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Example sentences for "cascading"

Lexicographically close words:
cas; casar; cascade; cascaded; cascades; cascara; cascarilla; cascos; case; cased
  1. Small streams come cascading down between them, their foaming margins brightened with gay primulas, gilias, and mimuluses.

  2. Only the stream, cascading from pool to pool, seemed to be wholly awake.

  3. Even the snow and the grinding, cascading glaciers became divinely tender and fine in this celestial amethystine light.

  4. The flow of the central cascading portion near the front, as determined by Professor Reid, is at the rate of from two and a half to five inches an hour, or from five to ten feet a day.

  5. The Nisqually Glacier, accordingly, is not to be regarded as composed merely of the cascading neves, reunited and cemented together, but as taking a fresh start at these lower levels.

  6. Cascading from the summit in all directions, they radiate like the arms of a great starfish.

  7. The rock here is black metamorphic slate, worn into smooth knobs in the stream channels, contrasting with the fine gray and white cascading water as it glides and glances and falls in lace-like sheets and braided overfolding currents.

  8. We get water for the camp from a rock basin at the foot of a picturesque cascading reach of the river where it is well stirred and made lively without being beaten into dusty foam.

  9. Fine spicy plush boughs for bedding we shall have to-night, and a glorious lullaby from this cascading creek.

  10. We crossed over towards a deep bay on the west shore, to where a stream comes cascading down the rocks, and leaping into the lake, as if rejoicing at finding a resting-place in its quiet bosom.

  11. Some of the cliffs would be mountains of no mean size elsewhere, and around their sides pour mighty glacial currents, cascading to the depths below where again they may meet and even merge.

  12. Campbell's suggestion that it should be renamed the Cascading Glacier deserves consideration.

  13. I’m thinkin’ it wull be chancy wark at the Creek,” shouted Scottie above the droning roar of the rain and the hiss of the water cascading down the Cut.

  14. For a moment it held solidly, then, as the screens of the enemy went into action, it rebounded and glanced off in sparkling, cascading torrents.

  15. And suddenly, with an unearthly clatter, the pots and pans rigged above it crashed to the floor, cascading over a figure outlined in the doorway.

  16. Back on the deck the gasoline engine throbbed reassuringly, its pump cascading a flood of water over the side.

  17. But these smooth slopes, bed of that prehistoric river of ice, slanted slowly but surely to the cascading mountain stream whose roar now assailed his ears.

  18. We emerged from the birchen grove upon the river, below a brilliant cascading rapid.

  19. A slender rill cascading from a lofty spur formed a limpid pool, and overflowing, rippled between sunny banks and was lost in a clump of pines.

  20. He backed Sir Donald slowly away from the bastion, and when he was able to turn him, rode down to a point where a rivulet, cascading from a hidden snow field high up, formed a gully in the slope.

  21. He found himself gazing down upon what appeared to be a cascading sea of phosphorescent light.

  22. It was the steady droning of cascading waters falling in a mighty tide.

  23. Almost instantly he was floundering in knee-deep waters that parted, cascading away on either hand.

  24. Others had been sunk--literally driven under--by masses of humanity cascading into them from slanting decks.

  25. Nissr rose again as the second shell hit fair in the hard clay of the wady, cascading earth and sand a hundred feet in air.

  26. A strange figure she made, with loose hair cascading over her coat, with knickers and puttees, with wounded arm slung in the breast of her jacket.

  27. Illustration: Percé Village] Further west is some of the wildest hill scenery, with rocky gorges, and where foaming brooks may be seen cascading seawards in a series of minute waterfalls.

  28. When he finally turned it was to observe the watercourse cascading down a great rift in the walls of the gorge.

  29. Charley led the way over the rocks, and the murmur of cascading waters greeted the white men's ears.

  30. Through this narrow trough, the water snarled and fought its way, cascading over the rocks at the bend in towering sheets of spray.

  31. It seemed to Sandy that the trail led straight up, through narrow box canyons and over barren stretches of rock fall where every step sent a shower of loose stones cascading down the steep slope.

  32. On the Pacific slopes north of Guerrero, Mexico, humid forests in which there are cascading mountain streams are absent; consequently, no Ptychohyla are known from that region.

  33. Tadpoles have been found in cascading mountain streams.

  34. Ptychohyla has been found only where there are clear, cascading streams overhung by vegetation, on which adults and young perch at night, or even by day.

  35. Tadpoles were found in the cascading streams; the smallest tadpole has a total length of 17.

  36. Calling males were found on leaves of herbs and bushes by cascading streams in cloud forest.

  37. The big van had been backed up against the curb, and the cascading black torrent interrupted the passers-by.

  38. The last quarter of the distance he practically fell, sliding at a tremendous rate, with boulders and loose earth cascading all about him in a shower.

  39. The wrecked 'plane, whirling away and down, fell crashing into the river that rushed cascading by, and vanished in the firelit mist.

  40. Fog condensed into water, and water submitting to its destiny went cascading down through a wild defile where no birch could follow.

  41. Illustration: Ground water cascading down a gentle limestone face was ponded irregularly and the evaporation of the water along the outer edges formed small terraces.

  42. Illustration: "Fresh crisp bacon" formed by water flowing originally from a crack or elongate hole and cascading down the face of the limestone.

  43. With a considerable stream of water cascading over the reef at almost right angles to the channel, a queer sort of side-kick is thrown into the waves of the latter which make it one of the most "unrhythmic" rapids I ever ran.

  44. But I did see a very sizable stream of water cascading right down the middle of the great rock slide, and at a point which might very well coincide with that at which Ross saw his "stairway-and-tunnel" phenomenon.

  45. Every few hundred yards creeks broke through the mountain walls and came cascading into the river over their spreading boulder "fans.

  46. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "cascading" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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