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Example sentences for "calaboose"

Lexicographically close words:
cakes; caking; cal; calabash; calabashes; calamine; calamitie; calamities; calamitous; calamity
  1. Yellow City is that much worse off than Wolfville that she has a little old 'doby calaboose that's been built since the old Mexico days.

  2. One morning he reepairs to the calaboose to consult with the felons on whose interests he's ridin' herd.

  3. The Stranglers comes back; jestice resoomes her sway, an' the calaboose is ag'in as empty as a church.

  4. Mexican who carries the calaboose keys; an' with that he turns in mighty composed, to roll a cigarette.

  5. Delaruelle, carried me one day to the calaboose on an official visit.

  6. Just off Calaboose Hill, the tiny Government schooner rides almost permanently at anchor, marks eight bells in the morning (there or thereabout) with the unfurling of her flag, and salutes the setting sun with the report of a musket.

  7. From this noontide quietude it must not be supposed the prison was untenanted; the calaboose at Tai-o-hae does a good business.

  8. On the summit of its promontory hill, the calaboose stands all day with doors and window shutters open to the trade.

  9. The Residency stands by itself, Calaboose Hill screening it from the fringe of town along the further bay.

  10. Once he put me in ze calaboose when I tried to climb ze balcon'.

  11. And be flung into a filthy calaboose by a constable," said I.

  12. A few days in the calaboose would bring him to his senses.

  13. If a man out on the Slope were to talk pat straight to a party of aborigines, they'd conduct him to the Alcalde's calaboose and have him locked up to await a commission's decision as to his responsibility.

  14. Every Monday morning there was a round-up of the dead and wounded in the whitewashed calaboose and hospital in Abilene that reminded the ex-soldier surveyors who were with me of their war experiences.

  15. Then, too, there was the story about Tad and Ned having captured the desperado, Dunk Tucker, who was now well on his way to the calaboose in El Paso.

  16. We'll land him in the calaboose in El Paso by the day after to-morrow.

  17. He 'busted' out of the calaboose over at El Paso some time yesterday morning and he's on the warpath.

  18. Ah kin land yuh all in the calaboose if Ah wants to.

  19. It had to build a calaboose to take care of the saloon's patrons, and the regular fines for plain drunks almost paid the cost of the court that collected them.

  20. Jap was pretty weak when they brought the Mayor's resignation up from the calaboose for him to read.

  21. The calaboose was very cold, and Deering, jumping from his bunk, went to the open door.

  22. Although the station agent did not see him get on board, when the train rolled up the track he occupied a box in front of the calaboose stove.

  23. I've traveled on board a calaboose before.

  24. The calaboose victim was not a citizen; he was a poor stranger, a harmless whiskey-sodden tramp.

  25. An hour or two afterward, the man was arrested and locked up in the calaboose by the marshal--large name for a constable, but that was his title.

  26. The man set fire to the calaboose with those very matches, and burnt himself up.

  27. Jack takes this Yallerhouse party over to the calaboose an' lays him away on some blankets.

  28. But on account of the hole through which Steve emerges, an' which he makes liberal an' big, the calaboose is a mighty commodious place.

  29. The calaboose is dry, an' what you-alls might call, commodious.

  30. They left him in the calaboose with whatever reflections were his.

  31. The last man confined in the calaboose had stolen a bottle of whisky, a grave and reprehensible offense which set all the town talking and speculating on the proper punishment.

  32. The city calaboose was an institution apart from the county jail.

  33. He never arrests anybody, there hasn't been a prisoner in the calaboose since he took charge of this town.

  34. She passed on into the dining-room where the Dago Duke who had sung himself out of the calaboose sprang to his feet and, laying his hand upon his heart, bowed low in a burlesqued bow of deference.

  35. Dis calaboose was built of logs fastened together wid stout ropes an' sunk into de groun', but Massa didn't need no calaboose to make his niggers behave.

  36. The overseer on the Myers plantation was not a mean man, they had a calaboose or sweat box to punish unruly slaves in place of whipping them.

  37. Some of de plantations had a calaboose whar dey putt de slaves dat wouldn't behave.

  38. Into the calaboose we shall go, my dear Tuck!

  39. He's an expert on jails--been in nearly every calaboose in America.

  40. Deering knew himself to be equally culpable on that score, and he was even now trudging after the hypnotic vagabond with a country calaboose as their common goal.

  41. That was the only jail they had left, now that the calaboose was burned.

  42. Besides, we been needing a new calaboose for a long time.

  43. Alas, Nemecia, the calaboose is dark and cold.

  44. They would put you in the calaboose and keep you there till you died, an old, old woman.

  45. The dazed prisoner was on his feet, and his captors were starting with him to the calaboose when he seemed suddenly to come to his senses.

  46. I guess you'd better step over to the calaboose with me, mister," said Anderson firmly.

  47. So we slipped the handcuffs on him and took him back and locked him into the calaboose again.

  48. On the calaboose door, and in front of the post-office, and on the bank, we tacked big notices.

  49. The floor of this calaboose was of hard wood, but it was so thoroughly stained with human gore that the grain of the wood could not be distinguished.

  50. I tried every means to quit, when conscious of my existence: I voluntarily entered the calaboose more than once, and was locked up, but the instant I got out, the madness caused me to fly where liquor was.

  51. The reader may have a faint idea of my sufferings while in the Jersey City calaboose when I tell him that the least noise pierced my brain like a knife.

  52. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "calaboose" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.