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Example sentences for "centralizing"

Lexicographically close words:
centralists; centrality; centralization; centralize; centralized; centrally; centrals; centre; centreboard; centred
  1. Under John the Fearless and Philip the Good, this situation, which favoured the centralizing influence of the dukes, remained unchanged.

  2. They succeeded in centralizing public institutions and in suppressing, to a great extent, local jealousies and internal strife which weakened the nation and wasted her resources.

  3. In spite of the peace of Cadzand, Ghent had succeeded in preserving a privileged situation in the State, and many popular leaders had witnessed with dismay the progress made in 1531 by centralizing tendencies.

  4. The duties of Bishops are the one thing spoken of, and the design is everywhere transparent of increasing their dependence on the Curia, and centralizing all Church government in Rome still more than before.

  5. This centralizing innovation will remind the reader of both Akhnaton and Nabonidus.

  6. The government was at first a government of numerous kings; they became loosely feudal under an emperor, as the Egyptians did; and then later, as with the Egyptians, came a centralizing empire.

  7. States so unlike one another as Maine and Louisiana and California cannot be held together by the stiff bonds of a centralizing government.

  8. And the strength of this centralizing tendency was further enhanced by the military character of the government which was necessitated by perpetual frontier warfare against the barbarians.

  9. But, in the absence of a representative system, the centralizing tendency inseparable from the position of such a government proved to be irresistible.

  10. Without the Town-Meeting, or its equivalent in some form or other, the Federal Union would become ipso facto converted into a centralizing imperial government.

  11. His successor [306] Hideyoshi, who judged the influence of the foreign priests dangerous, was for the moment occupied with the great problem of centralizing the military power, so as to give peace to the country.

  12. His hope was to save the country; and he saw that this could be done only by centralizing all feudal power under one control, and strenuously enforcing law.

  13. To have advanced from this stage of thought to the highly developed conception of a national republic, centralizing the forces of Italy and at the same time giving free play to its local energies, would have been impossible.

  14. In Spain the priest and soldier had so thoroughly exterminated the sceptic, that far from centralizing during the seventeenth century, as England and France had done, her empire was in full decline at the revolution of 1688.

  15. Baruch, and when the President received the blanket authority conferred by the Overman Act, he immediately invested the War Industries Board with the centralizing power which seemed so necessary.

  16. He perceived clearly that it was necessary to carry into the industrial life of the nation that centralizing process which characterized his military policy.

  17. The triumph of Dierick then meant the triumph of the people, the triumph of liberty, the triumph of nationalism as opposed to the centralizing and imperialist ideals of France.

  18. We struck down the centralizing tyrant to the dust; we drove him and his double-faced eagle out from our country; our answer to his impious treachery was the declaration of our independence and his forfeiture of the crown.

  19. There was not one which had not in former times a constitutional life, not one which Austria did not deprive of it by centralizing all power in her own court.

  20. Obviously the great gainers by the events of the momentous year were the representatives of the centralizing principle.

  21. In Central Europe, as elsewhere, notably in France, the civil lawyers were always on the side of the centralizing power, alike against the local jurisdictions and against the peasantry.

  22. But the effective centralizing principle was not represented by the Emperor, for he stood for what was after all largely a sham centralism, because it was a centralism on a scale for which the Germanic world was not ripe.

  23. There is a great centralizing movement going on, since the large shop undersells and suppresses the smaller one, and combinations unite many great shops under one management.

  24. The gain from centralizing the manufacturing process comes in part from the increased size of the particular establishments; but that requires that every part of the plants, land included, should be increased.

  25. In other words, the centralizing and leveling effects of competition are approximated but never completely realized in actual life.

  26. In civil administration, the king persevered in the work of centralizing the various departments.

  27. If this centralizing power is destroyed then the natural distribution would be undisturbed, and these, so-called, panics would be unknown.

  28. There is a centralizing draft that threatens and then finally absorbs the smaller fortunes into one colossal financial power.

  29. The political economists can assign as reasons some peculiar conditions prevailing in each of these periods, but the wisest have never gone deep enough to discover the general cause; this constant centralizing draft of usury.

  30. The real and constant cause of our recurring financial disasters is this centralizing usury that directly opposes the distribution of wealth that is natural, when the producers of wealth are permitted to receive and enjoy it.

  31. While usury remains, which is an ever active centralizing force adding wealth to wealth, no remedy can be found.

  32. There is no escaping from this centralizing draft upon all resources, when the system of interest-taking is as general as now.

  33. This centralizing draft is constant, though not always equally apparent.

  34. The farmer, the most independent of men, in his own home, free from personal debt, yet must contribute to this centralizing by paying interest on bonds in every shipment of produce, and every mile of railroad travel.

  35. The first effect of machinery is to give a new and powerful impulse to the centralizing tendency in industry.

  36. Whether the science of the future may not supply some decentralizing agency, which shall reverse the centralizing force of modern industry, is not a wholly frivolous speculation to suggest.

  37. But though it has been calculated that about one-third of English commerce is now in the hands of joint stock companies, this by no means exhausts the significance of the centralizing force in capital.

  38. If Jefferson did not advise nullification, he informed the States of their inalienable rights, and counselled them to resist the centralizing tendency of the Federal Government before it was too late.

  39. Municipalities and groups of merchants (especially the consulados) did something, but were hampered by the centralizing spirit of the government.

  40. There began to be a certain uniformity in the organization of royal towns in the thirteenth century, and in the fourteenth it became more marked under the influence of the centralizing policy of Pedro IV.

  41. The same centralizing policy of the monks of Cluny and the great popes of the era was employed to bring the Castilian church into uniformity with that of Rome in matters of doctrine and rite.

  42. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "centralizing" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.