of the Hospital be reason of some businesse he had could not go alongs wt them, whence he ordains one of the fools that was besyde to go alongs wt them, and show them al the madmen wt the occasions and nature of their madnese.

  3. Just besyde that port that leads to Quatre Picket (de St. Lazare) or Paris is erectcd a monument of stone, something in the fashion of a pyramide.

  4. In a selver[83] besyde was shank bones, finger bones and such like wery religiously keipt.

  5. Gorgie milne besyde Edenburgh did belong to Balmayne, but by a gift of nonentrie Otterbune of Reidhall, who was at that tyme Clerk Register, he got it.

  6. Which was out of other money I had besyde me, which 8 dollars with what I gave formerly makes up 14 dollars and 3 shillings sterl.

  7. Ramorney, Heriot; saw Scotstarvet, formerly Inglistarvet, on the croup of a hill; besyde it is the Struther.

  8. May, during all that tyme spent according to the accompt of it particularly set doune in another paper besyde me, 10 dollars.

  9. I gave that out of the other money I had besyde me.

  10. Vedderburne) preaching related me by Robert Scot which happened besyde them.

  11. The nixt money I spent was some 7 dollars given me in 3 sundrie consultations as is marked besyde me in a paper apart.

  12. Vitnes besyde him who dwellt at Porte St. Lazare, another who brunt his mother because she would not let him ly wt hir, and was brunt quick himselfe at the place in Poictiers some 5 years ago.

  13. At the end of it neir to Whitater stands the Nynewells (corruptly called the Nyneholes), from 9 springs of water besyde it, wheirof on in the fountain is verie great: are Homes to their name.

  14. To my rigth good maister, John Paston the oldest, beyng at Heylesdon, besyde Norwiche, in hast.

  15. He speaks of the eighth year, instead of the seventh, as being a sabbatical year, and actually declares that the ordinary week contains seven working-days (p.

  16. O ful of vertue, do the chaunce of comfort upwarde to falle!

  17. And whan ye liggen it besyde you, than lig ye youre religion besyde you, and ben apostatas.

  18. But as I wandred in a wro, In a wode besyde a wall, Two foules saw I sitte tho; The falser, foul mote him befall!

  19. There lay an old wyfe in that place, A lytle besyde the fyre, Whych Wyllyam had found, of cherytye, More then seven yere.

  20. Then went he to the market place, 165 As fast as he coulde hye; A payre of new gallous there did he up set, Besyde the pyllory.

  21. One may besyde these vse other maner of prohemes / whiche by cause they are nat set out of the very mater it selfe / or els the circumstaunces / as in these aforsayd they are called peregrine or strau[n]ge prohemes.

  22. And besyde these fautes he was a great folysshe babler / and ryght foule mouthed / and ful of debate and stryfe / car- rynge alwayes agaynste the heddes and wyse men of the armye.

  23. I name it the Douer cole because I founde it first besyde Douer.

  24. This Diogenes no beyete Of worldes good or lasse or more Ne soghte for his longe lore, Bot tok him only forto duelle At hom; and as the bokes telle, 2240 His hous was nyh to the rivere Besyde a bregge, as thou schalt hiere.

  25. And aboute Jerusalem is the kyngdom of Surrye: and there besyde is the lond of Palestyne: and besyde it is Ascolone: and besyde that is the lond of Maritaine.

  26. And besyde the condytes, ben many vesselles of gold, be the whiche, thei that ben of houshold, drynken at the condyt.

  27. And besyde Famagost was Seynt Barnabee the apostle born.

  28. And besyde the cytee of Akoun renneth a lytille ryvere, that is clept Belon.

  29. And faste besyde is another yle, that is clept Betemga, that is a gode yle and a plentyfous.

  30. But fast besyde that yle, for to passe be see, is a gret yle a gret contree, that men clepen Java: and it is nyghe 2000 myle in circuyt.

  31. Also besyde Cayre, withouten that cytee, is the feld where bawme growethe: and it cometh out on smale trees, that ben non hyere than a mannes breek girdle: and thei semen as wode that is of the wylde vyne.

  32. Whan Phebus the crabbe had nere his cours ronne And toward {the} Leon his Iourney gan take To loke on Pyctagoras spere / I had begonne ΒΆ Syttyng all solytary allone besyde a lake.

  33. XLII Then went he to the markett place, As fast as he coulde hye; There a payre of new gallowes he set up Besyde the pyllorye.

  34. XV There lay an old wyfe in that place, A lytle besyde the fyre, Whych Wyllyam had found[665] of charytye More than seven yere.

  35. You wolde saye it were not a schole, but a tormentynge place: nothynge is hearde there beside the flappynge vpon the hande, beside yorkynge of roddes, besyde howlynge and sobbinge and cruell threatnynges.

  36. There be some that for deuocions sake take vpon them iourneys that both be farre of and ieoperdeous, and other laboures besyde almost intollerable.

  37. It is agaynste nature that women shulde haue rule vpon menne: besyde that, nothynge is more cruell then that kynde, if they bee moued with anger, as it wyll soone be, and wyll not cease tyll it be full reuenged.

  38. And besyde my lorde kynge Arthur he shal burye me.

  39. And besyde my lorde kyng Arthur/he shal bury me.

  40. Than lichtit thai, all that war thar, Till bayt thar hors that war wery; Then Douglas and his cumpany 590 Baytit alsua besyde thame neir.

  41. He said; "A fischar quhilome lay 650 "Besyde a ryver for till get "His nettis that he had thar set.

  42. Schir Robert de Nevell in that tyde Wonnyt at Berwyk, neir besyde The marchis, quhar the lord Dowglas In the Forest reparande was, And had at him full gret invy, 405 For he him saw so manfully Mak his boundis ay mar and mar.

  43. And whan he herethe hem, he commaundethe to his lordes to ryde besyde him, that the religiouse men may come to him.

  44. Besyde that Yle of Mistorak, upon the left syde, nyghe to the ryvere of Phison, is a marveylous thing.

  45. Besyde that yle, toward the est, ben 2 other yles: and men clepen that on Orille, and that other Argyte; of the whiche alle the lond is myne of gold and sylver.

  46. Besyde the yle of Pentexoire, that is the lond of Prestre John, is a gret yle long and brode, that men clepen Milsterak; and it is in the lordschipe of Prestre John.

  47. Duyk of Yorke, and wyth hym come yn companye the Erle of Salesbury, the Erle of Warrewyke with diverse knyghtes and squyers unto ther partye into the felde, called the Key Feld, besyde Seynt Albones.

  48. And also the seyd Fastolf hath lost the residue of the seyd raunson, besyde the seyd lands, to the somme of m^{l}.

  49. Sir Hug' Fastolf, graunsir to this same Thomas; and the Lady Hastinges is comen of Sir Robert Clyfton, which dwellid besyde Lynne.

  50. And also saw I how Sibyle And Eneas, besyde an yle, 440 To helle wente, for to see His fader, Anchises the free.

  51. Thise lordes, which that wonen me besyde Wil me destroyen only for your sake.

  52. Fyrst of all it is taken sacrylege, then they hold ther handes that were accustomed to gyfe, besyde that morouer they be allured & mouyde to robbynge & vaynynge.

  53. All the soulles that came with Iacob into Egipte which came out of his loyns (besyde his sonnes wifes) were all togither .

  54. And the angell of the LORde founde her besyde a fountayne of water in the wyldernes: euen by a well in the way to Sur.

  55. We now paye half so moch vnto the prestes only/ besyde their other craftye exactions.

  56. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "besyde" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.