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Example sentences for "brogue"

Lexicographically close words:
brodyr; brogan; brogans; broght; broghte; brogues; broidered; broideries; broidering; broidery
  1. May I die this minnit if I have, sor," boldly asserted the accused in a rich Irish brogue that was as distinct as the doctor's voice.

  2. I suppose he knows he has got the Cork brogue strong enough to hang a cat-block from.

  3. You won't speak a word for fear your brogue should betray you.

  4. His Irish brogue no doubt sounded a trifle strange in a Highland drover, but he was in a country where the people were friendly.

  5. Here the speaker laid his finger along his nose and broke into a comic song having reference to "the broad Atlantic," which he chanted in a brogue almost as broad as the Atlantic itself.

  6. The senior took the lead, not with a brogue but with an accent, translating from the Irish vernacular as he went on.

  7. In the mane time one stands in the middle; and after the brogue is sent round, he is to catch it as soon as he can.

  8. There's another play called the Standing Brogue--where one man gets a brogue of the same kind, and another stands up facing him with his hands locked together, forming an arch turned upside down.

  9. Whoever he catches this brogue with must stand up in his place, while he sits down where the other had been, and then the play goes on as before.

  10. Every one of the niggers speaks with a brogue and there are Mulvaneys and Dennises and Muldoons as black as the ace of spades and some of them with red hair.

  11. You see, Montserrat was settled originally by the Irish and the brogue and the names have come down through generations.

  12. Throw your brogue after them, my dear fellow; it will do just as well," flashed out Father Healy.

  13. Again at a wedding, the late Lord Morris, the possessor of the hugest brogue ever heard, observed as the young couple drove off, "I wish that I had an old shoe to throw after them for luck.

  14. Man, I could cut that Kerry brogue with a belaying pin.

  15. Oh, it was charming," answered the duke; with more of the brogue than was necessary, for a lad who had been bred at Eton.

  16. People say that a brogue is expressive; but I think a little goes a great way.

  17. He talked of sailing and boats, big fiddles and Irish watchmen; praised to the skies such of the Irish nobility as lived on their estates, and imitated the Irish brogue as though he had been practising it all the days of his life.

  18. Aurora assumed and dropped the musical brogue according to her whim.

  19. Throned on her gin-case, where the ruddy light of the wood-fire glowed upon her, she chattered in her delectable brogue for an hour or more, the picture of animation.

  20. Long experience has shown that a Saxon audience invariably associates a brogue with latent humour, and if anybody laughed it would be all up with the Celtic Renascence.

  21. This paramount necessity for gloom will probably place you in a somewhat difficult position, and may make it necessary for you to banish the Irish brogue altogether from your cast.

  22. You have a sweet little voice of your own, although it hasn't the dear touch of the brogue that I miss so in all the other girls.

  23. I am not going to be shy," cried the new-comer in a hearty, clear, loud voice with a considerable amount of brogue in it.

  24. She was very angry, and her brogue was faint no longer.

  25. Sheila demanded, her brogue broadening, and her hands braced aggressively against her hips.

  26. With the rich brogue of Ireland rolling from his tongue, he avowed himself an American.

  27. To be sure; but I've waited long," he answered, with just the least brogue in his speech.

  28. The visiting aldermen of the town and the congressman were introduced to the Lord Kildee, who had the air of a genuine nobleman, with just enough of the rich brogue to entitle him to the name of Irishman.

  29. He expressed himself fluently on every subject, and though his brogue was conspicuous, he was evidently a gentleman, and very well educated too.

  30. In their accent there was not the slightest sign of that rich Leinster brogue which was so apparent in their father.

  31. Has she got the Brogue upon the tip of her tongue?

  32. Methinks he has something of the Brogue upon the tip of his tongue now.

  33. The same with Foley the butcher, who had a brogue with a sort of drawling groan in it, and was a cynic of the Mitchell school.

  34. But when he didn't try, and that was most of the time, the brogue was rich and thick.

  35. The players as they pass the brogue repeat the words-- Shuffle the brogue once, Shuffle the brogue twice, Shuffle the brogue thrice.

  36. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "brogue" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    accent; burr; dialect; drawl; idle; twang