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Example sentences for "briefer"

Lexicographically close words:
bridoon; brief; briefcase; briefe; briefed; briefest; briefing; briefless; briefly; briefs
  1. This is as clear as, and briefer than, "He was a musician, &c.

  2. Some will take root; others will not, but after a longer or briefer period will wither and die.

  3. Briefer intervals of apparent detachment from everything succeeded them; a distrait survey of the lantern-lit dancers, a preoccupied glance at the man speaking to her, a lifting of the delicate eyebrows in smiling preoccupation.

  4. That was her greeting; his was a briefer nod.

  5. XXV Recording a Discussion about the Reformatory between Editor West and his Dog-like Admirer, the City Boss; and a Briefer Conversation between West and Prof.

  6. Johnson depreciated him by asserting that if he could cut a colossus out of the rock he could not carve heads upon cherry-stones; as if Milton's briefer poems and sonnets were unworthy of the author of the great epic!

  7. Hannah More united with Johnson, not only in thinking these briefer poems bad, but in critically examining why they were so!

  8. James was now beginning to prepare the condensed edition of the "Principles of Psychology," which appeared the next year as the "Briefer Course.

  9. And so James spent the summer of 1891 in making an abridgment which appeared that autumn under the title "Briefer Course.

  10. The "Briefer Course" and the Laboratory--A Sabbatical Year in Europe.

  11. And now these sentences grew briefer still, as with the decision of a strong resolve.

  12. A mushroom, for instance, demands exposure at briefer intervals than would be necessary for filming the growth of a grain of wheat.

  13. Consequently the author is well advised to condense his plot into as few words as possible--the briefer the outline the better.

  14. A sample outline of the briefer sort is here given: A.

  15. Thorndike, in Chapter I of his Educational Psychology, Briefer Course, 1914, gives a general survey of the native factors in mental life and behavior.

  16. See also Chapter X in the same author's Educational Psychology, Briefer Course, 1914.

  17. For briefer treatments of the subject, see Walter S.

  18. From his detailed report of the ceremony we may gather some particulars which are not noticed in the briefer accounts which I have just summarised.

  19. In general, the briefer the text, the more "filling in" is needed.

  20. The late Duke of Guise had eclipsed his glory, and in a much briefer career had exhibited much more striking tactical skill.

  21. Poe's briefer lyrics are written to a simpler formula, modified from that for the narratives.

  22. This brief syllogism, and its briefer negative, involving the principle which some English conveyancer borrowed from a French wit and embodied in the lines by which Dr.

  23. Yet its main character can be imparted in a much briefer space than the old black woman took to give all its details.

  24. Briefer treatment will be found in May and Holland, Constitutional History of England, I.

  25. Its sessions must not exceed four weeks in length nor be briefer than fifteen days.

  26. The actual sittings of the Lords are, however, very much briefer and more leisurely than are those of the Commons.

  27. Nothing could well be briefer or more explicit than these orders.

  28. I was not sorry when the daylight reached me after a much briefer abode in the nether regions than, I fear, would await the troublesome personages just hinted at.

  29. These earliest sources regarding Coronado consist of the letters of Coronado himself (with the related letter of Viceroy Mendoza), and several briefer documents written in New Mexico but without indication of their authors.

  30. Barbara said nothing after a few faint attempts to take part in it, and Langbourne made briefer and briefer answers.

  31. A briefer form of author-entry is ELY, R.

  32. The substance of the oracle is there given in briefer form than here, as was natural, where the writer's object was principally to relate the issue of it as it affected himself.

  33. The third poem, the Moretum, is at once briefer and slighter in structure and more masterly in form.

  34. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "briefer" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.