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Example sentences for "bode"

Lexicographically close words:
bodder; boddice; boddle; boddom; boddy; boded; bodeful; bodely; bodes; bodi
  1. Five-sixths of the infinitives end in en, showing Anglian influence, the remainder mostly in e, as bode 262 r.

  2. Scarce had these words fallen from Tostig's lips, when the chief of his Danish house-carles came in, and announced the arrival of a bode from England.

  3. My bode reached Sweyn, with letters from Githa, before Tostig; my bode has returned this day.

  4. So, at least, said the bode of our kinswoman.

  5. The name given to the messenger or envoy who fulfilled that office was bode or nuncius.

  6. It was evening: the courtyards and the halls were filled with armed men, and almost with every hour came rider and bode from the Sussex shores.

  7. As Grandma Chazy would say, 'it'll bode me no good, some day.

  8. Indiana, your love of change will bode you no good, some day.

  9. Gustave Dreyfus, dominated by that mirthful Italian child which the Bargello authorities consider to be by Donatello, but Herr Bode gives to Desiderio.

  10. Bode now gives that charming example to Donatello's pupil Desiderio; and various other masterpieces elsewhere.

  11. Here also is an adorable Madonna and laughing Child, beyond anything in Florence for sheer gaiety if not mischief, which the South Kensington authorities call a Rossellino but Herr Bode a Desiderio da Settignano.

  12. Bode a robe and wear it, Bode a pock and bear it," says the wise old Scots adage!

  13. I refused fifty-five shillings for her, which was the highest bode I could squeeze for her.

  14. Only at rare times he got a look askance, which did not seem to bode any good.

  15. He was startled--that could not bode any good.

  16. BODE If it is true that misery loves company, those persons who feel despondent over the present situation in philosophy may console themselves with the reflection that things are not so bad as they might be.

  17. That would bode us ill," said Charnock; "though I think it unlikely that he will do so.

  18. That would bode ill luck to England at this moment.

  19. My visioned sight may yet prove true, Nor bode of ill to him or you.

  20. Bode a robe and wear it, Bode a pock and bear it, says the wise old Scots adage!

  21. Fair Bell to our city bode joy and increase, And oh, may thy first sound be hallowed to--PEACE.

  22. Tis thought to bode disaster to the land-- Some horrid deeds against the course of nature.

  23. It is considered to bode misfortune if the first person who enters your house on New Year's morning has a fair complexion and light hair.

  24. Chaucer speaks of the "owl eke that of deth the bode bringeth.

  25. Even the skulls appeared to me to bode from their sunken, vacant eyes, the arrival of something appalling.

  26. What's de lowes' bid now, gemmens, yer gwine ter gimme ter bode 'em by de month?

  27. This was my dreame, what it doth bode God knowes Eli.

  28. However he wrote letters announcing what he had seen, one of them to Bode himself; but this letter, though dated Jan.

  29. Crowe and Cavalcaselle and Dr Bode ascribe to Bordone the "Baptism of Christ" in the Capitoline gallery, but Morelli sees in it an early work of Titian.

  30. Nigh to madness driven / bode he no longer there, But ran upon the strangers / like to a valiant knight.

  31. Then may two bode good, if one bode ill, as the maids say of the magpies," replied the indefatigable attendant.

  32. May they see that the rending of fetter and chain Is their triumph as well--their unspeakable gain; That the Union dissevered and weltering in blood Could yield them no profit and bode them no good.

  33. Why, whut you gwi do wid de po' delegate dat ain' got no expenses uh bode an' washin'?

  34. May the birds continue to sing to this happy family, and may the voice of the Whippoorwill never bode them any misfortune!

  35. His voice is supposed to bode misfortune, and his spectral visits are regarded as the forewarnings of death.

  36. But as regards their mother; when her sons went forth from her, she bode alone--And Shahrazad was surprised by the dawn of day and fell silent and ceased saying her permitted say.

  37. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "bode" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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