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Example sentences for "centrals"

Lexicographically close words:
centralization; centralize; centralized; centralizing; centrally; centre; centreboard; centred; centrepiece; centres
  1. These radial spines are unequal in length and are spreading from their bases, while the centrals are stouter, the lowest two inches or so long, all thorns having bulbous bases and a tannish brown color scheme, toning off to gray.

  2. The radials are of a white cast toning into brown at the tips, the stout centrals dark brown and curving upwards.

  3. The radials are less than an inch long and flattened, the centrals grow to two inches in length, one very stout and strongly flattened, resembling a dagger and with a white body.

  4. The radials are purplish, the centrals gray or tan.

  5. There are also from nine to twelve radial spines one and one-half inches long, while the three or four centrals are larger and stouter than the others, about two and one-half inches long.

  6. There are eleven to thirteen radial spines with one to three centrals whose bases are yellow and bulbous.

  7. The centrals are yellow-brown changing to red-brown in older thorns.

  8. Both radials and the longer centrals are pinkish to brownish gray and have bulbous bases which spread at the roots.

  9. All of these centrals are golden-yellow suffused with pink at their bases.

  10. The centrals are from three to five inches long.

  11. The thorns are mostly of two kinds, centrals and radials, growing from less than half an inch to three inches long.

  12. There are four centrals in the spine groups.

  13. Forty-two large sugar centrals are in operation in Oriente at the present time, with a marked increase each year.

  14. If they are willing to work, the owners of the centrals or factories will gladly secure them the land and tide them over the first crop.

  15. The Food Centrals held it and gave it directly to the bakers, who meanwhile had been licensed to act as distributors of bread.

  16. The several governments empowered their Food Commissions and Centrals to establish shortcuts from farm to kitchen that were entirely in the hands of the authorities.

  17. About the same time I was able to ascertain that in the rural districts of Germany little economy of any sort was being practised so far, though the establishing by the government of Fodder Centrals was warning enough.

  18. From the total was then subtracted what the establishment of the farmer would need, and the rest had to be turned over to the Food Centrals at fixed dates.

  19. Little need be said of the German purchasing centrals in Austria and Hungary.

  20. Feed Commissions and Fodder Centrals were established, and after that the farmer had to show cause why he should get the amount of feed he asked for.

  21. Industrial combines, trusts, and centrals function under the jurisdiction of industrial ministries, of which there were eleven at the end of 1971 (see ch.

  22. A major task assigned to the centrals is to introduce specialization of production.

  23. The centrals were created in an attempt to improve the organizational structure of industry, reduce control by the ministries and other central government agencies, and provide greater flexibility, in order to increase industrial efficiency.

  24. Neither the organizational forms of the centrals nor their authority and responsibility vis-a-vis the enterprises and ministries have been clearly defined or legally established.

  25. Centrals down and across, show a wide, wide, long river.

  26. Read from left to right and right to left, the centrals show two famous novelists.

  27. You'll give the Centrals the name of not being able to stand defeat.

  28. And some one else run and see if he can find out where the Centrals are hiding.

  29. Don't let the Centrals score anything on us in this inning.

  30. The Centrals will keep their own jerseys and wear the G.

  31. Captain Ted had to play the Centrals on Saturday, and he wanted to view their style.

  32. If the Centrals are here yet, why don't they come out of the crowd and receive us?

  33. He meant to show the bumptious Centrals a thing or two.

  34. But I don't want any funny line of talk steered over to the Centrals to-day.

  35. You Centrals are the real ball players of the town---that's the only answer.

  36. This will get the Centrals nervous before they start, if they see any of our work," laughed one of Hi's players.

  37. Centrals will get me rattled with that bang-ow-ow!

  38. Chapter VII TED TEALL FACES THE STORM The game had gone into the third inning, with the Centrals retired from the bat and the Souths now in from the field.

  39. They did the same in the third and the fourth innings, meantime preventing Prescott's fellows from scoring again, though in the fourth inning Prescott saw the bases full with Centrals just before the third man was struck out.

  40. The Centrals haven't got rattled and skulked, have they?

  41. Centrals read downward spell the name of a celebrated battle.

  42. Centrals of diamonds read across spell the name of a savage beast.

  43. Even three centrals may occur in the same vertical plane; but more usually the three or four centrals are arranged about a center and are widely divergent.

  44. Occasionally one of the centrals is wanting.

  45. It should be said that the fruit and seed characters given above were taken front a specimen whose few radials and no centrals would undoubtedly refer it to impexicoma.

  46. The tubercles are so close together that the plant appears thickly covered with the unusually stout and erect-spreading straight spines, a few of the centrals being specially prominent.

  47. Centrals read downward spell the name of a partly civilized people.

  48. Centrals read downward spell the name of a monster of the Northern seas.

  49. The Centrals ain't any better stuff than the Souths," observed one of the Norths slightingly.

  50. Many of the North Grammar boys came from rather well-to-do families, and not a few of these boys considered themselves infinitely superior to the class of boys that helped to make up the Centrals and Souths.

  51. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "centrals" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.